The starting of the new bands

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(Third person)

After Maria met bill, her popularity in school didn't stop growing, although her schoolmates didn't like the fact that she was friends with tom and bill, they didn't really care.

The green eyed girl found a few more friends but not that much. One of them was Stefan, of the way she called him as a joke, stefi/stefke.(pronounced the exact same way it's spelled) He was Damians best friend and that's the way they met, through Damian.

At first, Maria's friend group was janis ,Sasha and her, a trio, but janis also got a bit popular over the time and she let the fame get to her head. You'll see what I'm talking about later. And for a while it stayed just Sasha and mimi (mimi is a nickname for Maria) but after they both got closer to Damian and Stefan they unexpectedly became a friend group.

They all ready wanted to be in a band, it was all of theirs dreams. They talked about it a few times and one time when they were talking about being in a band Sasha went "wait random question, if y'all where in a band what would your role be? I'd deff be base. ".That question changed their lives completely. They agreed that Damian would play the electric guitar, Stefan drums, and Maria would sing.

They looked at eachother for a sec after that and Maria said: " wait.. Yall thinking what I'm thinking?"
Damian dramatically gasps "WE COULD START A BAND"

And everything went up from there.

It started with preforming at the school talent show to releasing their first song to having their first concert..

Their first song was released a few weeks before "Dutch den monsun"-devilish and it was named "lass mich vergessen"- Lies and Lullabies ,which translates to "let me forget" (google translate 💯)

Both songs gained popularity fast, and the bands were overjoyed. They even celebrated together, since they were both super close.

(Maria's pov)

After we released our first song, I've been working a lot. Since I'm the vocalist our manager gave me a lot of work to do "since you're the leader". Dipshit.. Anyways

Ever since I defended bill ,we've got closer and closer over the months. And Sasha will not stop teasing me about the fact that I told her that I have a little crush on him.

I have to admit, that " little crush" has grown  but I try to not pay attention to it because I think "in the future youll look back at yourself and say, why the fuck was I crying over this pig", yeah. Pretty mature mindset for a 13 yr old, ik. But we don't talk about that.

Anyways I'm  walking in the halls with Sasha and we see someone and we both give eachother, the look. The person stops us.

-oh look, if it isn't this the pick me's of Lies and Lullabies. You know it's kind of ironic that you picked that name since you still need lullabys sang to you at night to fall asleep. And I also heard your music, it do not movin'.

-janis that doesn't even make sense-
Sasha says with a annoyed face and I Inturup her

-you should learn english before taking shit janis, you might not embarrass yourself for once, and at least we can start a band, and you? Your just.. Janis?
I say with a sarcastic smile

Janis just walks away giving me a dirty look and I turn around to look for my class and I see bill wide eyed.

-oh hi bill!

-hi bill, mimi I gotta go find my pe teacher to convince him to not fail me, you can flirt with your boyfriend in peace
Sasha says as she blows me a kiss sarcastically

Me and bill say at Sashas joke


I answer with a dumb face

-how do you always know what to sayyyyyyyyyyyy?

-I don't know, it just comes from my gut  I guess?

-that's not an answer.
Bill says with a straight face.

-maybe I'm just better than you .
I joke.

-ha ha. Very funny.
He says sarcastically.

-wait why is there no one in the halls?


We start running and laughing hysterically to pe class.

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