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You had to go to Mondstadt for your first mission which was just some simple debt collecting. Some lower-ranked diplomats were there yet they hadn't gotten the job finished. It annoyed you since they were under your command. You had just arrived and many of the people there had frozen in fear at the sight of the 'new' Harbinger. "[name]!~" A voice, which was partially unknown to you, said. You turned to the owner of the voice to see the same bard that had greeted you when you had first arrived. "Venti..." You couldn't bare to see him. It hurt you to see him because the Harbinger that had the same ranking as you now had... hurt Venti after she had taken his Gnosis. "Aww. Don't be sad [name]! It wasn't you that had done it!" You felt at ease after he said that... It seemed like he read your mind. "Thanks... Angel's Share?" "Hehe... If you want!" 

You two entered Angel's Share, you didn't dare look not even glance at anything else other than the counter. You were scared that, since it was Diluc's shift, Diluc may kill or poison you. You went to the second floor letting Venti order drinks for you two. You had to go back down to pay for the wine but you didn't lock eyes with Diluc. "Here's the payment..." You mumble passing over a pouch of mora. Venti took the drinks and went upstairs to the table you had taken only to see a certain captain already there. You sigh knowing that the mora you had taken with you would be spent up all this night. Sadly you looked at him in his eyes which told you that there was no escape. "Venti... Don't tell me you just greeted me to make me pay for your drinks..." You growled "Ehe..." You resisted the urge to kick him just as Signora did. "Just make sure that you'll pay me back..." You sigh heading to the table that had one seat taken by the Cavalry Captain.

"Oh? You just arrived and you're already ignoring me" Kaeya said supporting his head in the palm of his hand. "Stress and work and... Venti." 

"Hey! I saved you from being attacked!" You glare at him which gladly made him quiet. "Do whatever you want Kae... I'm just tired after so much paperwork..." You take a sip from your glass and lay back massaging your temple. You felt a weight on your lap and saw that Venti had already made himself comfortable. "Can you not?-" "You took the last seat" Venti stuck out his tongue and continued conversing with Kaeya. You felt a bit uncomfortable but just let him stay there as your payment for letting him save you a while ago. "Venti..." You tried to get his attention to find out that he had fallen asleep. He also drank your drink which told you that you had to get another one. You slowly lifted him and placed him back on the chair to go and get another drink. 

"A glass of Dandelion wine please." You say checking your pockets to see if there was another pouch of mora that you kept secret. "So... from what I heard you became the 8th Harbinger no?" "Yeah... It's tiring... mostly paperwork..." "You're lucky you're one of my close friends. Or else you would have had your limbs cut off already." You froze in fear but you saw Diluc's face that was amused at your reaction. "Hey!" You say pouting that he teased you. "Here's your wine. It's on the house." "This better not be my last drink before you kill me."

You only go upstairs to see both males have fallen asleep. You quickly finish the drink and wipe off any that had stained on the sides of your mouth. You tried poking them lightly to see if any reactions would come out of them but no... they are deep in sleep. You tiredly go back down to ask for a few glasses of water that Diluc had already prepared. "Both of them?" "Mhm..." You thank him for the glasses and splash the two sleeping males to wake them up. It worked on Kaeya but not so much on Venti, you shook him quite violently to wake him up. "Mhhh. just a bit longer..." "Ven... time to go." At the sound of your nickname for him, he sat up and looked at you with glee. "Sorry, what did you call me?" You sigh knowing that your plan had worked but now you have to deal with him and your new nickname for him. "Ven... Let's go. I'm tired and you finished my glass without me knowing." You growled and without waiting for his answer you picked him up and put him on your shoulder. 

After you had exited Angel's Share you put Venti back down. And you had scolded him like how a mother scolds their child after they had broken something. "Ven... I really don't want to get any more migraines so please... behave for a while?" You say cupping his squishy cheeks. "okay..." He says which was sort of muffled because you were still squishing his cheeks. "Good" You smile and let go of his cheeks. "I'll get going now. I'm going to book at an inn." "Bye~" 

You walk in the direction of the inn you usually stay at. 'No. Don't head there.' 'Stay at the Dawn Winery.' 'It's safer with him.' 'You could mess something up.' You held your head with pain. "Please just shut up." 'Go back.' 'Stay with one of the brothers.' "I'm not their therapist." You growl having to head to the Dawn winery. 

What are these voices you ask? Let me explain, you had stopped using your gift of "wishes" and it triggered the "stars" that watched over Teyvat for many centuries. They had started to "help guide you" to the thing that you have yearned for ever since you woke up. Most of the time they pissed you off by talking oh so loudly and giving you frequent migraines. But sometimes they lead you away from danger and into safety which was usually where Diluc, Kaeya or Cope was. You were walking in the dark back to the Dawn Winery. The place was very familiar to you as if it was one of your homes... It was since when you were younger, Dottore always left you in one of his agent's hands and then they let you do whatever you want since they were scared of you. You would always sneak off to the Dawn Winery and play with Diluc and Kaeya. You three were very close friends and still are. 

You knocked on the door to see Adeline answer it. "Oh! Master [name]! It is nice seeing you here again." She said welcoming you in. "Haha... Good to see you too Adeline. Please do just call me [name]." "Please. Do come in, I will have a room prepared for you." "Thank you... Is Diluc here?" "Yes, He is in his room at the moment." "Thank you once again." You head to the place that you remembered was his room. You knocked on the door to hear him say. "Come in." You opened the door to see a surprised Diluc who was still in his chair. "Surprise? The voices told me to stay here if you wanted to know." He stood up and hugged you. "They gave you another migraine?" "Mhm..." He let both of you stay in that position for a bit longer and carried you to his bed. "Luc!" You say surprised at what he did. He put you down and laid beside you. "Don't you miss me sleeping beside you?" He wrapped an arm around your waist with an iron grip. "Luc... Please can I just change into comfortable clothes first?" You felt him bury his head in your neck and you just accepted your fate. 

You didn't realize you had fallen asleep and woke up to still be in his grasp. "Luc~" You call, as you felt him remove his head from your neck. "Someone's in a good mood." He says giving you a soft peck on your cheeks. "I felt warm despite it being so cold outside."

"Don't you have an Anemo vision?"

"I rarely use it. I depend on my natural strength alone." You say proud of yourself. Diluc puts one of his hands over your eyes and makes you stand up. "Luc?"

"Just follow me." You hesitantly do as he says and you end up in what you think is another room. Diluc removes his hand from your eyes and holds you in place.

It took you a few seconds to realize what just happened. Until you remembered, this was the room you, Kaeya, and Diluc shared when you were younger.

"What's all this for hmm?"

"To refresh your memory..." You started laughing as you remember being in the middle of the two of them who were fighting about who gets to take you all to themselves.

"Oh my... I remember how you and Kae would randomly start giving me kisses on my cheeks to tease the other." You were still laughing when you felt Diluc let go of you.


"Mhh?" You reply after you had looked around the room. You saw him holding a small box covered in velvet fabric. "L-luc?!"

"[name]... I know you already like someone but I still can't get my mind off of you... It's okay if you refuse I just wanted to get this burden off my chest..." He slowly opened the box to reveal a ring with a pretty gem that you did not recognize.

"Luc... If you were thinking that I would reject one of my childhood crushes you'd definitely be wrong." You noticed his face became tinted with a reddish-pink colour. You walk up to him and he puts the ring on your finger.

"Hmm..." You think of a way to tease him. "[name] Ragnvindr sounds very nice... Doesn't it?" You say placing a kiss on his cheek. And you left the room and Diluc was speechless. 

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