Pool day

187 5 15

(Time skip- two years)
Age: 18
Maria pov

Wow. How fast have the years gone? Everything is so different. I never would have imagined it be like this.

(Appearance update)

I decided, since I'm a rock star singer.. Might as well look like one so I dyed a few steaks in my hair a dark red, I got multiple new piercings.
1. all over my ears
2. Belly button


Our popularity hasn't stopped growing. It's getting a bit out of control and stressful, but we manage.

Ours and Tokio hotel bond hasn't died, and everyone knows (fans) about our friendship, but fans mostly talk about me and bills friendship in particular.

We haven't spoke up on the theme, we just ignore them, but it's hard, since interviewers are also  curious.

I mean I kinda understand why they ship us since we are very close and kinda flirty.. AS A JOKE!

But on social media we do sometimes joke about it.

But not only do fans ship us, our bands do to.

I actually kinda like it tbh- ANYWAY.

Today both of our bands will be traveling, as we are on tour at the same place at the same time and we choose to arrange to go together.

Me and Damian are talking as he waits for me to pack

"why do you need so much jewelry? And shampoos, and clothes, and why do you have picks and drum sticks?"
Says Damian watching me with a confused face.

-the picks are for Sasha she always forgets them, and the drumsticks a for Steffi, he can't find his, I need jewelry ,shampoos and clothes because I'm basically the face of our band.
I say swinging my hair back to annoy him.

-did you bring a swimsuit?
I ask Damian

"Yeah Tom told me there was a pool at the hotel"

-where are my swimsuits??
I say frantically looking around in my room.

"Oh yeah Sasha stole them last time"
Replys Damian,  unbothered.


"apparently they were 'to covered up to be a swim suit' and she said she was doing your a favor"
Damian looks next to him and sees a small poster off bill on my desk. He takes it and starts questioning me.
"Aww is this to look at your Billy Willy while he's away?🥺"

I take the poster from his hand and I put it in a  cupboard.

Damian inturps me reading something from his phone.
"She says she's bought you 2  new ones and she says bill will like them, oh and gustav texted me that we need to me at the bus is an hour"

- oml I swear that mother fu- okay, I'll pack a few more things and I'll brush my hair and I'll be ready, you?

"I have to change"
Damian says as he stands up from my bed and goes to his room.

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