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The day of the debutant ball. It had been the long-anticipated event. I woke up to mom preparing things and calling specialists to make sure they were ready for later today. I left her to be while I ate breakfast. My phone rang and it was Shayla. This must be important. I picked up the phone a bit worriedly.

"Hey Shayla, what's up?" I asked.

"Steven lost all of his money in poker!" she shouted.

"What?" I questioned.

"Yeah! He was being an ass about it too!" she said.

"Oh my god... Did you guys figure it all out?" I asked.

"He's going to borrow one of my dad's old tuxes... I swear this is giving me a migraine," she sighed.

"Okay, well. Take some deep breaths. The issue is handled, that's the end of it. This is our day," I said, trying to calm her.

"You're right."

"Alright then, take a couple Advil for that migraine," I said.

"Will do."

"I'll see you later, okay?" 

"See you soon. Thanks," She replied.

My mom walked into the room with a worried look on her face, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's fine now. Steven didn't get a tux, but they figured it out. Shayla was just freaking," I explained.

"Poor girl, she must be so stressed. Well. We have to get going, I'm heading over with Susannah and Laurel. Be there soon okay? I want to make sure you have more than enough time to get your hair and makeup done," she explained.

I nodded and she headed out as I finished my breakfast. I grabbed the few things I needed and headed outside to see the familiar face of Jere.

"Hey you," he said with a smile.

I smiled at the sight of him. 

"Are you okay? Nervous to see the girls?" he asked.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure things with Gigi will be fine now. Belly's the one who's in deeper water," I sighed.

"Well, if you want, I can come. I can be your body guard slash hairstylist," he offered.

"Sorry, but you can't. The green room is girls only... Not to mention my mom wouldn't let you near my hair. She's got a whole team ready for me," I joked.

He laughed at my comment, "Well then, scratch that."

He gently grabbed onto my hand, shifting the mood.

"Listen Y/n. You've got this. I'll be right by your side the whole night," he explained. "And if anybody gives you shit I will-"

"Jere!" I laughed at his comment.

"I'll be like "Yo that's not cool at all" I'll grab your hand, and we'll dance away from everybody," he continued, spinning me around to enact it.

I laughed at his jokes, even though I knew he'd do whatever I needed. He was so sweet. He leaned down and kissed me as his turn made way back to him. I stared into his eyes for a moment.

"Thank you," I said.

"Of course."

He stepped back for a moment, and I just pulled him back for another kiss. I was so nervous. I just wanted that amount of safety he always made me feel. His lips were so soft, and I could taste that he had put on some chapstick. We pulled back and I slowly opened my eyes.

"I'll see you at the club?" I asked.

He smiled, "I'll be there as soon as I can."

I nodded and he stepped away before turning back to look at me as I got in my car.

"Drive safe!" he shouted to me as I pulled out.

I smiled, driving the way to the club with the very familiar butterflies once again. I made it to the club and immediately underwent the process of getting ready. All of the girls helped each other out. It was such a fun environment. I kept nit-picking after the team left. Stray hairs, my necklace out of alignment. Shayla tapped my shoulder.

"We should get our flowers and head on out there," she said.

I nodded and quickly followed her to the bouquets of red roses. We all headed to our places, ready to start the performance. The lady called the names one by one. I stared across the stage at Jere who was smiling brightly, assuring me we'd be fine.

"Y/n L/n, daughter of M/n and F/n L/n."

I stared at mom as I entered out of the wings. She was crying, so I just smiled to her. 

"You're a goddess," Jere whispered.

I could feel my cheeks heat up, though it probably wasn't seen under all of the makeup. We smiled, posing for the photographers. 

"And this summer raised $10,000 for the cancer foundation," the lady continued.

We walked into our place, and I handed my mom the red roses. 

"Thank you," she said.

"I love you," I said, stepping back into place.

Jere and I stood there arm-in-arm as the lady called off names. I smiled at my mom and could see Belly's dad handing her a handkerchief. We all watched as Laurel rushed out, but we continued. 

"I'm gonna go make sure Laurel gets back for your dance," I whispered to Jeremiah.

"Let me come with you," he said.

I nodded and we left off in her direction.

"But you're gonna have to face that Susannah isn't gonna be here much longer," John said.

I looked back to Jere... He heard what I did...

"Don't say that," Laurel protested.

I had to make sure she saw it all. It was important. Susannah needed for there to be no issues.

"It's the truth."

"Laurel?" I called, peeking around the corner.

"Y/n?" John questioned.

"The escort dance is about to start, you don't want to miss it," I explained.

"Thank you. We'll be right there," Laurel said.

I nodded and headed back around the corner. Jere's face fell. He knew... I grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly, trying to remind him where he was in the mess his brain must have been in. He looked up at me, a bit hazed.

"Let's get back, okay?" I asked.

He nodded and we went back for him to immediately hop into his dance. I sat and watched as Jere and Steven talked... He was piecing it all together. He continued to pretend everything was okay, but I knew he wasn't feeling his usual self. I still cheered for him, but I watched as his eyes floated from me to Susannah... And then, Shayla started kissing Steven. Someone liked his dance. I tried to look for Jere, but he suddenly disappeared. I walked around the area to try and find him. I looked outside to see him sitting out on a pool lounge. I stepped outside and he was looking at Susannah's phone. I rushed to his side and hugged him. He was crying.

"She's-" he choked up. 

I shushed him, petting his head. He sat up and looked at me.

"Shit. The ball. We should um. We should get inside," he said, trying to pull himself together.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I just. I need to tell Conrad," he said as he stood up and started walking back.

I followed him. I was worried about him. It was time for another dance and we made it to our places. Jere and I kept up but kept his eyes on Conrad. We stepped to the beat. In any other scenario, I would have been swooning over how perfect it was. He dipped me and we caught each other's eyes.

"Breathe," I said.

He quickly stepped away as the song ended, making his way to Conrad.

The Look in His Eye [Jeremiah Fisher x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now