🎃Midnight snacks🎃

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Oozies pov

I open the paper she gave me to reveal a phone number. I smirk and put it in my pocket. "I think it's time Benny boo and Jackie got themselves a new boyfriend and girlfriend, and I need a love spell." Mal claps her hands together and wiggles her fingers. Carlos smirks and throws her, her spell book. Mal giggles with a smile and we wait till midnight to go to the kitchens.

When we got to the kitchens, Mal opened her spell book and was ordering us what to get. When we got everything, she read the last part of the recipe "alright! It says that we still need one tear, and I never cry." Dude sits in a bowl beside Carlos "let's chop up some onions!" Grabbing an onion from a wooden bin. "No! It says we need one tear of human sadness and this love potion gets the best reviews, so we have to follow it exactly."  Jay says sitting on the other side of dude "a tear is a tear" Evie speaks up "that's not true Jay, they both have antibodies and enzymes, but an emotional tear has more protein based hormones that a reflex tear." Jay and I look to each other, I look over to Evie impressed, I give her and high-five. "Listen to you!" I tell her, Jay awkwardly smiles "yeah I knew that.." Carlos and I look to each other "did not!" We tell him, Carlos slaps his shoulder "yeah I did!"

The door to the kitchen opens, Taylor walks in "there you are Mal! I was looking for you!" Mal quickly covers up her spell book. "You know all the girls want you to do their hair!" I hear a familiar laugh "I like you Mal, but I surely don't, I love my hair the way it is." I hear the sound of my pumpkin princess's voice as she walks in I smile and pull her to me. "Midnight snack huh?" I smirk at her as she asks "whatcha guys making?" Taylor looks into the bowl as I tighten my arms around Jackie "nothing special, just cookies.." Taylor dips her finger in, girl why? "Oh no, no! Wait! Wait! Wait!" She looks at them shocked "what? I'm not going to double dip?" Jackie smiles taking a small tea stirring spoon and dips a tiny bit out, she looks up to me for permission, she looks at the other vks, Taylor smiles to her, "girl, it's good try it." She pops it in her mouth, I'm a little scared of what might happen, she moans at the taste. I smirk at the sound pulling her closer "feel anything?" She arches her eye brow "besides your soon to be boner no." Jay and carols snort, I smack her butt "by the way how could I not, do you see what your wearing right now?" I look down at her red silk button up top and bottom pajama set. It's not revealing, but she still looks so good in it. "I didn't think it was too bad, do you think it is?" I shake my head "I love what your wearing gorgeous, maybe wear something like this when I sketch you huh?" I whisper in her ear, she giggles kissing my lips, I kiss her back immediately, someone clears their throat breaking us apart.

Evie suggests "yeah, like maybe it could be missing something?" Taylor and Jackie look to each other, Jay walks up to her and flirts with her "hey there" Jackie tries to hide her laughter, but I can feel her shaking. I look to Taylor's face, she's smiles trying to hide her blush, but it's definitely noticeable. Jay smiles in a flirty way and Jackie shakes harder. Taylor smiles awkwardly "could use some chips!"  Jay narrows his eyes disappointed. I tap his arm "better luck next time bro."  He looks to me and then to Jackie "chips?" The two vk girls look relieved "and those are?" Jackie answers her "choclate chips? Just the most important food group." Taylor smiles nodding, she brings over a cup of brown things.

She takes a handful in her hands "wait didn't your moms ever make you guys, like choclate chip cookies?" Taylor asks as she sprinkles the chocolate into the batter. The five of us look at Mal worried. Jackie sees the look on our face and holds me tighter "Like when your feeling sad?" Taylor nods, adding on "and when their fresh out of the oven within a big ole glass of mile and she just makes you laugh. And puts everything into perspective and .."  Taylor and Jackie look around seeing the looks on their faces. "Why are you all looking at us like that?" Mal shakes her head "it's just different where we're from." Jackie tries to stop Taylor, but she continues "yeah, I know.. I just.. you know.. I thought..that even villains love their kids." Jackie looks up at me with tear stained cheeks. I smile down and wipe and kiss them away. She was putting two and two together. "Oh.." Taylor looks to all of us with a sadden look and she starts to tear up as a tear rolls her cheek  "how awful" she takes Mals hand in hers Mal wipes her tear away and puts it in the bowl.  "Yeah well, big bummer, but we have to get these into the oven. So thank you so much for coming by. Really, really have a good night." Taylor smiles to her "okay, okay" Mal stops and watches her walk out "good night, evil dreams!" Taylor waves bye, saying " goodnight, see you tomorrow"

Mal turns back and relaizes that Jackie is still here. She looks up to me with a look. "How about I walk you to your dorm princess?" She looks up to me with mascara stained cheeks "okay." She silently says I tell all my friends bye before walking out.

Jackie pov

I feel more tears come out of my eyes, I try to wipe them before he can see. He stops and pulls me to him "darling, it's okay, I'm away from that now, and you know what, if it makes you feel better we can bake cookies together and have a big ole glass of milk." I nod and he kisses my tears away "please stop crying over me, you don't need to cry over me." I sniff and hold him closer to me  "I'm sorry for what you had to go through. I have to tell Ben so we can save more kids." I look up at him with questionable eyes, he nods, walking me to my dorm. We stop at my door and he turns to me "goodnight princess, sweet nightmares." He comes closer to me, I lean up and connect my lips with his for a kiss, putting my forehead against his I say "goodnight my knight, sweet nightmares." He kisses me again this time with more passion.

He backs and looks into my eyes, "If I don't stop, I don't know if I will stop." I blush "save that for another time then, it's one in the morning." He smirks kissing me one more time before heading down the hallway. I walking into my room to see a sleeping riven and Santana asleep in her bed. One day I'll get to have that, hopefully with him. My phone goes off with an message, I read it.

unknown number: evil dreams princess, now get some sleep.

I silently giggle and text back "how did you know I was till awake?

My knight🗡️: I know you, now go to sleep my love, I'll see you in the morning.

Pumpkin Princess 👑 🎃: goodnight my love

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