🎃Tourney games🎃

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The next day I was walking the halls with Audrey and Ben. We heard girls giggling and talking about their hair. Audrey looks down in jealously "look it's Mal!" Someone yells out "hi Mal!" Another one yells out it turn and see Mal and Oozie. I smile to him and he blows me a kiss, making me blush. "Love my hair Mal!" Another girl says, Mal waves back at them. Oozie looks over to Mal "are you feeling kind of weird about this?" She turns towards him "I mean it's not so bad here, you know?" Mal looks to him with a crazy look "are you insane? Long live evil! Your mean, your awful, your bad news! snap out of it!" She snaps her fingers in his face. "Thanks Mal, I needed that." They laugh and she pats his shoulder.

While they were talking to each other, I was talking to Ben. "Ben, I really.." I was cut off by Audrey "do you think they actually paid for those?" I watch as Jay walks over to the balcony "oh hello." All the girls run up to him. "The name is Jay, are you all coming to the tourney game today?" The girls reply "yeah" he laughs "keep a lookout for number eight, alright? Scoring the winning goal." The girls giggle "okay!"  I roll my eyes turning back to Audrey and Ben "she did it to Jane's hair too, and fairy godmothers not happy about it." Ben asks her "what's the harm?" He chuckles "it's gateway magic! Sure it starts with the hair, next thing you know it's the lips and the legs, and the clothes, and then everybody looks good and then where will I be?" Ben looks over at me as I look down at my clothes I was wearing my white sweater that had ruffles on the shoulders, the ruffles had a red trimming, my black belt and black skirt, my black thigh high boots, and red choker. I play with my wavy hair and feel my face. "I don't think I look too bad.."

"Listen Audrey.." he tries to reason with her, she calms herself "I will see at the game after my dress fitting for the coronation, okay?" He replies "okay" she smiles to him "bye Benny boo" and kisses the air by his cheek. "Bye.." I look over at Ben "I don't look bad do I?" He shakes his head and gives me a hug "I think you look perfect the way you are J." He kisses my forehead as Oozie and Mal walk over. "Hey Benny boo!" He smiles and walks towards her "I made a batch of cookies, double chocolate chip, do you want one?" He thinks "I uhh, I got a big game, I don't eat before a big game, but thank you so, so much, thank you, next time, next time." He takes my hand starting to walk off. "No, yeah," he stops us, I look at Oozie who has a look of jealousy on his face. "I completely understand, be careful of treats offered by villain kids." He shakes his head and let's go of my hand giving Oozie the perfect opportunity to take my hand.

I look at him, he has a green tee shirt on, black pants, black shoes, and a black leather jacket. "I don't have to be worried about you and Ben.. right? He's the king.. I'll have major completion.." I busted out laughing "I'm sorry, you think Ben and I" I wave my hands in the air between us "no, just no" I smile over to Ben and look back at Oozie "he's a big brother and my best friend, plus my boss. Babe you have nothing to worry about" I kiss his lips "I promise." He kisses my back holding onto my hair pulling me to him. "Whoa! Save that for the bedroom guys!" I turn and look at my twin brother "Samuel, don't you do this on a daily in the hallway?" He narrows his eyes "yes but she's not my sister." He glares at Oozie, "not in front of me bro please." Oozie nods as I says "you weren't even here, for that I'll make sure to make out with you in the room next time." He gives me a grossed out look flicking my forehead and walking away to Aaliyah "are we really?" I shake my head "no, I just wanted to say it to aggravate him." I give him a kiss walking off going to my next class.

Later that day I stood next to my locker looking into my mirror to fix my hair for the game. I was putting my yellow bow, fixing my uniform top, pulling down my skirt a little where it was coming up when Oozie came walking up behind me.  "Hey!"  I greeted him with a warm smile. "Ready for the game?"  I ask him. "Of course! I'm ready to kick some butt!" I giggle at him, I see him look at something as a whisper saying give it to her. I look behind him and see Mal. I glance down at the cookie "you wanna give me a cookie?" He shakes his head and throws it into a trash bin, making Mal scowl. "Nope, Mal I told you those cookies weren't that good!" She narrows her eyes stomping away. "So?" He checks me out "you look adorable in your uniform!" He takes my hand and twirls me "thank you handsome!" I blush "I can't wait to see you play today!" He smirks "I can't wait for you to cheer me on!" He kisses my cheek walking me to the field.

When we get to the field, he lets go of my hand kissing me on the  lips, and walking off to the changing rooms. I look up to see Evie sitting with Mal in the bleachers. I walk over to the cheerleaders  "Hey guys!" They say hello to me and a little while late, the game begins.

We cheer them on during the whole game. But during halftime, instead of our performance, Ben had a microphone in his hand making  some sort of announcement. My friends look at me I just shrug I really didn't know what was going on.

"Excuse me, excuse me! Can I have your attention please. There's something I would like to say! Give me a M!" Ben shouted. The crowd  yelled M! "Give me a A!" He yelled and the crowd yelled A! "Give me a L!" And the crowd yelled L!  "What does that spell?" He asks Mal! The crowd yells. "Come on I can't hear you!" He yells into the microphone "MAL!" The crowd yelled.  He then goes to say " I love  you Mal ! Did I mention that?" my jaw drops I turn back and forth looking at at our friends from behind me to the ones on the field. They are the same shocked as I am. What is he doing!?... and then he starts singing???

"I love you Mal! Did I mention that!" Now he had made his way all the way up to us in the stands. He tried to kiss her , but she held up his jersey that he had thrown to her to stop him.

Audrey then comes up to us with Chad in tow. "Chad my boyfriend now! And I'm going to coronation! So I don't need your pity date." She tells Ben "Whoa!" Chad cheered for himself.

Ben then snatched the microphone back from Audrey and turned to Mal. "Mal would you be my date to coronation!?" She says with a smile "yes!" He creates a even bigger smile than the one he already has if that's possible. "She said yes!" We all cheered happily. I look out to see Oozie blowing me a kiss and he winks at me, Jay then walks up the bleachers "Let's go Ben! The whole team is waiting for you!" I gathered up the courage and blew Oozie a kiss. He smiles to me as the announcer says "What a victory!!! What a day for the Auradon Knights! Finally winning back the trophy after so many years!!!" We all cheer for the boys as they celebrate.

"Yeah! yeah!" We all heard someone yell out to see Jay holding the trophy. "And there he is folks! Jay! The most valuable player! How do you like that!?" Oozie looks up to me and sends me a wink. I shake my head with a smile and cheer for them.

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