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It had been more than a month since they had yielded to what the red strings had planned for them, more than a month since he had started going out and living together with the future boss of SDV University.

During the first week that they had been dating, Sky had already brought him to the De Vera residence. JP had not been fully prepared then, as he had never imagined that his lover would be that keen on introducing him to his family.

It would be a lie to say that he had not been apprehensive of the negative prospects. Considering he was the first man with whom Sky had been in a relationship, the Philosophy instructor could not help but be afraid he would be met with disapproval. What if his boyfriend's parents thought that his sudden change of preference was a horrible idea and that JP was a bad influence on him? What if his grandmother judged that he was someone stringing her grandson along because of his status? What if Sky's siblings could never accept him for their oldest brother because he was not normal? What if the De Vera family decided there was no way their love would work out until the end?

Those questions had kept playing through his head before the dreaded meet-up. And even when he was already sitting with the family at their dining table, all he had been able to do was brace himself for the scorn from any member. He had waited for the classic line, 'You and our son are ill-fitted for each other. How much do you need to stay away from him?'

Yet, the dinner had ended with JP receiving only harmless questions about him and fun stories about his lover from Sky's mother and grandmother. On the other hand, the father had casually told and asked him things related to the work at the university, while Sky's younger brother and sisters had quietly observed him the whole time. When he smiled and gave his thanks to Rain after accepting the dessert that she had offered, the young De Vera girl blushed and muttered shyly, "You're welcome."

It was then that Cloud had commented, "You can't have a crush on Mr. JP, Rain. Older brother is going to be jealous."

As he had observed the family laugh at the young lad's comment, JP had fully understood why Sky had never had any regrets about choosing these people over his own blood relatives. It must have been the same warm welcome that had given Sky the realization that he had finally found the place where he belonged. And as for JP, they made him feel like he was not different from them at all. Through the short period that they had spent with each other, the De Vera family treated him as if he were already one of them.

"I haven't seen my son give off this relaxed vibe in a long time, and I assume I have you to thank for having him mellowed out a bit. It's great to see him enjoying the sweetness of his romance once again, so anyone who can make him this happy one hundred percent gets my approval to love him," Gemma De Vera had told JP when the young instructor had gotten the chance to ask if they were not concerned that Sky was dating a man like him. "I can tell that you're a very kind person, dear, so I know I have nothing to worry about."

A longing for that kind of devotion rose in JP's chest once he recalled the older woman's statements. How he wished he had a mother who could tell him such kind words too. How he wished his own family had been as accepting.

JP made a weak smile, remembering the only person who had ever shown him affection growing up. He missed his granny so much. If only she were still here, he could have at least her to show off as his family too.

Glancing at his lover in the car, he asked, "Do you think I'm a terrible son for not being thrilled to see or talk to my parents again? Doesn't it make you feel disappointed that I can't even bring myself to introduce them to you?"

Sky stopped the car at the supermarket's parking area and sent a gentle look in JP's direction.

"No, you're not a bad person for wanting to protect your peace," he answered in a compassionate tone, "I'm aware that you've already tolerated a lot of horrible treatment from them since you were a kid. If you think you have to thank them for bringing you into this world, then you've done more than enough by putting up with them. I know I am not in a position to say this because they're not my parents, but JP, you don't owe them any more than that. If anything, they owe you a lot."

The assistant professor reached for his younger lover's hand to kiss the back of it. Warmth enfolded JP's whole being as he watched Sky show his adoration for him with simple gestures. It might be true that they had lost the game against fate, but the prize was worth it. After all, having each other was already a big win for both of them.

Entwining their fingers, Sky continued, "And of course I'm not disappointed. Forget about how I feel about it. What you feel is more important. So if you're not prepared to face them now or even in the future and you choose to cut all your attachments to your parents, it's totally valid. Choosing yourself over those people who have never shown you any compassion doesn't make you an awful son. It only means you're ready to move on, leave those dreadful things behind, and that's perfectly fine."

The two educators stayed in the car for a couple more minutes, sharing loving gazes, before getting out.

They had just reached the front of the supermarket when JP caught sight of a familiar pair of teenagers exiting through the opposite door with shopping and grocery bags in their hands.

"Aren't they your brother's classmates?" JP asked absentmindedly, eyeing the duo. On a closer look, he had to agree with Cloud's comment before that they were a carbon copy of each other.

Sky turned his head to the side. "You're right, and that young lady is his soul mate."

The twins passed by the couple, causing the latter pair to overhear a bit of their conversation.

"Really, Poll, why did you get so many candies and snacks? Are you a child?"

"I'm still young, and children are not the only ones who have the right to eat lots of snacks. I paid for them with my own money and am carrying them, so why are you complaining?"

JP kept watching their retreating backs, his brow arching in intrigue as another curious scene grabbed his attention. The male twin had just brushed shoulders with a lad who appeared like the leading man in a bad-boy-good-girl story. Typical day-to-day happening; the two young men didn't even bother to spare each other a glance as they continued to walk in opposite directions.

The Philosophy instructor smirked. It would be really interesting to see these lads' reactions if they knew they just had a brief encounter with their soul mate.

"Sorry for getting you to accompany me and Lia here, Eujae. Your uncle is really busy this weekend, so he could not go with us."

"It's no trouble at all, Auntie Ada. I have nothing else to do today, and I was already planning to buy the cook book I saw here anyway," the young man said, his mouth curving up into a boyish smirk, and went into the supermarket building with his two female companions.

Once they disappeared to the entrance, JP turned to his boyfriend. He and Sky exchanged amused looks and silent chuckles as the young instructor figured that they must be thinking the same thing.

Their ability to see the red string of fate might have given them a lot of troubles in the past, but in times like these, they did take in the enjoyment of being able to have a little peek into people's future romance.

While staring at each other, Sky found JP's fingers once more. The pair of soul mates entered the building, hand-in-hand, their red thread glimmering under the daylight.

»»————- 𝒆𝒏𝒅 ————-««

»»————- 𝒆𝒏𝒅 ————-««

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