Free day

178 5 24

Third person

A stressful week has passed for both of the bands and they finally got a day not full of meet and greets, rehearsals, interviews and concerts.

(Maria pov)

I was peacefuly sleeping when I heard someone murmuring.
I get confused since I'm always the one waking up the others.

I sit up. And I see Sasha and bill talking.

"Oh hi sleepyhead"
Sasha says teasingly.

-hi.. I have many questions. One, why the hell did you wake me up. Two, what the fuck are you doing here"

I say as I look at bill and he puts a hand to his chest sarcastically.

"And three, y'all never wake up early I'm the only morning person"

"Okay well first, it's not our fault that your a light sleeper, second ,he came to check on us since everyone is waiting for you, and it's 12 am"

Sasha says while starring at me.


I say standing up quickly ,cursing in my mother tongue and pushing them to the side so I can get to the closet so I can get my stuff to get ready.

Bill trys to say but my cursing cuts him off.

"Mimi it's fine we don't have anything today"
Sasha says following after me.

I turn to her slowly with a bitch face.

-Then why is everyone waiting for me?
I say annoyed.

"We're going out"
Bill says smiling while he stares at me.

-oh we're going out? Wow! What about paparazzi, fan girls-
I say sarcastically.

Sasha interrupts me.

"Maria stop worrying so much you always do this we have everything under control"

I just roll my eyes as I brush my hair and teeth.

-Why are y'all starring at me?

"No reason" (bill)
"No idea" (Sasha)
They say in sinc.

Sasha sits on my bed and talks with bill.

"What's georg doing?"
I hear Sasha asking bill.

-your really interested in georg ,Sasha, huh?
I say while I peak out from the bathroom.

Sasha trys to throw a pillow at me but she misses as I chuckle.

".. It's really entering watching y'all"
Bill says smiling.

I close the bathroom door so I can shower and I can't hear anything that bill and Sasha are saying.

(Bills pov)

Me and Sasha have some small talk while we wait for mimi to get ready when Sasha starts questioning me.

"Soo.. What's going on between you and mimi???"

Childhood crush (Bill Kaulitz) Where stories live. Discover now