"The first time we met"

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(3d person)
A few weeks have passed. The green eyed girls popularity grew more and more every single day.
Before she always thought that she would love the attention, but after seeing the cons of being popular.. She regretted her thoughts.

People wanted to be her friend left and right, but most of those people were fake, so she sticker to Tom, Georg, Gustav and some new friends Sasha and Janis.
Sasha was nice but sassy, AND I MEAN VERY SASSY she was a typical hottie in Maria's eyes ,she had long blonde hair and brown eyes and was not short but not tall and they met by the seating plan in math class

(Ugh seating plans I hate them I'm super tall and my teachers always put me with the shortest boys in my class. sorry back to the story)

Janis was kind of an opposite, she was nice too but a bit shy, but when you start to talk, she gets CRAZY. She had beautiful silky black hair and super dark eyes. They met because their houses were right next to eachother and it turned out that they were I the same school.

These past few weeks, Tom had talked about his twin brother a few times but he wasn't at school because he was sick. Maria was curious to meet him but she didn't really care that much.

(Maria's pov)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing.
I don't want to get up but I have too. I feel gross so I go take a shower quickly, I get dressed and when I'm about to do my hair Ms. Jafei calls me downstairs.

I yell back, going down stairs. I don't feel hungry so I tell ms jafei .

-Actually I'm not really hungry.. Can I just skip breakfast?

-Are you sure?Im fine with it tho.

-Yeah I'm sure. Where's Damian?

-He's probably still sleeping, would you wake him up?

-Yeah sure.
I start going up the stairs and I knock on Damians door... Silence. I go in his room trying to wake him up.


-omfg shut up

- I don't shut up I grow up and when i see you I throw up. Now come on
I joke trying to annoy him

-ugh fine
(Time skip) At school , in between classes
I'm roaming through the halls, bored since there's 10 minutes till class starts.

Lost in my thoughts , I unexpectedly end up in an alley next to school.

-oh shit this place is weird

I start looking around and I see 2 boys in my grade. One of them was crazy over me. I think his name was martin? Idk I forgot. And the other one I haven't seen before, but he looks like Tom a bit and kinda emo but not really. I see that the emo one is pinned on the wall by martin. My first thought is that they are making out and I start to leave but then I overhear them talking

I hear a boy cry out

-what do you want from me?

I immediately realize that the emo one is being bullied so I stop and turn around.
"Yk what I'm not just gonna stand here" I think to myself, I go up to them and push martin off of the boy.

-Ay Maria! How've you been?
Martin says with a smug face

-We're not friends martin.
I reply sternly

-aw that's sad.. So what are you here for? You wanna confess your love to me?

-leave him alone.

-is that what this is about? God Maria you are a drama queen

I grab his hair and pull him down to my level since he was taller than me
- just because you're an insecure little boy doesn't mean that you have to torture others because of it.
I let his hair go

- Fine! Fine, I'll back off
he says annoyed and leaves

I turn around to face the boy and he immediately hugs me

-oh uhm, your welcome ig?

The boy quickly stops and backs up

-sorry, sorry, it just that this is the first time someone does something like this for me who isn't my brother.. Anyway, what's your name? I'm bill.

-I'm Maria. Wait.. Bill kaulitz?

-Yeah! How'd you know?

-Im friends with your brother! Tom

-oh yeah, he was telling me about you how you got so popular so fast and.. Some other stuff..

-Really? Cool, okay I think we might be late now-

-OH what class do you have rn?


-oh same come on!

We start running and we manage to get to class in time.

(Time skip)
Me and bill spent the whole day together, it was fun. But it's now time to go home and Sasha and Janis are coming over to my house.

-Bro your house is so cool.
Sasha says ,staring at my house.

-Thanks, now come on!
I reply, running inside.
-Hey girls!

-hello Ms. Jafei!

-You should know, Damian has some of his friends over too so if they are too loud don't be shy, annoy them.
The mom says with a smile on her face.

-okay thanks!
I say and I run up my room too show it to Janis and Sasha.

(Time skip) We have finished our homework

Sasha asks me with a grin
-Soo.. What's going on with you and that boy??

- Nothing! Why do you always ask me thi-
I get rudely Inturupted by Janis

-Mhmmm nothing yeahhh sure.. Bro you two were in love

-What no! Ew I hate boys

- You say that but every day you hang out with 5 boys, and you and bill stare at eachother lOvInGlY ❤❤
Sasha attempts at annoying me.

Damian barges in.
-She's not wrong.

-What? Damian get out!

He leaves.

-You sure you don't like him?
Janis asks me.

-okay maybe a little BUT. I'M NOT SURE OKAY I MEAN I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM.. and I'm too young.

Sasha says.

-shut up.

Eat me- 6arelyhuman

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Eat me- 6arelyhuman

Uhm hi y'all
I finished this sooner than expected and it has 1000+ words (like the last one but yeah

I really hope you guys like this, little question, where are y'all from?

Next update might not be tomorrow cuz my mom is starting to take my phone more often im sorry..

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