"Just friends"

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(Time skip)
3 years have passed
Bill is now 16
(Third person)

How fast have the years gone.
The two bands popularity escalated quickly in the 3 years that have passed. Everyone was talking about either Tokio hotel or Lies And Lullabies.

The bands have gotten very busy and and have grown apart a little, but bill and Maria remain their closeness.

They called each other every day even if for a few minutes, it still counted.

But even though  the bands grew apart, they were still friends. But they didn't have anymore time to hang out away from school. Everyone wanted new songs, concerts, ext. . It was hard for a few teenagers.

Maria and bill had talked about the fact how they both wanted the bands to reconnect, so they came up with a plan.

(Maria's pov)

I get a call one day after school, I see that it's from bill. I answer the phone.

-Hey bill wassup?

"Hi mimi ,so georg and Gustav just went home and tom said he was going to shower-"

I Inturup him.

-Are you sure? Because we both know how he loves to listen in when we're talking.

Bill goes to check. He opens his door, and who does he see? Tom , with his ear to the door

"tom! I said stop spying on me when I'm talking on the phone!"

I hear through the phone and I chuckle to myself.

"Sorry about tom he's just being AN IMMATURE LITTLE KID"

I smile

-it's fine anyways so?? Did you ask?

"Mhm! They all wanted to but they just didn't know how to ask and thought it would be awkward since we haven't talked is so long. And you?"

-okay so .weird thing is, I actually didn't have to ask which was weird since we don't ever talk about you guys when we hang out.

"Oh really? What happened?"

- so Stefi asked us "so um random question what do y'all think about Tokio hotel? We don't really talk often just bill and mara. I really wanna start talking to them again"  I STILL DON'T KNOW WHY HE CALLS ME MARA I MEAN SURE I CALL HIM A GIRL VERSION OF HIS NAME BUT  STILL- anyways and yeah everyone agreed with him

Bill laughs a bit at my random rant and answers

"Good so the guys said tomorrow they are free all day ,you ?"

-They said tomorrow since it's the weekend from.. 3pm at the center park .

"Okay I'll call them right now and I'll text you if they can and you do the same?"

-okay sure! Talk to you later!

"Bye bye"

And I hung up.
Damian barges in my room.
I jump a bit since I didn't expect it.

Childhood crush (Bill Kaulitz) Where stories live. Discover now