C̴̙͐͜ͅh̴͕̥̃̈a̴̡̲̲͕͐̈́̇p̸̧̥̅t̷̮̿e̶̛̱̬͓̐͆͝r̵̦̻͖̓ ̵̩̀̾̃1̴̩̾̌̚

7 0 0

Trigger Warning(s): Kidnapping, Drugging, Implied Hallucinations, Traumatic Medical Situation(s), Implied Manipulation, Implied Child Abuse, Implied Torture, Human Experimentation, II Dottore, Generally Dark Topics, Momentary assumption of SH, Implied Sadistic Actions

  You were in your room, peacefully listening to music when you fall deep into slumber. You wake up in an unknown area and look around to see a blurry figure, You notice he's holding a syringe filled with a mysterious liquid. You also notice you're still in bed , so you instinctively cover yourself with the blanket to hide from this intimidating, mysterious figure. 

"No need to worry dear, this is just a bit of medicine for your sickness it won't hurt." Feeling a bit safer after the mysterious figure spoke, you look out of the blanket to see someone in a mask. He looks familiar but you can't seem to remember his name. It’s at the forefront of your mind, but you can’t seem to focus enough to recognize him just yet. You conclude that the best course of action is to follow along quietly

After being injected with.. Whatever that was, your body feels as though it’s been weighed down. Sluggishly, you cover yourself back with the blanket. As you’re about to pass out, you feel the so-called "medicine" spreading throughout your body. It burns... and.. are your ears ringing? No, someone is talking. 

"Are you sure you can keep them controlled?" The mysterious voice - which you also partially recognized and hoped wouldn’t stay mysterious for long - spoke.

"Yes, as long as they continue to take this formula then I will be able to control them. They’ve been very… cooperative. No need to worry, Pantalone." Right, Pantalone.... It seems your hopes were fruitful because you remember now, their names... Pantalone; 9th of the 11 Fatui Harbingers, and Il Dottore; 2nd of the 11 Fatui Harbingers. You were always careful not to be involved with them, but what was disturbing you the most was the fact that were you being experimented on. All your childhood you were left out, ignored, and you always felt..... Alone. You peek out of the door and catch the attention of the two Harbingers. 

"Hello there, what might your name be?" Pantalone asks sweetly. His words smell like honey. 

"I don't… have one" You reply, your expression empty.

"Hmmm. How about [Y/N]? It seems like a fitting name for you...." He trails off, seemingly wondering if that is the best name for you.

"It sounds really pretty... Thank you" You say as you come out of the room, no longer leaning through the doorway. II Dottore - who you started referring to as simply “Dottore” - and Pantalone takes notice of the reddish lines trailing in partial crisscross patterns down your legs. 

"Say... Dottore were those cuts there when you took them?" Pantalone questioned, as though concerned.

"No... Dear, what happened to your legs?" Having no idea yourself, you decide to lie about it.

"I scratched them on the bed while I was trying to get down..." They both nod, though it’s clear to everyone present that it was a lie. 

"I must go now; I have some business to do somewhere. I bid you farewell, [Name]!" Pantalone chimed enthusiastically

"Bye-bye." You reply. You stare blankly at Dottore who is watching Pantalone leave the lab with a calculating gaze.

"Dear, go to your room I left some clothes in your drawer and there are some drawing materials that you can use." He said softly, gesturing for you to go.

"Okay." You hurried off to your room which had been furnished with stuffed toys, coloring materials, and others items intended for you to use to your heart’s desire. After several moments of looking at the table of drawing supplies, you sit down and pull out some of the colored pencils, sketching a mountain with trees and animals on the paper, childishly adding the common, neon-green grass and dandelion-yellow “corner sun” to it.

You noticed a window on your bedside and chose to look out, curious about your surroundings. It was snowing harshly, and you watched it patter against the window, the drops racing to reach the windowsill on the outside. The scenery outside of the window was mysterious, with trees crowded together and the view darkened by the lack of sunlight.

"I wish I could find out why I've been brought here..." You murmured to yourself, noticing a flicker in the corner of your eye. Staring in the general direction, it only took a few moments for the movement to begin again, and an even shorter amount of time for you to realize it was your shadow. 

"Hello," It - Did shadows have genders? You would question it later, when you had the time - said. "You've been taken by Dottore because you have an unusual ability that allows you to wish for whatever you want... but you have a limited amount of wishes. This.. "medicine" that Dottore injected you with increases the number of wishes you possess.” It informed you calmly.

"If that’s true then… How do I know how many wishes I have left?” You questioned.

”Simply look at your hand.” It replied easily.

It didn’t take a lot of searching to find what you were looking for, the number “20” placed elegantly at the pulse point on your wrist.

”Interesting,” You hummed in an intrigued manner. “So how long will you be here?”

”As long as you live.” Your shadow said quickly. “I’ll be with you until the day you die. Which reminds me… Ah, never mind. I’ll tell you some other time.”

Although you were irritated by this being’s sudden switch of topic, you tried your best to be mature about it.. Which meant keeping those offended thoughts to yourself. Why did that have to be so hard to do? You took a careful breath in to calm the slight frustration, deciding what to ask next.

”I have.. a few more questions.. So I’ll go ahead and ask. Where did those cuts on my legs really come from?” You began, waiting for its answer, which was as quick as before.

”The medication. It was far too high of a dosage for you, which manifested itself in old wounds reopening.”

”Alright then,” You responded, remembering your tendency to scratch your legs on sharp bush branches by accident. “Next question. What should I refer to you as? I can't just keep calling you- "

"An 'it'?" It interrupted.

"..Um, yeah. How did you know that?" You inquired carefully.

"We're two parts of one being, I just know more than you do. So, you can consider me a male, consider me without gender, or refer to me by my name - which I suppose is Shadow -, since either of those is accurate. Basically, I am what you are. Continuing on, since we're the same being, I can essentially read your mind."

".. Huh? Read.. Read my mind?"

Shadow seemed confused.

"Of course I can. I just explained it to you. Is there something wrong with that?" They prompted.

"Huh? No, I was just surprised! .. and I wanted to know if you could play with me.." You muttered.

Shadow surprised you with a quick "Sure!" and led you over to the pile of stuffed animals.

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             M̵̙͓̩͗y̷̘̥̯̐ ̸͉̞͒̏̈́d̸̠̲͑̂e̵̫̤̺͝͝a̵͚̎́̎ͅr̵̢̫̲̀̒”                                     -???

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