🎃Halloween and christmas had a pink party and threw up🎃

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After a bunch of paper work and meetings, I was finally done for the day. "Ben" he smiles tiredly looking up at me "you did a good job today, despite Audrey. I think the vks will do well here. Now on another note, it's late, it's time for us to go to bed." He smiles to me and rubs his face "thanks J, I must of lost track of time, what would I do with out you?" I smile closing my laptop and walking over to his desk "I don't know, but I know I definitely wouldn't be where I am now with out you." He smiles and then it turns into a frown, taking my hand in his, he says "I'm sorry about what Audrey said earlier, your not a freak. So what if you change into a skeleton, I think it's cool!" I giggle and hug him "thank you, and don't worry about Audrey, she just got her ego hurt and doesn't like when people tell her when she's wrong." He nods closing his computer, we both walk out.

"Hey you wanna come by for some Halloowern and Christmas treats?" I watch him as he  scrunches his eyebrows with a confused look "it's May?" I chuckle "yeah, me and Santana do this every so often when we miss home, a group of us are meeting us, really just my brother his girlfriend, Santana and riven, and Taylor. He covers his mouth with his hand and yawns "sorry J, I didn't mean to do that." I laugh "it's fine Ben, besides I've seen you do worse. Your just like an older brother to me." He smiles down and hugs me "and your like a little sister, although we are the same age." I laugh "hey your birthday is a few months before mine! That dear king makes you older!" He chuckles "well my apologies dear Pumpkin Queen!" I sigh "Ben I know your about to be king, but do you think I'll be a good pumpkin queen?" He smiles bringing me in for a hug. "You already are the best pumpkin princess, but I think your going to be an amazing pumpkin queen," I blush "thanks B"

"I'm sorry J, but I'm really tired, could I meet up with yall another time?" I nod and give him hug goodnight "sweet nightmares Ben!" He hugs me back "good night J" He smiles as he walks away. I hear someone coming up behind me "BOO!" I stand still and turn to see Oozie "I didn't scare you?!" I shake my head "I don't get scared." He narrows his eyes "I'll find a way to scare you gorgeous, you just wait!" I smile to him "I'd like to see you try." He smirks "oh I'll take that challenge, I would like to introduce myself my name is Oozie, Oogie Boogie's son." I give him a small smile "hi Oozie, my name is Jackolyn skellington.." his face drops "I guess because my dad is your dads enemy, we can't see each other or anything of the so-" I cut him off  "what are you talking about!? Of course we can." He gives me a shocked hopeful look, I grab his hand and look into his eyes. "Care to meet my twin brother and friends?" Oozie's eyes grow big "uhh.. I am a villain kid, do you think they will hate me?" I tug him along and shake my head "don't worry, their cool, they won't hate you, the worst they will do is talk your ear off!" Unbeknownst to me, Oozie looks back at his friends giving them a thumbs up as they walk away. To them it was a distraction, but to him.. he genuinely wanted to get to know her.

"So princess, any knight or prince taken your heart yet?" She scoffs "please all these boys have egos the size of texas besides my brother and friends." Oozie smiles and stops us "I know I just got here, but I can't place it, but I feel something when I look at you. I know I'm not a prince or a knight, but would you give me a chance?" I smile up at me and kiss his cheek "of course I would Oozie." He gives me a huge smile kissing my forehead. I turn hiding my blush, as I walk him a few more doors down. "This is my dorm, are you ready?" He nods "with you there, I'll be alright."

