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You go deep into the forest to research the mushrooms and creatures you could find there. While you were sketching an Aranara the bush behind you moves a bit. "Who's there..." You ask. The bush moves again. "Please don't hurt me..."

A shadowy figure comes out of the bush. "BOO" You scream. when you open your eyes you see a close friend of yours. "COPE!! WHY'D YOU DO THAT!!" "Hehe..." "Don't 'hehe' me..." "Sorryyyyyy. I didn't mean to make you mad on your return here"

"Hmph! Well, you just did it" "I'll treat you to some food?" You turn around to face him only for your lips to meet his. "Thank you for the gift~" "YOU BASTARD" He runs away, and you quickly pack your stuff to go and chase after him.

You easily catch up to him using your Anemo vision. He jumps onto one of the trees and gets you to lose sight of him. Knowing his plan you get up onto a different tree and wait for him "Ohhhh I can't find him anymoreeee aww man now I'm lost and I can't find my way backkkk" You whined, using the chance as bait.

He then peeks out of the tree he was hiding in just to see you looking at him. "GODDAMNIT," You giggle, he then goes towards you and sits beside you.

You lay your head on his lap. "Hmm? falling for me again are you?" "Mhhh, no. I just feel really tired" "It's only sunset how could you be tired?" "You do remember my sleep schedule right?" "Yeah, Yeah. Can you show me your ears?" "Fine, but you have to give me food later" "Okay, Would you like for me to braid your hair?" "Okay..." You sit up and show your ears and tail while sitting in Cope's lap. 

"Have you been eating well?"

"You sound like my dad..."

"I just want to know if this journey of yours made you feel homesick or anything"

"No, not really... I met a few people from Mond..."

"Lemme guess... The bard?"

"One of them..." You say rubbing your eyes and relaxing.

"Let's go to Tighnari first.."


"Mhm, He's one of my co-researchers."

"Oh. I see" Cope then lifts you. You feel the warmth of his body. 'Mhhhh. Warm...' 

"Enjoying your position?" He asks as he's gliding close to the town. "Hmm? What do you mean...?"

"You're feeling my chest..."

"I-I was!?"

You two arrive at Tighnari's place. "Tighnari! I'm back!" Cope puts you down for you to stand up on your own, you then lean on Cope closing your eyes wanting to fall asleep. "Tighnari, this is [Name]. [Name] this is Tighnari."

"Hello!" Tighnari says.

You look at him. He feels familiar you think.

"[Original Name]...?" You hear Tighnari say

"Nari...?" You suddenly remember why he was so familiar, he was... Your older brother. You run towards him and hug him very tightly.

"I thought I lost you..." Tighnari says. "Wait. What do you mean 'lost me'?" "Well, you were kidnapped by Il Dottore" "Damn... I thought he just took me from the street." "Watch your language." "Sorry"

"You two know each other?" Cope asks. 

"He's my older brother, Cope"



Tighnari shows you around his house. "Are you coming back to sumeru?" "I don't know..."

"Why not? Weren't you experimented on by Il Dottore?"

"No... He used me to get more supplies for his experiments...."

"I see." after he tours you around. Cope gets the materials he needs for more of his experiments and projects.

"Are you not going to stay here for the night?" "No... Cope promised he'd give me a few of his specialty. Sorry, Nari..."

"It's alright." He sighed. "Just stay safe"  

Cope then brings you to his apartment. "Sorry, it's not much. Most of my projects are scattered everywhere."

"It's okay... Do you mind showing me where I would sleep?"

"You don't want to sleep beside me tonight?"

"No, it's just that I thought you were busy."

"I don't have anything that's needed right now so you can sleep in my bed."

"Alright" You reply stretching.

"I'll go ahead and cook dinner. You can go change into some of my clothes."

"Okay" You enter his room and check his closet. you change into what you think are his pyjamas and go out of the room to eat.

"Are they comfy?" Cope asks while setting up the table.

"Mhm," You say as you go to help him. After dinner Cope says he has a few things to prepare so you go to his room to rest. You lay on the bed remembering what you two used to do when you were younger.

"Do you miss him?" Cope asks as you see him leaning on the doorframe. "Yeah... I do..."

"I do too." He walks up to you and kisses your forehead.

"I don't think he'll believe it when he sees that you're a bottom."

"He's used to being one anyway"

"Are you... Bullying Shota?"

"What no! I'm just stating facts." He laughs, then puts his arm around your waist and pulls you to go and lay down beside him. You both fall into a deep slumber...

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