🎃Wicked world🎃

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I sit in my office doing paper work watching the news. Poor Mal is having a hard time with the paparazzi. I watch as Ben and fairy godmother come to her rescue. I glance at my watch a see that Ben and I have a council meeting to get to. I put my stuff away and walk out to the board room with Ben meeting up with me.

After a long meeting I walk outside and see Carlos, Jay, Oozie, Evie, Dude, and Mal. I personally love Mal's blonde hair with the purple tips, but I also miss her purple hair. I listen to all the girls try to get Jays attention. He just tells them Hey and keeps walking with his friends. "Why do you torture them?" My eyebrow arches as I listen in. "Just pick someone to take to cotillion already." Carlos tells him, Carlos stops in front of Jay "um, Jay if you were gonna ask someone what's the best way to go?"

Jay puts his hand on Carlos's shoulder "listen all you gotta do, is look like me." I snort and shake my head at him. Jane walks up to Carlos, this definitely catches my attention, because he has a huge crush on her. "Jane..um.. I was wondering..uh.." Carols looks back at his friends and then back to a waiting Jane with a smile "if you like the carrot cake last night?" My eyes grow wide knowing she didn't have that last night "I had the pumpkin pie" Carlos looks down "oh cool uh, uh.." Oozie puts his hands on Carlos's shoulders. "Smooth" and walks down the away. I meet them at the bottom of the stairs "smooth huh?" Oozie stops and smiles to me "hello my beautiful pumpkin princess..." I arch my eyebrow "technically you don't have a date to my cotillion Mr. Smooth." Evie giggles as she takes my hand pulling me away. I look back at Oozie and and blow and air kiss. I hear Carlos and Jay tell him "dang dude."

Doug, Evie, and I sit in her room as she does Chads measurements. "What about peacock feathers?" He asks her I look up from my phone with a questionable look at him. "Yeah I bet you nobody's gonna have those at cotillion." I look to Doug hiding in a laugh. "Chad" Evie says looking up at him "when I look at you all I can think of is king." I snort as he gasps she continues "and fake fur."

"Ah" he says "fake fur says it all" Doug turns and looks to them "loud and clear" Oozie then appears at the threshold of the door. "Amphitheater in five." I giggle and he turns to see me. Walking over he tips my head up and kisses my lips "hello my beautiful pumpkin princess" I blush and smile "hello my handsome knight " he smiles at me and caresses my face. "Why did coach make him captain instead of me?" We all look up at him then "I'm obviously better.." I roll my eyes "king chad, I do rather like that." He chuckles "you know who else would like that?" Evie finishes up his measurements "who?" He sighs "Audrey" Evie replies "she would" Oozie gives me one last kiss before leaving. "Chad let's go!" He walks off and Evie grabs the cape. He starts to whimper as he walks out the door. "Come on" Oozie tells him and they leave.

Evie and Doug turn to each other "not a lot of there there." I laugh and leave out the door telling them bye. I met up with Carlos and Dude to help Carlos study for his test. "I see you reading it over my shoulder." I giggle and love on dude as Carlos pets him and goes back to his computer.

Someone opens the door and slams it closed we look up to see that it was Mal. She locks the door and walks back and forth thinking. Her eyes glowed green "whoa! Easy girl!" Carlos tells her "what! You think this is so easy? You don't have people taking a photo of you every sing time you open your mouth to say boo! I mean it's not that I could even say boo but you know.." Carlos looks to me with wide eyes I respond with a sigh "I'm sorry" he tells her.

"Carlos don't you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?" He looks at her from his computer and says "your thinking of my mother, and I was usually on the other end of that. So, no not really. No."

"Oh hey! Did you bring it?" He asks Mal, she sighs and plays with something in her hand. The door creaked open and the three of us see someone walk in, it was chad. He quietly opens and closes the door trying to be quiet until he saw us. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. Dude and zero growl at chad.  "hi, just came to use your 3-D printer. Won't be a sec." Carlos asks him "how did you get a key to my room?" Chad looks at the key and back to him "oh, I printed it off last time I was in here." Mal and Carlos look to each other, to me as I shrug and the three of us look back at chad. "You guys were sleeping." Mal and I smile while Carlos just looks at him.

Chad walks over to the 3-D printer "look I just.. your printer's so much better than mine and you installed these hacks and everything runs so much smoother than mine." Carlos finally has enough and says "out!" Raising up his hand pointing at the door, chad still doesn't move. Carlos puts his hand down and says "now!" Chad gets cocky "fine, fine" Chad turns to walk out but Carlos stops him again. "Chad!" Chad turns and "what? Hmm?" With attitude " leave the key" Carlos tells him. Chad walks over to the table holding the key up and placing it down, his eyes not leaving Carlos's.

"Well that was..okay? Mal?" I say as Carlos and I notice she was staying off into nothing. "Mal?" Carlos says again making her look at him "mmm?" He smiles and says "my potion?" She looks a little conflicted "mm..yeah..um" she smiles holding up a red gummy "so this thing will make me say what I really feel for Jane?" She nods "yeah, I mean this is a truth gummy, so take it or leave it." He smiles "perfect!"

She took back with the gummy "hold on though are you sure that you wanna be taking this? Because this is gonna make you say the truth all the time, no matter what. And the only reason that I'm asking is because I know that if I took this right now, I would get myself sent back to the isle.which it's not that that sounds super unappealing but, you know..." My eyebrows raise and I ask her "Mal are you okay?" She notices that I'm there and smiles nervously while I give her a questionable look. "Yeah I'll take my chances. I guess." He tells Mal "okay."

Dude jumps down off the bed and runs up to Mal's hand eating the gummy. "Ooh! Bad dog!" She says as Dude sits happily looking at the two of them. He shakes his body and making a sound. My eyes go wide as I stand walking over to my friends. Mal gasps as Carlos and I stare wide eyed at the scruffy puppy. "Man that thing was nasty!" Carlos and I look to Mal as she stares at the dog opened mouthed . "And you? You just gotta man up! And while your at it, scratch my butt!" Carlos exclaims "This is crazy! A talking dog!"

Mal doesn't take her eyes off at dude as she says "you heard him, scratch his butt." She turns grabbing my arm "Mal, Jackie, your just gonna leave me with him?" She opens the door and walks out. "Come on you scratch your own all the time." I smile and close the door behind me.

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