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6 1 3

Well, I would say that the day after Diluc had asked for your hand in marriage was quite unlucky for you. Why you may ask? Well because Venti was the second one to hear about it so he made a song, of course for one of his good friends, and Kaeya heard the said song and he literally interrogated you on what happened. 

"Kae... He just brought me to the room that we used to share and then asked if I could marry him." You could easily tell from his reaction to this that he was jealous. That was until your fiancé came. "Master Diluc... Greetings." Kaeya says clearly upset. 

"Nice to see you too, Sir Kaeya," Diluc replies after you had lightly hit him on his side with your elbow. "So! Luc, Kae, I am going out to do some commissions. It's best that you two don't fight or else I will—"

You got cut off when a lower-ranking diplomat called.

"Lord [name]... Another diplomat had started a-an argument with The Acting Grandmaster... We had tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen to us." You turned to the two brothers and they nodded in reply for you to do your business.

"Did they not get my order that they must not ever try to start an argument with anyone of the Favonius? Lead me to them... They will have a punishment for their doings." The scared diplomat leads you to the male diplomat who was currently shouting at Jean who was covering Klee's ears.

You couldn't understand what they were saying but you knew that it angered Jean.

"Diplomat!" You say walking calmly in their direction. They immediately stopped talking and bowed down in the presence of their leader. "Lord [name]. I- I was just-"

"Did you not get the order that you mustn't start any sort of disagreement with the Favonius?" You turned to Jean who was still covering Klee's ears. "Acting Grandmaster... Please do take her away... Some business that I will do contains a bit of violence so it's best that she doesn't see." Jean nods and gestures to Klee that she follows her.

You look back at the diplomat and put your foot on their head. "Did you not hear me clearly? Or did you not want to follow my orders?" You say putting more force on the diplomat's head.  "My apologies my lord I had forgotten-" "Forgotten?! Just forgotten!? If orders directly from me are that easy to forget then would it be better for you to become a Harbinger!?"

You started putting more and more force on the diplomat but then stopped... Remember that violence isn't always the answer... It's the goddamn question, and the answer is yes, and you immediately slammed their head into the ground – probably breaking their nose. 

You walk away not wanting for your head to hurt anymore. 'good' 'he learned his lesson' 'start doing things like this to your diplomats that don't follow' 

"Be quiet... I need some peace for a few minutes" they then shut up and let you do some commissions in peace. One commission required you to kill a ruin guard that was located in Stormterror's lair.

You felt sad that you had to destroy something that was something you loved experimenting on but you easily did so. 

You walked back to the winey and went to Diluc's room. You just fell onto his bed, not noticing that he was at his desk, and tried to go back to sleep.

"Tired?" Diluc says making you look up at him with surprise. "I thought you were at the tavern." You say sitting up on the bed and stretching your arms. Diluc then goes to you and sits beside you, patting his lap. You gladly take the offer and sit on his lap facing him.

You wrap your arms around his neck and position yourself in a comfortable position. He then caresses your hair and lets you fall asleep in his arms. 

You woke up again in his bed feeling something warm wrap around your waist. You felt him hug you tighter when you started turning over to face him. Sadly he was in the position that he took you in the first night you stayed here so you had no chance of turning over unless he let go.

"Luc..." You called but no reply came.

"Luc." You called again trying to remove his hands on your waist.

"Luc!" You called one final time, finally getting an answer from him.


"Can you please let me face you?" He loosens his grip and lets you turn over to face him. After about an hour or so he gives you a kiss on your forehead and stands up, with you still awake, you hold on to his coat.

"I'm just going to change... If you're hungry just go and ask Adeline."

You also stand up and go down to ask Adeline if you could help cook something. You quickly tie your hair in a messy bun and help Adeline cook some chicken-mushroom skewers and a few pita pockets you learned to cook from Collei.

You take the plates upstairs and place one on Diluc's desk. He looks up from the papers and to the plate. "It's something from Sumeru... A friend of my brother taught me." He then takes one and bites into it. You wait for his reply to it, sitting on the edge of his desk. He only gives you a kiss on your cheek which luckily gives you the idea that he likes it. 

You two finish eating and you get into comfortable clothes, more specifically his clothes, and lay in the bed. Not really waiting for him you drift off into slumber. Slowly but surely getting ready for tomorrow 

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