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I woke up and did my daily self care routine quickly realizing that today the villain kids were arriving and I am excited about it! I went to my closet and took out my elegant black lace long sleeve chic blouse, red tube top that will go underneath it, black leather pants, red belt, and red pumps. I walk down the stairs with zero. We walk outside to where Ben was waiting for us. "Hey! Jackie wait up!" I stop and glance behind me see one of my friends, Tiana and Naveen's daughter, Taylor. "Thank you for coming" She smiles and nods her head putting her arm in mine as we continue to walk. As we were waiting I stopped and talked to her, a few minutes later, I heard barking and laughing. I turn and see zero playing with Ben.

Taylor and I walk towards them, when we get there Ben smiles at me and says " jacko you look great!" I narrow my eyes and scoff at the name and reply "thank you Ben, you clean up nice as well." He wraps a arm around my shoulders and hands me zero. We wait for the villain kids to arrive and soon enough a few minutes later there they were.

"I'm so nervous.." ben looks down at me and hugs me to him "I'll be here every step of the way, there's no reason to be nervous." I smile up to him and put my hand on his that was on my shoulder.

As the limo stops and the door opens and two boys fall out wrestling with something as the other three kids walk out of the limo. Fairy godmother told them to leave it how they found it and they got up. The boy with the beanie, long hair, and impressive muscles looks around and looks at Taylor.  He walks up to her and says "hello foxy, the names Jay." She giggled with a blush, I look at the four of them but stop on the last one. He was good looking guy, red hair you wanted to run your fingers through, he was wearing black clothing, a green leather jacket, and brown combat boots. He turns and looks at me with a smirk catching me red handed.

Fairy godmother then starts " welcome to Auardon prep! I'm fairy godmother headmistress." The girl with the purple hair perked up at this "the fairy godmother as in bippity boppity boo?" She nodded "bippity boppity you know it!"

"You know I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you appeared, out of nowhere with that sparkly wand and warm smile" Mal smiled clasping her hands together " and Sparkly wand."

Fairy godmother then waved her off. "That was a long time ago, and as I always say don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future."

Ben then introduces himself. "It's good to finally meet you all I'm Ben."

" Prince Benjamin soon to be king!" Audrey says to them. The girl with the blue hair walks up in front of us. " You had me at prince, my mom is a queen which makes me a princess." She said as she curtsied.

Audrey have her a mean look  " The evil queen has no royal status here, and neither do you." She told her rudely

I then decided to step in. " Yes she does actually, Just because her mother lost her status does not mean she did. She is Snow white's step sister, giving her status."  Audrey narrows her eyes at me, "shut it freak!" I narrow my eyes at her and Ben gets in between us.

I then turn to the girl with the blue hair "hello princess, my name is jackolyn, but you can call me Jackie ." I curtsied to her and look up to see her with a huge smile on her face. She curtsied back to me "hello Jackie, My name is Evie."

"Princess Jackolyn, the royal advisor!" I look toward Ben. He just looks at me with a awkward smile. "This is Taylor and zero" I say pointing to my friend and the floating pup.
"This is Audrey" Ben says with an awkward smile. "Princess Audrey.. his girlfriend.. right Benny boo?"

"Ben, Audrey, and Jackie are going to show you all around. I will see you all tomorrow!" Fairy Godmother says as she clasp Ben and Audrey's intertwined hands and pulls them apart. "The doors of wisdom are never shut, but the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00." When she said that last part she gave me a stern look. She knows I always break the library curfew rule.. "As you may have heard I have a little thing about curfews!" And with that she left with the band following behind her.

Ben then walks up to the villain kids. "It's so, so, so good to finally me..meet you all. This is a momentous occasion, one that I hope will go down in history...is that chocolate? As the day our two peoples begin to heal." He says his speech as he went around to each kid earning a himself a punch from Jay, a handshake from Evie and Oozie, some chocolate from Carlos, and a look from Mal.

Mal didn't seem all that impressed "or the day where you showed five people where the bathrooms are."

Ben then laughed "a little bit over the top?" Mal then replied "a little more than a little." Ben looked to me with a little bit of embarrassment and turned back to meet Mal's eyes. They have this whole flirting with the eyes thing going on.

" so much for first impression." Then the two stared at each other for a moment. I look over at Audrey and can tell that she is getting jealous. "Hmm seems like Ben has a thing for the new villain." I turn around to see my friend riven with his pascal on his shoulder, he stands beside me watching everything unfold. I giggle to him and look back toward them and see Oozie watching me with a smirk on his face. I blush and can feel Riven staring at me with a grin. "Ooo looks like Ben isn't the only on." My blush grows deeper, Audrey warps her arm around Ben's and looks at Mal.

"Hey your Maleficent's daughter aren't you? Yeah you know what? I totally don't blame your mother, trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mothers aurora sleeping..." I put my head in my hands. What is she doing! I hear Riven and Taylor chuckling behind me.

Mal replies " Beauty! Yeah... I've heard the name. You know and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother to the stupid christening" the tension was so thick you can cut it with a knife. "Water under the bridge?" Audrey says with a fake smile "totes!" Mal says also with a fake smile, then they fake laugh.

"Okay! So, how about a tour yeah?" I ask them and look back towards, Riven, he was called by his cousins, Elsa and Anna daughter and son. Telling us bye walking off to them taking Taylor with him.

"Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago. Had been converted into a high school by my father when he became king." He then clapped his hands for the statue as it morphed from man to beast. I hear a scared yell behind me and turn to see Carlos in jays arms. Jay looks at him with embarrassment and annoyance. "Carlos, it's ok his father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man. To remind us that anything is possible." I say giggling at Jay and Carlos. Oozie smirks at me, zero glides up behind him disappearing to sniff him. Oozie felt something shift in the air and looks at me. Zero appears at his face, making everyone look between the ghost dog and Oggie boogies son. "Hi boy!" Oozie says nervously, zero happily barks as I whistle, he comes and floats behind me.

"Does he shed much?" I heard Mal ask Ben, I think Ben was supposed to be offended, but he replied with a flirty answer back, well attempted flirt. "Yeah mom won't let him on the couch." Jay then dropped Carlos onto the ground. Carlos clapped to see if he can change it back to my Adam. " it won't work for you silly, it will only work for the royal family." I tell him with a smile as the others walk inside. Clapping to show him that I couldn't change it either. He smiles and we both walk into the entrance behind the others. " so you guys have a lot of magic here? Like wands and things like that?" Mal asked. I responded "yes of course it exist, but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals."

"Who happen to be kings and queens." ma says I was going to answer, but then Audrey interrupted. "That's true, our royal blood goes back for hundreds of years." She then grabbed Ben's arm and pulled it around her shoulders. I look at everyone and see Oozie still looking at me, I smile to him and watch as Ben unattached himself from Audrey and called down Doug.

" Doug, Doug! Come down!" He was still dressed in his marching band uniform. "This is Doug, He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms I will see you later, okay?" He said this last part toward Mal. " If there is anything you need, feel free to..." Audrey then cut him off saying "ask Doug!" I shake my head "feel free to ask Ben or myself also, we will like to help you." I say as I walk away with a smile and a wink towards Oozie.

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