spam (sorry) (a/n)

113 3 10

Hey guys I'm really really really really really sorry for not writing chapters quickly, it's really hard for me to think of ideas, find time, energy, effort, and it's all just pretty stressful.

And since my story doesn't really get much attention my energy and effort just.. Idek how to explain it.

(I'm really sorry if I just start trauma dumping)

Everything is so stressful rn since school starts in a month, and I have had, math, bulgarian, Spanish, art ext. lessons all summer since in my country this school year we have these very important tests at the end of the year and my results depend on if I'm going to get into a good school.
And not only that, I have math homework from school, from extra lessons and it's a lot, believe me.
I barely have time for my social calendar(but that's not much of a problem, I dont have much friends anyway) let alone 3h a day to write a new chapter.
And don't get me started on my mental health.
I've just been absolutely drained this year.
Everything is so fucking stressful and I know damn well I nvm forget about it. Long story short, I don't have anyone I feel comfortable talking to about my problems, I have friends, but I just can't trust anyone, I just know they'll look at me differently if they found out that I'm nvm why am I even writing this.

But yeah I just wanted to say that I've been trying to give y'all faster updates and shit but it hard.

Now about the actual book or story, whatever y'all call it.

The confession will be on the 27th , at least I'll try.

And there will be a sad chapter. Srry I just need to pour my guts out somehow.

Oh and if anyone wants a face rev, or any suggestions lmk I'll probably do it

And again I'm sorry for the people who actually enjoy this story. I'm trying. ♡

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