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Here's a little back into the past for the plot's sake :]

You and Shota were walking around Sneznhaya wearing warm coats. Since Shota wasn't ready for your walk you lent him yours which was a bit big on him. 

A fatui agent saw the two of you, knowing that you are "related" to The 2nd Fatui Harbinger but he didn't recognize Shota.

The agent walks up to you two. "Who are you and what business do you have with Sir [name]?"

The agent says to Shota. "He's my boyfriend. I'm just showing him around Sneznhaya. Did you not recognize it when you saw us holding hands?" You answered for Shota with a darkening glare to the agent, as they kneeled down due to your status.

"I-i apologize Sir. I didn't notice it immediately."

"You are dismissed" He then leaves and goes back to his post.

"Haru... You didn't have to scare him like that..." Shota said with a caress to your cheek, giving me the spot he caressed a kiss

"He needed to know his place" You growl softly. Shota kisses your cheek again.

You continue your walk around Snezhnaya. 

You two arrive at the mansion. You bring him to your room.


"Hmm?" You ask while sketching him on a canvas.

"I'm kind of hungry..."

"Okay come with me what do you want to eat?"

"Your speciality!"

You laugh. "Alright come on then." He puts his arms out and does so innocently "grabby-hands" asking for you to carry him.

"You can stand on your own. right?" "mhhh no. I want you to carry me." "Why are you so stubborn"
"Says the one that influenced me to do so"

After you cook him some snacks, Dottore comes out of his lab. "Who's this?" Dottore asks.

"He's the boy I met in Sumeru one that confessed to me."

"You can keep him as long as he doesn't interrupt my experiments."

"Okay." You say happily that he let you keep Shota here.

You go outside to teach him how to draw snow on different objects. while he was practising you make a big snowball and throw it to the back of his head. He looks back at you with you throwing yet another snowball. He puts down his pencil and sketchpad and makes a snowball to throw at you.

You continue this cycle of making a snowball and throwing it at each other until one of the snowballs hit the 11th Harbinger. "Ah! sorry, Childe..." You say as you get out of your hiding spot. Tartaglia then kneels and scoops a bit of snow and throws it in your way. You swiftly dodge it not expecting to be hit by Shota's snowball.

"Nice throw!" Tartaglia says to Shota only for him to be met with a snowball in his face. They continue their fight on who can throw the most snowballs at once.

You quietly sneak up on Shota, Tartaglia then sees your plan and play along.

He throws another snowball to distract Shota as you grab him by his waist. He jumps in surprise causing you two to fall on the snow. "Let go!!!!" Shota shouts making you lose your grasp and try to massage the inner parts of your ear.

"No need to shout"

"You do know your grip is very harsh on my tiny body."

"No wonder you can easily use a claymore like a sword," Tartaglia states making you frown.

"At least I'm not the one that fell into the Abyss-" Tartaglia cuts you off by throwing a snowball to your face. "Ouch..."

"Don't talk about that in front of others..."

"Sorry-" You stand up carrying Shota as if he were a small child.

"Put me down," He says glaring at you, ignoring it you walk away going into your house after bidding farewell to Tartaglia

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