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TW:Use of Drugs, Mentions of SH, Human experimentation, Il Dottore, Gore, Mention of drugs and substances

no.... no.... no.... NO!-

You sat up in your bed with a fright, you were sweating bullets as your heat rate had increased rapidly. It was a nightmare about your past... your terrible experimented past.

Will the Author be nice and actually explain it? Probably in the least poetic way i guess.

More or less the drugs that Dottore used ever so often to fully supply you with your infamous "wishes" that he used often for supplies... or to kill one of the few patients that escaped or were too ill to be used for experiments anymore.

As his favorite experiment you got the best treatment, a good room, toys and books to use, hell, he even let you try drinking his blood because you had the sudden crave for it even if you never were a vampire.

Of course, your spoils had their limits... such as the time he injected you with an ounce too much of the drug he uses... and it caused you to be out for at least a day.

And do you know who he punished?

You of course! For being so pathetic and weak that just a single ounce of addition of the drug made you pass out longer.

The punishment included a bit of isolation, as in, you were placed in a room that was only one color, the color depended on how angry Dottore was, in this case it was green... so neutral... His scale was based on the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV) with red being the lowest term of anger, and violet being the highest.

You were only 9, and you were quite confused since you had little to no sense of time, and your reading comprehension was one of a literal toddler. With enough time however, he - Zandik - taught you how to read, and how to do math. (He actually just gave you a calculus math text book and left you be.)

To be honest, he saw you as one of his own children... even if you were a menace in ways he absolutely adored, yet others... somewhat disliked. In any way, you made him proud, as in randomly finding a new chemical for him to use by mixing up a bit of your magic and his chemistry, and hey even helping him make one of his clones at the age of 12.

You were his assistant, as proclaimed by his actual fatui given assistants, yet... you felt he only saw you as an experiment to play with, he constantly had to call you platonic terms of endearment to get your full attention such as "my sweet" or "my dear".

You paid no mind to it, returning the "debt" you owed him by helping out and even becoming his personal assassin when things got... a little tough. Many would say, you've been receiving the so-called "prince treatment", which you found absurd since you saw him as your father... that was until you asked Zandik personally about it.

He laughed, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes as you asked your simple little question; "Why do people use the term "prince treatment" when they talk about our relationship? I thought it was only used for relationships outside of the platonic zone?" You had asked with a tilt to your head.

"That term doesn't always apply to sexual relationships, it can also be platonic, or even as friends." He explained with a ruffle to your hair. You still didn't quite understand it... but you felt too shy to ask, and besides, you got headpats your almost favorite thing in the world to receive, especially from Zandik.

You then went off and started to continue playing around a little with the other stuff and chemicals you could find, along with trying to drink up a few blood packets that you hid away from Zandik's grasp and sight.

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