When we walk in my brother and friends were on our couch watching tv, "I'm back!" Zero barks floating over to me happily as  they all turn to me with a smile and then go wide eyed "who is this?!" My brother asks getting up, I grab Oozie's hand and smile to all of them "this is Oozie, son of Oogie boogie.." I glance up at the nervous vk. My brother smiles "welcome dude, my name is Samuel skellington, but you can call me Sam!" My brother hugs a shocked Oozie "uh.. thanks.." Santana gets up "hi I'm Santana Claus, granddaughter of sandy Claus! It's a pleasure to have you here Oozie!" Oozie stood motionless and looks to me "it's okay, I told you they wouldn't hate you." My brother and Santana look at him "Oozie why would we hate you?" My brother asks "your not your dad, and we are not our parents and grandparents." Oozie gives my hand a squeeze and smiles to them "how about some popcorn and Halloween death punch?" I asked, He smiles "thank you, I would love some!" As they left he leaned down and whispered "what is popcorn and punch?" I gasp and look up at him "are you serious?!" He looks scared for a second "we are getting you some right now!" I bring him over to our snack table, "hey! Those apples look really good! And they don't look poisonous! And the candy doesn't look bad either!"

Everyone looks at him shocked. I put him a pink Carmel apple, pink popcorn, candy, and give him some pink death punch. Getting me some popcorn and punch, I  sit down beside him on the couch, he looks down at the snacks just staring "Oozie?" He looks up at me "have you never had popcorn or green apples before?" He looks down, "no.. but we did have Ursula's fish and chips, where they sold rotten fish, dads casino made some moldy sandwhiches, and EQ always had apples, but no one ate them, because they were scared that they were some how laced with something." Everyone gives him sympathy look "hey no! None of that!" I take his hand in mine and pause the tv "Oozie." He looks at me with watery eyes "can you tell me how life was there?" He shakes his head "I think if I talk about it, I'll ruin the moment gorgeous, how about another time eh?" I give him a gentle smile and play the tv.

A few minutes later I got up with Santana to go make some more stuff. Oozie looks around the room "what's up bro?" Sam asks him "I hate to be this person, but it looks like Halloween and Christmas had a pink party and threw up in here." Sam and Riven start laughing "I like you, we're keeping you!" I walk back over to them, looking at my crazy brother and friend "what are you laughing at?" they immediately stop "nothing.." I look over at Oozie with a smirk, leaning down close to his face "Oozie?" His breathing quickens "uh.." I stand back up straight and take little steps towards the tv to change the movie "where are you going?" He asks me, my brother looks at him "dude you gotta thing for my sister?" Oozie blushes, but tries to hide it  "oh you do!" Sam smiles "hey sis! I'll get that come sit back down!" He pushes me onto Oozie making me blush a deep red. Oozie chuckles holding me close to him as the movie starts, I look up at him to see him looking down at me, he smiles kissing my forehead and holding me closer as the movie plays.

Later I told him who everyone was, "that is Aaliyah, my brothers girlfriend, jasmines daughter, Next you have Riven, Santana's boyfriend, rupunzel's son, Taylor, you might remember her from earlier, she's Tiana and naveen's daughter." He smiles down at me and kisses my head as the movie comes to an end "alright! I love you all, but everyone out! Movie is over and we need to go to bed! Im so tired!" Santana tells them making me giggle, everyone leaves but Riven. "Don't do anything while I'm gone please, that I would not want to come back to." She rolls her eyes, Riven chuckles "don't worry, we save that for when your with Ben." Santana smacks him on the head, he rubs his now red sport saying what to her.

I giggle to them "I'm taking Oozie back to his room, I'll see you guys in a little bit." I close the door behind me. Oozie and I walk hand in hand to his dorm "did you ever meet your room mate?" He shakes his head, "they were gone at the time." We stop in front of a familiar door "I know who your roommate is..." he gives me a confused look, I open the door to reveal my shirtless brother who was kissing his girlfriend goodnight. "Gross" they both turn to me "hey! So your my new roommate! Nice!" My brother says to him, I exhale and look up at Oozie " I have a question before you leave, how is yours and Santana's room bigger than the boys and girls dorm, and it's not pink like Mal and Evies?" I smile whispering into his ear "the perks of being royal advisor." I turn to to the occupants in the room "I wish you all a goodnight!" I turn to leave, but Oozie stops me "goodnight gorgeous." He leans down and kisses my cheek, I blush and reply "sweet nightmares handsome." I kiss his cheek, leaving a blushing villain kid behind me

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