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You sigh. Paperwork is so tiring... You look at the bed to see Shadow sleeping peacefully twisting and turning every few seconds. You walk over to the bed where she slept and pat her head. You lay down beside her and rest as well getting your head off of the missions and paperwork you have yet to finish.

You wake up once again to a scream that sounded like Shadow. You rush to the lab, not even bothering to change into proper clothing, to see what's happening.

What you saw was a cicin mage electrifying Shadow. You grabbed the hands of the cicin mage and took the device that controlled the collar on Shadow's neck.

"Who ordered you to do this." You ask the circin mage who is now tied up in a chair.

"This has nothing to do with you!" The mage replies receiving a solid slap to the right side of her face.

"I said. Who gave you permission to torture my friend? Or do you not recognise me? Does the name "Accomplice" remind you of anything?" You ask staring at the cicin mage with bloodlust. "S-sir Y/N! I didn't recognise it was you, sir..." She says bowing her head down and completely stammering over her words. "Don't forget to remember my voice and looks next time... If I give you a "next time"."

You laugh quietly while carrying the passed-out Shadow. 

"I never knew you'd resort to violence," A voice says from your door. You turn around to see Pantalone. You considered him your second father because he gave you gifts every time he visited.

"Ah... Did that mage tell you?" You whisper putting Shadow in your bed.

"She frantically told me how you resorted to violence when your closest friend was involved. And how she almost died just by following Dottore's orders."

" Tch. That old man..." You sighed at the fact that he would order one of his assistants to do that for him so he won't get all the blame.

"You shouldn't talk about him that rudely you know? You never know what things he could do to you. Now that you know what happened before."

Shadow then flinches at the sound of a door being shut close. "I'll assume that's Dottore. Think about your actions before doing them, now that you know what happened before I'm sure he will not hesitate to kill you." You nod as he goes away and into the lab that you had just exited.

Shadow woke up and went back to her realm. She couldn't stop saying thank you to you for saving her. "Please, no need to say that... I NEED to protect you you know." "Ha ha very funny. I killed 3 ruin hunters at once." "Yet you can't protect yourself from a cicin mage?" "I was caught off guard okay?" "Yeah yeah. You were "just" caught off guard" she huffs and crosses her arms together. You laugh at her actions and hug her from behind. "I'm soryyyyyyy" She huffs once again. "I'll make you almond tofu." She immediately perks up at your offer. "You'd fall for anything huh?" She sticks her tongue out at you.

You make her some of your speciality, Sweet almond tofu. Shadow happily consumes the food you made her. You watch her smiling that she still enjoys your cooking. "Bro, what happened to ya? Did leave you for too long?" "Heck yes. I missed your company. it's kind of boring in sumeru" "Not my fault" she says mouthful. "You decided to go to your boyfriend and stay for while." "Hey, i was also there for research. I got quite a lot of intel on many things. Here." You pass her a notebook that she looks through. "Why is your handwriting so weird-"

"you speak Khaenri'ahn so i guess it would be hard for you to understand the language of teyvat." You mumble to yourself not noticing that Shadow had heard it. "Ah sorry, here let me tell you what it says."

"I heard you met Dain?"

"Mhm." You nod still scanning if you had drawn the right sketches on the right species. "So how did you like him?"

"He's a mysterious guy... Not really someone i would trust much. But meh if I have to work with him i would do so."

"Best to trust him the same way as Kaeya... They are both from Khaenri'ah... Would you like to know their previous titles?" Shadow says looking at you as if wanting for you to say yes. "Go ahead... I'd like to know more about them"

"Although I'm not so sure that these were their titles I'll just put it out there. Kaeya... He was the prince of Khaenri'ah... Dainslef was his Guard. Dain trained Kaeya a few hours every single day... The reason i know this is because... I was one of the maids working for them." She looks up to see your reply. You only smile.

"Give me a full answer!! I need to know if you'd still accept me or not!?" She says angrily "it's alright for me... I don't need this information right now but i'll document it for future reference." 

You continue telling her what you had written. You hear the footsteps of a familiar person. Dottore comes from the main door of the kitchen with his usual mask on. "Are you really Prime himself or just one of his copies?" You say after you have cleaned up everything and made Shadow go back. "Need I remind you that they are clones, not copies. And this really is Prime." You frown at his correction to you and that it is Zandik or "Prime". 

"Is there anything you need?" You ask while preparing a cup of coffee for yourself. "No... Have you finished the paperwork I assigned to you?" You quickly finish the coffee. "Partially, there are a few things I had not understood." You look away from embarrassment. "I thought I had made everything clear on our trip back?" "I didn't focus on that..." You trail off trying to remember what Dottore had said in the carriage. 

You shook your head, frowning further as you simply couldn't remember a single thing that happened that night. "Still nothing... What did you say exactly?" A tone of curiosity filled your voice, as you looked back at him and tilted your head.

The next few hours were spent with him giving you a full-on lecture as you fell asleep, twice to be exact, while listening to him.

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