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I sit on my bed with zero catching up on some homework when Oozie walks into my room and he falls onto my bed staring up at the ceiling. "What's wrong?" I slide over to him and sit beside him. He hugs my waist putting his head in my lap as I play with his hair. "Lonnie showed all of us up at practice today, chad made this whole scene about how girls were not allowed to play and brought out the rule book. What should I do? I feel bad because she's really good and I want her on the team, but I also want coach to trust me."  I know that rule he's talking about.  "Then make her captain and you can be one of the men on the team, then he can't say anything." He pops his head up and looks at me with a smile "baby your a genius!" He kisses my cheek and brings me down onto the blankets to cuddle with me and zero.

After a horrible date Mal ran into her dorm and packed all her stuff. Crying angrily as she stabs holes into a little blue box. "I don't belong here." She walks over and takes her mother out of tank. "Okay" she says as she breathes in and out shakily "let's blow this popsicle stand yeah?" She chuckles and puts the lid on top.

She hops onto her purple bike and rides to the edge of the cliff. She stops to take a breath and pulls out her  mothers spell book. "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere." She says and puts her goggles back on and sighs saying "Please work." She  begins to drive over the ocean. Looking back at Auradon she smiles, looking back at the isle. She feels a shift in her magic and realized it was the barrier.

She drives through the alley way full of people screaming. She stops and looks at a poster of Ben and herself. They marked her face with an X and wrote good girl on it. She tears it down and rolls it into a ball throwing it behind her. She parks her bike and walks to her gang's secret hide out. She looks at the yellow sign that reads danger and red and flying rocks in black. She throws a rock as it hits the sign the door opens letting her in.


Later that day Ben and I sit at our desk doing paperwork and discussing things. "Jacko!" Ben says to me  "yes your majesty?" Ben laughs and says to me "can you ask Lumiere to call me regarding cotillion?" I respond "yes sir!" He picks up his pen and starts to write "thank you!" Evie knocks on our door calling out our names making us look up at her. Ben takes his Bluetooth device out of his ear and stands "Evie!" He smiles and motions for her to come in "Come on in" she looks at us sadly making me stand up "Mal's gone back to the isle." I turn my head and look at Ben, he just stands there frozen. Evie hands him a note, he looks down starting to read it. "Ben.." Evie says as she hands him the ring. "I am so sorry.." Evie tells him.

He steps back "this is my fault! This is my fault and I blew it. She had been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding I just went all beast on her." He says slamming his hands down on his desk making Evie flinch back. "I have to go there and apologize." I sigh as they both look at me "your going to have to do a lot more than apologize Ben." He nods to me and turns to Evie "I have to go there and beg her to come back!" Evie replies sadly "you'll never find her!" He turns to the window looking at the isle. "

You need to know the Isle and how it works, and you have to take me with you." He turns to us "yes! Uh.." he stammers "are you sure?" She nods "yeah, she's my best friend and we'll bring the boys too. Because safely in numbers and none of us really are too popular over there right now."

"Thank you" Ben says to her she turns to him "but let's get two things straight you have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again."she looks at both of us as we nod and say that we promise. "And there's no way you both are going looking like that!" Ben and I look at each other and then to our clothes "what do you have in mind?" She smiles taking both of our hands and walking us out of the office.

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