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You wake up early the next day, you wished Ajax didn't accompany you to Liyue because you planned to leave a day after you arrived. You head out for your trip to Mondstat. You take a horse and a cart to shorten your trip on foot. As soon as you get close to the bridge, someone from the ledge jumps off.

"Hey! What business do you have here in Mondstat?"

"Oh, Author thought you died because you jumped off a bridge. Anyways, I'm a traveler, I heard that there's an Adventurers Guild station here, and I would like to join."

"Oh, sorry I mistook you for a suspicious figure. Please follow me I can show you around! I'm Amber by the way, what's your name?"

"I'm [Name], thank you for the tour but I'd like to get to know this place at my own pace. Sorry"

"It's alright, well I have something to do. Hope to see you around!"

"See you!" You enter Mondstadt and notice a peculiar bard singing, what sounds to be, an archaic song. You get closer to see a young bard, he looks familiar. He notices you and after the crowd leaves, he runs up to hug you.

"Hi! You must be [Name]! The traveler was talking a lot about you."

"You must be Venti. The traveler also told me a lot about you."

You two converse as if old friends catching up, until you both arrived at Angel's share - which was owned by... someone special to you.

He shows you around Mondstadt - again - and when it became dark he brought you to his favorite tavern, Angel's Share.

When you enter he asks for you not to mention that you are involved with the Fatui because the bartender there has had some "issues" with the Fatui.

To put it simply, you had gotten black-out drunk by downing two bottles of fire water - an equivalent of 6 wine bottles - and passed out.

You wake up to realize you got quite drunk last night, and you look around to see where you are.

"Glad to see you're awake" The sudden voice surprises you

"I'm Kaeya, Cavalry Captain of the Knight of Favonius. "

"Alright Kae, enough formalities, i know you just took off with me because you missed me." You replied nonchalantly, a hand over Kaeya's face playfully

"C'mon darling, can't a man tease a bit?" He places a finger under your chin and lifts your face at him. You stick your tongue out playfully. He then pats your head.

"There's already breakfast downstairs, come down when you're ready"

"Thank you~" You go down and eat breakfast after you thank Kaeya for letting you stay and leave so you could check on Katherine.

When you arrive at her station you close the curtains that were placed there and charge her with the materials Sandrone lent you. You leave that area and bump into a child.

"Hi, can you help Klee hide?"

"Klee! Come back, I promised Jean that you would stay at the headquarters!" You hold the child's shoulders to keep her from escaping and watch as Kaeya gets closer.

"Hello [Name], sorry if Klee was a bit of a nuisance to you."

"It's alright, are you perhaps her guardian?" You wiggle your eyebrows playfully at Kaeya, making him rill his eyes back at you.

"Ah. No, I just help look after her. Sorry, but do you mind watching over her, [Name]? Author wanted to have a conversation with me as to how easily I was manipulated :)"

"No, not at all. Just stop bringing up the Author, the fourth wall is hardly standing."

"Thanks. She likes going out so reading books or quiet play... so there's something you can do to keep her quiet"

"Thanks for the advice" Kaeya then leaves you with the small girl, which was his first mistake... Knowing you, you were chaotic and a little harsh as a kid, mostly because you could make literal bombs.

"So, Klee was it? Wanna go and bomb the fishies in the pond I found?"

"Mhm! Mhm!" You then lift her and notice that she's a bit too heavy for someone her age.

"Klee, do you keep your bombs in that backpack?"

"Yep! Big brother Albedo helped me make these!"

" "Big Brother Albedo"? "

"Yeah, he lives in dragonspine"

"Ah... So that's the one Kae has a little crush on..." You whisper to yourself, before bouncing Klee up a little and smiling brightly at her.

"Alright! Let's go visit those fishes, okay?"

You and Klee bomb the lake and you hear some Hillichurls get close to you.

"Klee, stay close to me, there are some Hillichurls"

"Can I bomb them? Can I bomb them?"

"Can I try to defeat a few first? It seems like there are a lot of them"


You look around to see an abyss mage. You easily break its shield and slay - quite literally - all the other Hilichurls because Author gave you superpowers or something. FYI; you were trained at a very young age so a few Hillichirls we're nothing compared to the fatui agents you fought against.

"Awww I wanted to bomb them"

"Sorry I just was in a rush so you won't be hurt"

"Okay..." A strong wind blows, which puts a pretty flower in your hair. Klee notices it - Fuck you venti, i'm sure you did this on purpose.

"[Name] can you please make me some flower crowns?"

"Sure sure, I'll show you how to make some so you can make it yourself" You two then make some flower crowns, and then Kaeya comes.

"I was looking for you two" "Mr Kaeya! Mr Kaeya! Look! [Name] made me some flower crowns!"

"It looks very pretty on you, Klee. Did you bomb anything during the time I irresponsibly left you with a stranger that you've never met?

"We did, but you have to ignore that because it was your fault anyways for leaving us unsupervised. Are you going to pick her up?"

"Yeah, I have to bring her to Albedo"

"Sorry but, CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHO SOMEONE IS BEFORE TELLING ME THEIR NAME" You exclaimed to Kaeya, covering Klee's ears for the sake of your outburst

Kaeya sighed and mentally facepalmed - which you somehow saw - and explained to you who in the Teyvat Albedo was "He's the Head Alchemist for the Knights of Favonious, his lab is up in Dragonspine"

"Oh... so he's the one traveler was talking about" You said, finally calming down.


"Well, the the traveler told me there's an artist and alchemist up in Dragonspine"

You and Kaeya bring Klee to visit Albedo and bring her back. You say farewell to Kaeya and lay in the bed in your room, in the inn that you booked who knows when (The hotel for Fatui was fully booked and Pantalone wanted you to use your own goddamn money 😞)

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