destiny 10

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"Are you sure you don't want to come with us today?"

Raising his head, Sky was greeted by the sight of Dion giving the person across from his desk a curious stare. The assistant professor glanced to his side, following his older friend's gaze, and saw JP make an apologetic smile.

"I get that the bar is far from your apartment," Dion continued. Since this morning, he had been nagging JP to go with them for a drink after work. Although their junior colleague had already declined the invitation earlier, it seemed like the older professor had yet to give up. "But wouldn't it be okay since Sky is coming along with us? He can just drop you home again."

At the mention of his name, Sky glowered at his friend. He had no problem driving the young instructor to his apartment, but first of all, he didn't even remember agreeing to join them at the bar.

Why are you just assuming things and deciding everything for me? He internally complained as he kept sending his friend a dirty look, hoping that he would get the message.

Unfortunately, Dion paid him no mind because his eyes were all on JP. It was Angela who noticed Sky's expression and shook her head. A stifled smile graced her dark pink lips, a sign that she might be entertained by her officemates' interactions.

The Philosophy instructor let out a low, awkward laugh, snatching Sky's attention back to him. "Please don't make it sound like Mr. De Vera is my personal driver or my babysitter."

Diverting his dissatisfaction to the person next to his table, Sky said, "I seem to remember you grumbling about the fact that I don't call you JP, but here you are still calling Mr. De Vera instead of Sky."

A hush fell over their work area, and his remark gained different reactions from his three desk neighbors.

Dion finally regarded Sky. He furrowed his brow, showing his confusion. His face was an open book, and anyone could read his need to ask what was going on between the pair of younger men. Feeling a little vindictive, Sky ignored him.

JP's wide eyes rushed to the assistant professor. He opened his mouth as if to argue, stopped, and pressed his lips in a tight line. Without saying a word, he faced his table back.

And lastly, there was Angela.

Well, Angela munched on her cracker while looking back and forth between JP and Sky, examining her junior colleagues like she was trying to decide what fingernail design she would like to try on next time. She didn't take her gaze off the two younger men, even as she picked up her tumbler to take a drink. The smile on her face became bigger when her eyes met Sky's.

She shrugged before addressing the paperwork on her desk and bursting into a song. "And I don't wanna fight this war. Bullets coming off our lips. But we stick to our guns, and we love like battleships. Like battleships."

All three men simultaneously turned to the female professor. Dion gawked, looking her up and down as though she had metamorphosed into a strange creature from another planet.

Oblivious to their old friend's astonishment, Angela bobbed her head in sync with her chanting a series of "Boom, boo-boom, boom."

Her vocal type was as equally beautiful as her face; Sky would give her that. But he found it hard to fully appreciate it right now when he suspected that the woman was trying to convey a certain nuance with the lyrics.

The female professor started to hum, dialing her singing down, and Dion took the chance to interrupt. "What are you suddenly crying about, Angela?"

Unbothered by the snark, she answered brightly, "Oh, sorry. The lyrics suddenly played in my head, and I just wanted to sing it. I like that song, you know. Battleships by Daughtry. It reminds me of married couples having arguments."

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