The new start

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A few months after Maria got adopted by Ms. Jafei and she had finally warmed up a bit too their lifestyle, it was time for Maria and Damian to go to school.
Ms. Jafei enrolled Maria in the same music school as Damian, since they were good friends .
Time skip - the first day of school
(Maria's pov)
'Last night I couldn't get any sleep. I was nervous, and scared, what will happen in this new school? Will the people here at least be descent?" I lay in my bed staring at the walls, overthinking.
I get up and brush my teeth. I wash my face and start to choose my outfit.
I hear someone call out. It was my- nah I feel weird calling her my mom ,Ms jafei,weird name right? . She was calling me for breakfast.
I yell back and go down the stairs.
I see Damian already eating
-Good morning.
Damian says annoyed
-Sorry Damian is in a mood, you probably know by now that Damian is moody in the mornings
Mom says to me.
I chuckle a bit and she hands me a boll of cereal.
Silence, it's a very awkward moment , but the mom finally breaks the silence.
-So.. Are you two excited to go to school again? *she turns to me* Maria, this might be interesting for you? A new school, different people, different lessons, everything..
Me and Damian say at the same time:
-not at all.
Mom frowns but doesn't say anything
I finnish my boll of cereal and so does Damian. We both go upstairs to get ready for school.
Time skip (time to go to school)
Me and Damian both go in the car and talk while we wait to get to school
︴D- (Damian talking) ︴
︴M- (Maria talking) ︴
D- I don't think your gonna hate this school , it's not too bad, i mean not to brag but I'm kinda popular *he says with a smug face* and when people see you with me they will like u, and the teachers aren't that bad.
M- really? You don't look like you would be popular *I say to annoy him* but okay if you say so..
We keep on having some small talk and we finally get there.
Me and Damian start to walk to the entrance and I feel eyes on me.
M- do I have something on my face? Everyone is staring..
D- yeah, makeup? I told you I was popular that's why they are staring.
We walk through the halls and Damian sees some of his friends and goes to them, I see that class starts in 2 mins and I start looking for my classroom but I can't find it.
I see a boy looking like he's skipping class but I don't care I go up to him.
-Hi uhm sorry for annoying you I'm new here and my step brother evaporated in thin air and I have to find my class can you help me?
I ask
- uh yeah sure what's the class?
The boy answers
- science
I answer
- oh yeah follow me *he starts walking* what's your name?
I follow after him
-Maria, yours?
-tom , nice to meet you
M- nice to meet you too!
T- we have the same class yk?
M- oh really? Okay
T- so who's your brother, I might know him
M- well he claims that he's popular , Damian, Damian Jafei
T- really? He is popular tbh.. And here is the classroom *he opens the door for me* after you
I go in and see that we're late, the teacher sees me and tom
Ah Maria! Hello, come here, class this is Maria, she's a new student here. You and tom, go sit in the back over there
The teacher says I think to myself "she seems nice"
Thank you. .
I say quietly and go to sit down, feeling eyes on me while I walk. Me and tom just pass eachother notes the whole class.
Time skip (lunch time)
I haven't seen Damian all day at this point. Me and tom became friends and he helps me find my classes.
Tom and I walk through the halls too the cafeteria and I feel eyes on me AGAIN FOR FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOURSELF.
I see Damian and he runs up to me
D- MARIA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? *sees Tom* who's this friend of yours?
M- this is Tom, and why what's going on?
M- what?
I say surprised
D- you'll see..
M- uhm okay?
Me and tom go to the cafeteria and he invites me to sit with his two friends, georg and Gustav. I agree and I'm just about to sit down when someone taps me on the shoulder
-Hi (: your Maria right ? Your like really pretty do you wanna sit with me and my friends?
Another person interrupted her
- Barbie go away she doesn't wanna be in ur plastic club ,hey girl wanna sit with us?
I politely decline
-thank you for the offer but I feel awkward sitting with people I haven't talked to *I say giving a light smile*
T- I think this is what Damian meant when he said your the talk of the school..
M-yeah.. I think so.
T- oh and I have a twin brother, he always sits with us but he's sick right now so youll meat him soon.
The rest of the day goes smoothly, the people are nice ,teachers too
Soon the day ends and everyone goes home.
I lay on my bed happy with the events of the day and I go to sleep fast.


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XOXO (kisses hugs)
HEY Y'ALL HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS I THINK I'LL GIVE AN UPDATE TOMORROW BUT YEAH (the next chapter will have an introduction with bill🤭)

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