12: Promise

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"I've got a hole in my head and there's no one to fix it
I gotta straighten my thoughts"
-The Beastie Boys-

I sat next to Kaz, holding my head as blood trickled down my hand and onto my Kefta; spoiling it.

"I have a handkerchief," said Kaz quietly, producing a piece of cloth.

I took it, dabbing my head with it.

I cursed as it stung.

"Hold on," Kaz slowly slipped off his gloves, hands shaking faintly. "Let
me, let me look at it," he said.

I turned to face him, handing him the handkerchief. He flinched as sparks leapt from my fingertips to his.

I retracted my hand. "Sorry..."

He didn't react, cleaning the blood from my face. "I think you owe me an explanation."

I sighed, staring up at his hand. "Well, in short, I'm a Kübrik; a bloodline of Grisha that wields the Kügelblitz; the ball of lightning. I'm the only one left." I explained quietly.

Kaz's expression didn't change as he listened intently. He tossed the bloodstained handkerchief out the window.

I watched as his gaze drifted from my bare hands to his own. Slowly, he placed his atop mine.

His eyes widened.

"What?" I asked.

"It's like touching a live wire..." he replied. "It doesn't feel like... like flesh."

A sad smile spread across my lips. "That's why I wear the gloves. I used to take drugs to numb it altogether, but once I stop..." I met his gaze, chuckling. "My brother called it the 'buzz'."

"Does it feel like that..." Kaz drifted off.

I took his hand gently, moving it up my wrist. "Everywhere. I'm a walking superconductor," I laughed.

Kaz laughed quietly too.

"So, it doesn't remind you... of ...what happened...?" I tilted my head with interest.

He shook his slowly.

"Does it hurt you?" I asked as he moved his hand to trace mine.

Too long had I lacked the warmth of another's friendly touch.

Usually, the only physical touch I'd feel is when getting smashed in the face by a drunkard.

Unlike that, this felt nice.

"It doesn't hurt, it... it almost tickles?" Kaz furrowed his brow. "Saint. That sounds so stupid,"

"No, no," I smiled. "It makes sense. Perfect sense."

"I trust you, Adelaide." said Kaz, meeting my gaze once again. His hand moved to hold mine.

"I trust you, Kaz." I cocked my head to the side. "You won't tell anyone?"

"No. I swear." he responded.

"Our little secret?" I extended my pinky to him.

He hooked his around it. "Yes." he nodded. "And we'll get you new gloves as soon we can."

"Thank you."

Jesper was adamant that the Sun Summoner was in the trunk of the carriage.

"Jesper, I respect you, but this is too far. You sound like a madman," I sighed.

The four of us stood around the back of the carriage.

"And if this is some kind of sick joke~" Kaz trailed off as the lock on the trunk popped open with a fizz.

There stood the Sun Summoner, Alina Starkov.

"Oh, saints," said Alina as she saw us.

"We're not looking for trouble, Ms Starkov." Palms facing her, I offered peace.

"Neither am I, so I'll just be on my way," the Sun Summoner replied defiantly.

"Clearly, you want out of East Ravka; but we can help you," reasoned Jesper. "We have a secure route through the Fold,"

Alina Starkov began to raise her hands. "I prefer to travel alone,"

"And I'd prefer to be on a sunny beach, surrounded by puppies, sipping a martini- we can't all get what we want, Ms Starkov," I retorted.

She arched her brow, turning her palms to face me.

"Don't be rash," Jesper blocked her from me, placing a hand on his pistol. "You stick with us, everyone gets what they want."

"I'm not being anyone's captive ever again," Alina hissed. "So step away and let me pass."

She began to brush past, when Kaz raised his cane to prevent her. "I'm afraid we can't let that happen."

In one swift movement, Alina Starkov creating a burst of blinding light. Jesper obscured my eyes from it, thankfully.

I glanced at Inej. The Sun Summoner looked to her, pondering an attack, but Inej... raised her hands in surrender.

My mouth fell open, before I clamped it shut.

Alina got away.

"I want Inej to go after her, the rest of us need to meet in that pub," Kaz rubbed his eyes. "Jesper, Kirigan will be after us- I want you to set up an alarm system. I'm going to help Ada find a new pair of gloves," he paused, before adding. "And figure out our next moves."

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