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Our adventure had been ended by Belly who had called me.

"Belly? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I broke up with Cam! And Conrad just pretended nothing happened!" She yelled.

I looked over to Jere. He had a worried look on his face.

"We should get back, I think Belly needs me right now," I said.

He nodded and started up the boat for us.

"Belly, I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can," I explained.

The phone soon went dead, and I quickly messaged my mom to let her know I'd be staying the night and that Belly needed me. We made it back to the house and I rushed upstairs to Belly's room. She had a pillow to her chest as she sat on her bed. She was angry... and sad. I hugged her close, and she told me all about how she had been holding onto feelings for Conrad. Poor Cam... I felt bad for the guy, but it couldn't have been helped. I got Belly to sleep as we watched The Notebook. I heard a knock on the wall and I looked around as to what it could have been. My phone buzzed and I look down to see a message from Jere.

Jeremiah: you still awake?

Yeah, I just got Belly to sleep

Things stayed quiet. I felt bad about today. We had an almost... maybe date? And, we kissed. And it was a good kiss. But since that... we hadn't talked.

Can you sleep? I'm stuck thinking too much to

Jeremiah: you can always come over here if you want, or we can meet up outside

I quickly slipped out of my spot next to Belly and carefully stepped out of the room. I knocked gently on Jere's door, and he quickly opened it, welcoming me in. I sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Felt like a spy mission trying to get out of there," I joked.

He chuckled, covering his mouth to mask the noise. I looked him over. Why did he always have to look good? He was just in some red pajama pants and a tank top, but still.

"What's on your mind?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

"Hm?" I mumbled, snapping out of my thoughts.

"You said you were thinking too much to sleep, is everything alright?" He asked. "I knew Belly was going through something, but was it that serious?"

I sighed, "No. It's not great, but it's not that bad to have me up thinking about it."

"Soo?" He questioned, pushing his shoulder into mine.

I took a deep breath. I should be honest, right? He wouldn't hurt me too much... right? If he did, there's no reason to be hurt... we kissed. That's it. Right? I turned myself so I sat crisscross, staring at Jer.

"I was thinking about today," I said.


"Yeah. I mean, we kissed. And I don't know if it meant anything really, but I just was uh thinking about it. And how if either of us wanted anything, I'm still technically in a relationship... So I don't know how that'd work if-" I rambled.

I felt his lips stop me from speaking any further. Suddenly, there wasn't much issue. I just felt at ease... safe. We pulled apart, and I just looked into his entrancing blue eyes.

"I'm interested in you, Y/n. If you are too, then there is no if," he smiled.

I smiled back at him and sighed.

"I'd like to date you, and yes... I'd like to be able to be open about our relationship... But I get it if you and Spencer can't do that," he explained.

He wanted to date me? I felt so happy for some reason.

"I'll talk to Spencer, I promise," I said, trying to hold back my smile.

He leaned forward once again, and we kissed. I placed my hand on his jaw, most of my fingers behind his ear. I started to pull back but he pushed forward, keeping the kiss going. I melted into the feeling of his lips. There was no reason to fear, I knew that, even if I came up with a reason... I was safe. He pulled back and looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of his. The look in his eyes, how warm they felt. He looked at me with such sincerity.

"Should we watch a movie or something? Because otherwise, all I'm going to want are those lips of yours," he flirted.

"We can watch a movie," I said nervously.

I nodded and leaned back, grabbing his computer and some earbuds. He got us all set up with (favourite movie). I snuggled up to him, getting under the covers. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I didn't notice it, but I had nodded off to sleep. I had only known because when I had woken up I saw Jere sleeping next to me. I looked over to the clock to see it was still early. I tried slowly inching my way out of his arms, but his grip tightened. I looked back to see him still sleeping. I slowly moved until I was out of his grasp and tip-toed back next door to Belly's room. I closed the door behind my back and sighed. I got changed and headed downstairs to see Laurel making breakfast.

"I didn't know you were here this early Y/n," she said.

"Yeah, Belly and Cam broke up. So..." I explained.

"I see," she said.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Belly asked groggily as she walked in.

"You looked too peaceful," I said.

In walked Jere who grabbed some breakfast and sat beside me.

"Thanks for the breakfast Laurel," he said.

He smiled over to me. He took a bite of his food before leaning towards my ear.

"You left me," he joked.

I could feel my blush rise, "I didn't want Belly to see I was missing."

He just chuckled and sat back in place, enjoying the act of teasing me.

The Look in His Eye [Jeremiah Fisher x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now