Drunken days

68 1 4

This one is a little more depressing

(3 weeks dating)
(Bill's pov)

   I'm sitting in bed, writing emails and it's about 2 am. I couldn't sleep so this was a way of distracting myself. Then I suddenly get a call.


"Yeah hi, please go pick up your girlfriend, she's at the.. playboy club and I have no idea how long she's been there. I can't because we are supposed to have an important meeting with our manager TOMORROW AT 7AM. I'm already sure she's not coming so.. Yeah anyways check up on her, bye-"

   It was Sasha.

-wait slow down.Explain. Did you put her up to this again-

"Mean. No, I had been calling her all day and I got a call from her a minute ago and she sounded knocked out cold, looked at her location, and boom. Leave me to my beauty sleep now"

-wai- ugh.

She hung up. Well I guess I'm going to get my car keys.

I started driving, as I already knew where the club was. I had been there a few times. I started wondering if she was alone, if she was okay, but the jealousy started building up and I started imagining her flirting with another guy. It made my blood boil. But no. She won't do that to me. Right?

I walk in the club and immediately music starts blasting in my ears. It was obnoxious. Then the smell of alcohol, sweat and barf all combined hit me. I was quickly trying to leave this place so I start looking for Maria.

Then I see her, sitting alone at the bar with a cup in her hand zoning out with a brainless look on her face. She had dark circles under her eyes and she was in her casual every day clothes. It was clear she had been here for hours already and she didn't plan it.

I got worried and walked up behind her and gently put a hand on her waist but before I could say anything she practically yells.

"Get your filthy hands off me I have a boyfriend- oh wait it's my boyfriend.. What are you doing here?"

I smile when I hear her.

-We're going home. Cmon. Get up.

She doesn't fight back and she gets up with a quiet groan and she mumbles under her breath "party pooper".

-so what were you doing here? Is everything okay?

"Don't remember lol"

-you sure?

"Definitely going to that club more often. They h-have great music. Father into your hands I commend my spiri-"

-Maria you're not listening to me.

I sigh.

We get home and she's giggling.

-cmon, let's get you to bed.


I lay her down and she falls asleep after a few minutes. I'm feeling pretty tired myself, but I can't go to sleep yet. I have work to do.

I start looking around her apartment for clues. I knew that she wouldn't go to the club, alone, casually for no reason. Something happened and she had been drinking her brains out to tune the pain out. I knew she wouldn't tell me on her own. She was a secretive person when it came to these stuff. And if I wanted to help her, I had to know.

Half an hour passes and all I can find are little specks of broken glass, which I assume she tried to clean up but was in such a state that couldn't.

I give up and go to the kitchen to make myself a snack. I peel an orange and I go to throw the crust in the trash but I stop, as something catches my attention.

There were ripped up pictures. I take them out and try to put them together. It was hard , as they seemed old, but newly ripped, but I managed.

It formed a what looked like a happy family. But the parents faces were crossed out aggressively. I noticed that there were 2 kids, one looked about 11 , the other 3. The older kid looked like Maria. Same eyes, same nose.. And I realized that it really was her. I assumed that the crossed out people were her parents and the younger kid to be her brother.

This was my first time seeing a picture of her so young. She looked almost unrecognizable.

There were still so many unsolved papers, but I didn't bother. I could make out that all of them were pictures of her family before Germany.

I took a quick picture of everything, because I just didn't understand. I threw everything back in the trash can and start walking to her room.

I had a headache. Why does she have to be so secretive? She refused to get help, at least vent our your problems to someone instead of bottling them in.

I sigh, and decide not to bring it up when she wakes up, but I knew that I would be keeping a close eye on her these days.

Childhood crush (Bill Kaulitz) Where stories live. Discover now