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Maria's pov

Me and bill have been dating for 1 week and a half. Sasha says that I'm "in the butterfly zone" (aka I'm supposed to have butterflies in my stomach) I'd be lying if I said that wasn't true. Every kiss sent shivers down my spine..even though there were only two by far but that's out of the point.

Now I'm just sitting at home, trying to think of new lyrics of a song when I get a knock on my door. I go down the stairs and I see it's my aunt with her baby in a stroller, my cousin.

"Hey, Maria I'm so sorry for coming unannounced!"

-it's completely fine, come in, it's cold out, what's up?

"Well. I have a job interview in like 20 minutes and my babysitter just bailed on me and I asked everyone I knew but everyone is busy and I just really need this job and im just scared to put him in daycare without knowing them and your the only one left who I trust, I mean you can say no of course I understand completely I know you're busy-"

I stop her.

-of course! I can just ask someone to help, and I'm not busy at all today. And besides. I love little


I knew how she was struggling right now with a divorce and a dad who refuses to pay child support, so this is the least I could do to help.

"Thank you so so much Maria I literally can't explain how grateful I am, I think I'll be back in 2 hours, I'm not sure but I swear I'll repay you! If you want to call any of your friends or anything to help,I give you permission,and call me if anything happens please."

-I understand,and don't worry about repaying me  okay? Good luck, Daniel is in good hands!

We say our goodbyes and she leaves.

I sigh and turn to Daniel. He just looks at me with a smile.


-hi, cutie pie! Wanna get out of the stroller?

He nods and I unstrap him and I start giving him a tour of the house.

"Mimi I'm hungry.."

-oh. Uhm .. Do you know if you're allergic to anything?

Wait. How the fuck would a 2 yr old baby know if they are allergic to anything.

"Mommy said to say that I'm allergic to.. Uhh.. Oh yeah those weird peanuts!"

-Those little balls? Chickpeas?

"Yeah! That!"

-okay, that isn't so scary. Uhm.. I don't have a lot of food but uhm I have a snack? Ugh that isn't enough ,we gotta go to a store.. But how am I gonna drive..

"Call billy! Call billy!"

He jumps up. I remember when they meet once. It was so cute. Bill did text me he was bored and had nothing to do today..

I sigh

-okay, sure.


Childhood crush (Bill Kaulitz) Where stories live. Discover now