♡ Chapter 17

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Until, you were awoken by a tap on your face - more like a literal jab to the cheek.

Surprisingly, the owner of said finger who jabbed you in the cheek (you felt the urge to bite if off until you saw who it was), was Dottore. He had let you know that you had a mission sent by the Lady Tsaritsa back in Mondstadt. And i quote, Dottore reminded; "No sex until after the mission".

(3rd person/Narrator POV)

W:Heavy smut, deep throating, belly bulge, semi-public sex, drunk sex

Once [name] got back to Mondstat he suddenly got a random craving for a drink. A glass of wine could satisfy [name], so he decided to go to the Angel's share to satisfy his cravings, and maybe also to meet his husband again.

When [name] finally arrived to Angel's Share he was dejected when he didn't see his husband serving instead it was someone else.

"Where's Diluc?" [name] asked and the man who was serving drinks sighed and said "He's busy" [name] just sighed in a low-spirited way as he ordered the man for a drink.

[name] kept swuggling and guzzling down till he passed out on the counter. Minutes after [name] passed out from drinking too much, it was time to switch places, meaning it was Diluc's turn to serve.

The red-headed man saw the drunken male and sighed. As soon as Diluc was about to go behind the counter, [name] suddenly grabbed Diluc's wrist.

Diluc was caught off-guard as [name] grabbed him by the wrists. Diluc looked annoyed but he knew that [name] was very drunk. But then, without notice, [name] pushed the red-haired man on the chair and sat on top of him.

"Where have you been..." [name] said in a soft but annoyed tone. "I was busy, now I'm tired." Diluc said as he kept his distance between [name] but the [h/c]ette grabbed the red-head's collar and pulled him closer towards his face, their faces are now mere inches apart, they could feel each other breathes now.

Diluc had a mixed expression of being nervous and annoyed. Without warning, [name] pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Diluc wasn't prepared for that so it gave [name] the advantage to explore his tongue inside Diluc's mouth.

Diluc looked annoyed and decided to 'punish' [name], so Diluc returned the passionate kiss back to [name] but Diluc's was more dominant and rough. The red-haired thrust his tongue deep inside [name's] mouth. Making the [h/c]ette moans softly into the kiss. Diluc can taste the beer that [name] had drunk.

They both pulled away from the kiss making a string of saliva connecting to their mouths.

"Did you just appear at Mondstat to drink beer and have this make-out session with me? Are you that desperate for my touch?" Diluc smirked but theres a hint of anger and annoyance in his face.

"And what if i did enter Mondstat just to have you touch me?" [name] said as he smirked.

Diluc sighed "Well if thats the case, then let me satisfy your needs." as Diluc spoke those words he immediately slammed [name] onto the table making his lover lay flat on the table, at first he was surprised but [name] chuckled softly feeling the excitement rush over him, waiting to see what his 'old friend' got in store for him. Diluc gave a forcefull spank at [name's] ass making [name] to gasp loudly.

The red-haired grabbed both of [name's] wrists and took out a rope that was stuffed inside his pocket and immediately tied [name's] wrists together.

(wait what the hell? how did diluc have rope in his fucking pockets😭)

Diluc then slowly pulled off [name's] pants along with his underwear, revealing [name's] aching red ass in front of Diluc. The red head's eyes were full of lust but there was a hint of anger inside them.

Diluc went in front of [name's] face and unzipped his own pants in front of [name]. Diluc looked down at [name] and revealed his half-hardened member to [name] and said "Suck it." leaving [name] flabbergasted. Diluc immediately slammed his member deep inside [name's] throat making him gasp and choke on how deep it was.

Having to ignore his gag reflexes, [name] started to suck just as Diluc had ordered. His tongue lavishly wrapping and flicking around Diluc's shaft, earning [name] some soft grunts and moans.

[name] let out some moans of his own while sucking, his throat now sore from the size of the red-head, that he thrust slowly into the [h/c]ette's mouth. [name] could feel himself close, his thighs tightening against each other as his seed spilled over the cold tiled ground. Diluc had followed shortly after, with it spilling all deep into [name].

Lovingly, Diluc held a hand over [name]'s cheek, making him look up. "You did well..." He whispered, letting [name] pull off with a pop sound. Diluc in turn kneeled down, picking up the [h/c]ette and putting him down on the table, gently making him lay down on his stomach.

Diluc - and [name] - had calmed down from their high, and Diluc was now a little calmer than before. Yet Diluc took the chance to go a little rougher than before with [name], due to him being drunk.

A harsh smack was earned by [name] on his ass, causing him to let out a gasp and whimper. Diluc then decided to gently - yet slightly roughly - spread [name's] legs open, to let him easily insert himself into [name's] entrance. But not without prepping him, with gentle fingers, Diluc had to let the [h/c]ette to get used to his size.

After a few seconds of prepping [name], Diluc easily slid his shaft inside [name's] hole, making him let out a soft whine.

Diluc's pace started slow, causing [name] to only let out soft moans, that was until Diluc found the 'sweet spot' that he had needed to find. Immediately thrusting harshly to that spot, [name] let out moans that were most definitely pleasing to Diluc's ears.

Diluc had then dragged them both back to the Dawn Winery, somehow stopping right when [name] was close to his release, and slammed the [h/c]ette to the bed harshly, immediately ripping off the clothes that separated the two.

In a somewhat secret drawer, Diluc pulled out a few BDSM toys, but in particular, a vibrator. It was actually one if [name's] most dreaded, yet favorite toy to use as the 'top' when they did it, but he hated it because of how absolutely sensitive he was when it came to a vibrator.

The cold metal was pressed deep into [name]. Making him squirm a little under Diluc, and due to his annoyance, Diluc pressed a little deeper into [name] ecliting a soft moan out of the [h/c]ette.

The winery owner, with the remote of the vibrator in had, had placed the level of vibrations to the "medium level" although, from [name]'s perspective, it was nothing close to just meduim.

The next day

| A/N: Hello! So i've changed a bit (inspired by a few books i've read) to place a small ♡ at the start of chapters thst included smut, or any suggestive content. That's all, Thank you for reading! |

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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