Empty 4🥀

331 27 13



"OKAY, breath in breath out", Jungkook helps them both to calm down. "Now check it if you dad has already recieved it. Wouldn't he be calling you already?"

"Right.." Taehyung unlocks his phone. "AAAAAAAAAAA."


"He hasn't seen it yet, thanks devil", he threw his head back, finally breathing at ease.

"Jesus", Jungkook let out the breath he didn't realise he was holding till now. "You're such a dork."

"Well mister JK I'd be actually dead by now if it wasn't for you so it was your fault."

"My fault you say", he rolled his eyes. "There is no place for good people now I see", he said flatly.

"I've deleted it." He put the phone back in his pocket. "We're out of danger now."

"What happens if he has already read your message?"

"Then you find your Cindrella alone", he gave the the blonde boy a tight lipped smile.

"And you'll be the fairy godmother?"

"Ew I'm too young and hot to be one", he stuck his tongue out in a taut, before both of them busted into a fit of laughter.

Jungkook stares at weird stranger while both of them laugh. How his eyes crinkle and lips twitches in a beautiful boxy smile when he laughs. Like he has no care for the world or anything.

It was so easy to talk to him. Listen to him. Everything he says...makes sense somehow.

Taehyung felt the same. In his 18 years of life..it was the first time he opened up to someone. And the way they talked as if they knew each other for a long time. It was comforting. They forgot how long they've been sitting there and talking about nothing in particular until the ravenette's phone buzzed.

"Oh shoot! It's already 10."

"We've been sitting here for that long?"

"Seems like so." The ravenette stood up dusting his pants. Offering his hands to the other to stand up too.

"Soo..."the older male ran his fingers through his hair, showing his full face, gorgeously shining under the moonlight. "What now?"

Taehyung bit his lips thinking. "Give me your phone." He grabbed the device and saved his number.

"My college life starts exactly two week later. This week I'll be busy and hopefully alive if my parents cut me some slack you know", he gruffed.

Jungkook's lips twitched seeing the other pout like a baby. "Hey kiddo don't worry. You are assigned to a big job now. Can't get unalived before you complete it", he patted the other's head.

Taehyung scrowled. "Okay grandpa I understood."

Jungkook chuckled again. "Call me if you want to talk again. Don't worry.. I'll still act like a stranger, so you wouldn't care about judging."

"I won't and you know why?" Taehyung funnily smirked at him. "You and I both are on the same boat. So I trust you. And also because you're too dumb to judge me", he ravenette uttered while opening the door.

"Is this your coping mechanism?Humor that is borderline offensive?" Jungkook gave him an angry glare.

"You do what you gotta do to survive", he said unapologetically.
"So this is where our path separates. It was nice to meet you mister Jeon." Taehyung offered his hand.

"The pleasure was all mine mister Kim." He bowed like a gentleman shaking the others' hand, making him giggle slightly.

"See you after two weeks", Taehyung waved at him, walking away.

"Remember, you can't die before you find me the love of my life", Jungkook yelled at the retreating figure, Taehyung still waving his hand continuously while walking away.

"I won't allow it.." Jungkook stood on the pavement alone, mumbling those words to no one in particular...while blonde locks danced in the cool night breeze.

I can't allow it.


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