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I woke up in my bed, but I couldn't remember how I had gotten here. I looked around to find Spencer at the end of my bed. 

"Good morning sleeyhead," he said. 

"How did I-?"

"Jeremiah brought you home. You had apparently fallen asleep while you guys were out last night," he explained.

I noticed that I was in a jacket and it wasn't mine. I smelled only to realize it was Jeremiah's.

"Did he tell you what we were doing?" I asked causiously.

"Just said that you guys were out getting some fresh air," he said. "Anything juicy happen?"

I smiled, "No, Spencer."

I grabbed my phone to see a message from Jere.

Jeremiah: It's probably morning when you get this. I just wanted to remind you that you are strong, but you don't always have to be. I'm here if you need anything. Spencer helped me get you up to bed last night, he seemed worried when I brought you in. Maybe there is a spark with him if he'd get seemingly a bit jealous. Oh by the way, don't worry about returning the jacket, it looks better on you anyways.

I smiled once again down at my phone. He was being really sweet.

"Is he the one making you smile like that?" Spencer asked.

"No... Oh, I need to go shopping for a present for Belly. I keep forgetting and her birthday is tomorrow," I said.

"Want some company?" he asked.

"If you want, you can come," I said.

He nodded and we spent all day looking for something. I hoped I got her something good enough, but it was only confirmed when we were all sitting in the living room giving her the presents. She opened the box to find the accessories I had gotten her. She smiled at me.

"These are so cute," she said.

"I'm glad you like them," I said.

After Belly, Taylor, and Jeremiah got back we all went swimming in the pool. 

"Conrad is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this bikini," Taylor said.

"No, I doubt it. I honestly think he couldn't care less," Belly retorted.

"Come on, Belly," Taylor said.

"No seriously, he didn't even get me a present this year," Belly said.

"From what Jere was saying, it sounded like you guys were having a fight the other night too," I said.

"He heard that?" Belly asked.

"Since when did you and the other Fisher get so close?" Taylor asked.

"Taylor, come on," Belly defended.

"What? Jeremy's hot. If she wants him, go for it," Taylor said.

"Y/n's got a boyfriend, Spencer," Belly said.

"Spencer? Who's he?" Taylor questioned.

"He'll probably be by later, you can meet him then," I said.

Taylor looked over to the boys.

"We know you're gossiping about us over there," Taylor shouted.

"Yeah you wish," Steven retorted.

"Let's play chicken!" Taylor suggested.

"No," Belly said. "Not chicken! I was like twelve the last time I played."

"If you're gonna whine about it then why doesn't Y/n play?" Taylor said.

The Look in His Eye [Jeremiah Fisher x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now