2: Hired

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"I need an easy friend
I do, with a hand to lend
I do, think you fit this shoe
I do, but you have a clue"

Dreesen. That was a name I'd heard thrown around a lot, similar to Rollins.

Kaz Brekker, wasn't. In the two years I'd spent in Ketterdam, Brekker had only been spoke handful of times.

Rey had spoken in a fast manner, quietly and urgently. I had listening with the intent to etch the information in my mind.

I dressed in modest clothes, loose shirt and riding trousers tucked into sturdy military boots, a deep green tailcoat over my back.

I touched the golden ring on my middle finger fondly, stroking my fingertips across the delicate engravings, before slipping it off and attaching it to a chain. I clipped it around my neck.

I wore my gloves. They had holes for the knuckles, allowing punches with more pressure.

"Theo?" I said.

Theo emerged from the next room. "Yes, Ada?" he had a polite smile on his face.

I smiled back. "I'm not sure where this job will take me. I place the Mortality in your hands whilst I'm gone. Is that clear?"

"Crystal." Theo replied with a firm nod. "I'll take care of things like you would. I promise to protect the ears and eyes of the shadows."

"Thank you, Theo." I patted him on the shoulder.

"Mortality, immorality and ceaseless self." Theo did a loose salute. He stood a couple inches above me.

"Mortality, immorality and ceaseless self." I said. "I'll see you whenever, friend."

Brekker's cane rapped the pave stones as he strode through Ketterdam like a man on a mission. He was a man on a mission.

He did not bother with the main streets, darting through alleys as shortcuts.

It was as he was nearing the end of his journey that he was stopped.

"Don't move." a gruff voice spoke.

Kaz felt the chill of metal against his throat. He lifted his cane, prepared to attack, when the pressure at his neck released, followed by a heavy thump.

"Thank you, Inej," Kaz said, turning. He froze.

"Who's Inej?" I asked, before glancing down at the body. "And you're welcome."

"What~ who are you?" Kaz sneered.

He was a tall, stern man, who looked no older than myself. He was dressed head to toe in black, a cane clasped in his gloved hands.

He stared at me with sharp, glinting eyes.

I dismissed his question, pointing at the dead man that lay between us. "He was sent from Rollins. What problem has he got w'you?"

"That has nothing to do with you." Brekker snapped. "And I could've handled him myself."

"Sure. Unarmed, and with a limp? What happens when that cane is broken? Still able to handle him?" I kicked the body in emphasis. I still gripped the boomerang blade in my hand.

"I don't have time for this," Kaz snarled, heading out of the alley.

I jumped over the body, jogging to catch up with him. "Wow, sorry, did I hit a nerve, Mr Brekker?" I tried not to mock. But sometimes you have to.

"I don't want anything to do with you." Kaz persisted.

"Okay, okay, let me start over then!" I sighed, cracking my knuckles. "I heard about a deal with Dreesen, I heard your name and Rollins, and then I heard you got it. To cross the Fold."

Kaz stopped, frowning in perplexion. "How do you know about that?" his grip on the cane tightened.

"I hear about all the goings-ons in the Barrel, Kaz Brekker. And I want to join your crew." I said firmly.

"What's in it for us? You gonna demand half the cut and not even help or something?" Kaz spat.

"No, actually. All I'd like is crossing through the Fold and passage into the Little Palace. In return, I can provide you with security and aid on your mission." I explained. "You really are grouchy, huh?"

Nate was always the charming one.

I had the curse of 'telling it the way it is'.

Kaz arched his brow. "And how could we even trust you? I don't even know your name, who you work for, why you want to cross the Fold~"

"You're boring me. What if we had a deal; I step out of line, bang. Good deal, huh?" Holding finger guns to my head, I gazed at his disdained eyes hopefully. Please, I begged, let the Nate in me be convincing.

Brekker narrowed his eyes, before sighing. "You step out of line..." he drifted off as I nodded in understanding. "Right. What's your name, then?"

"Ada. Ada Kübrik." I replied.

"Ada, you're hired." he said, with as much conviction as a caller announcing the numbers for bingo- which was none at all.

He still said it though. So I smiled. I'm hired.

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