🎃Little Dizzy, Smoke Bombs, and Wands🎃

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Evie, Mal, and I walk into curl up and Dye. "Cute name" I tell Evie as she smiles pushing past the plastic out of the way. A little girl with red hair and a cute outfit was on the other side of the room. Evie puts her finger to her lips as she sneakily walks over to Dizzy. Evie smiles crouching down "EVIE!!" I smile at her excitement thinking about all they had to leave here too to go to Auradon. "Evie you came back!" Mal says "hey so great to see you too.." I giggle at her enthusiasm. "Is it at all like we imagined?" I listen to her questions  "do they really have closets you can walk into? Have you been to a real swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like!?" What she says makes me think of how much we take for granted of the things God gives us. "It's cold and sweet! And if you eat it too fast it gives you a headache." Dizzy smiles "really!?" Evie nods "yeah!"

"I saved your sketchbook for you!" Evie smiles "you did!?" Dizzy walks over grabbing a blue book. In the middle of walking back she turns, looks at me, and gasps excitedly "oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Princess Jackolyn is here! Evie why didn't you tell me! Oh my gosh I didn't even welcome her in! I'm so sorry your highness my name is Dizzy." She curtsies to me "hello ms. Dizzy, it's wonderful to meet you!" She picks up pick up the book running over to Evie, She puts down the book and Evie opens it smiling "oh my gosh! Wow!" She smiles at a drawing "I made this dress out of an old curtain and safety pins." Her sketch is very impressive which I'm not shocked she's amazing. "It reminds me of the dress you made for Mal when she met Jasmine" Dizzy tells her playing with her blue hair. "I spilled curry all over that." Mal says thinking bak, Evie nods laughing  "you did" Dizzy grins to Mal "I saw that!" Evie looks at her book more "your totally right Dizzy this was totally the inspiration for that." Dizzy smiles "I knew it! You can take the girl out of the isle, but you can't take the isle out of the girl." I smile and watch them, they remind of of sisters.

Evie holds up something in her hands "is this too much or is this fabulous?" Dizzy puts her hand on her hip and says with her other hand held out "hand me the glue gun!"

Oozie's pov

The three of us walk back to Jay and Carlos's room meeting up with a whining zero and dude. "Hey zero!" I tell him, he happily barks in reply. "Im so sorry I'm so late dude! Ben got captured." Carlos starts walking to the door, I stopped him"no.." he looks at Jay and I "why is our door open?" The three of us walk into to see Chad watching the machine and the sound of whirring. "You've got to be kidding me.." Carlos says the printer powers down. Chad turns to us, I lean on the threshold with a smirk. "I knocked.." chad says as he chuckles nervously "go on, dude" Carlos tells his dog as he sets him down on to the ground. Dude walks away to go lay in his bed.

Carlos sticks his hand out to chad, chad gives an aggravated puffed out cheeks look. "What is that?" Jay asks, Chad chuckles "that's a little chad action figure!" He flies the doll around making noises. I laugh silently watching this all play out. "We'll, minus the head.."  Carlos relies "sounds like a improvement, excuse me." I snort, jay pushes chad out of the way "alright!" Carlos says "here we go!" He starts pushing buttons. Chad leans over Jays shoulder "why are you making fairy godmothers wand?" The three of us back up, unbeknownst to us, someone was watching us.

Carlos replies "uh, why are we making fairy godmothers wand?" Jay looks at the both of us "because, uh.." dude then spoke up from his bead "Ben's been captured!" We all turn to the scruffy dog "what?" Chad asks "dude can talk?!" Carlos ignored his question "I was stalling!" Dude replies "oh, I thought you forgot!" I hit chads shoulder "don't tell anyone, Ben's life depends on it."

Chad replies "really? So if something were to happen, you know what I'm saying.." we look to the blonde dufus  "something bad, we get it."
"I hope not, but if something were to happen, who do you think would be in line to be king?" Jay says "Is it me or is that really poor taste? I step to the door holding it open for him gesturing for him to leave. Chad scoffs holding up the headless action figure in Carlos's face, "I'm taking this" and with that, he walks out.
He turns and says "and if you think.." I slam the door in his face with a smirk.

I look back over at my friends "thank you Oozie!" Jay adds in "yeah thanks!" I chuckle and stand beside carlos as he works his magic. "Alright!"

Jackolyn pov

I was helping max make smoke bombs, "got it?" I ask her "yeah I got it."  Evie who was standing beside us says "careful" Mal looks to her and says that she got it. She holds it up "perfect!" I count them "that makes five smoke bombs!" Okay Mal replies to me "I think that's enough, right?" I nod my head as Evie said yeah.

Evie steps away "M, J, how amazing would this look with me shredded tee and my heart purse?" I see dizzy look over at us "very amazing" Mal replies "take it! Take a bunch!" Evie smiles "oh dizzy!" Evie puts the crown in her bag. "Oh my gosh!" Evie says as Dizzy puts the item in the bag. "Thank you, it would make me so happy to know that you were wearing something of mine in Auradon! Almost like me being there myself." Evie sighs and pulls Dizzy into a hug "I really wish I could take you with me."  Dizzy steps back from the hug "at least one of us had our dream come true right?." My heart breaks, alright that's it she's going to be the first chosen to come next time we send out the invites Evie nods sadly "yeah."

Mal looks up at Evie "E we gotta go" Evie nods and says okay waving bye to Dizzy. I stop her before she leaves. "Thank you Dizzy, when I go back to Auradon you'll be the first on the list to come when we bring the next kids over." She gasps "really!?" I smile and nod as she pulls me into a hug. "Thank you!" She waves one last time at Evie and Mal and walks over to Evies sketchbook flipping through it. "She's gonna be okay.." Mal tells Evie as we look at her sadly. "Yeah, but she can be so much more." Mal grabs Evie's hand "let's go.." and with that we walk out the door.

we walk down the alley ways talking, "that one was epic! That went on for actual days!" Mal says, evie laughs "like it mattered right? We were both undone by true loves kiss." The three of us say together "works every time!" And laugh together. "I really thought that's what you and Ben had." I sadly look down "do you want to talk about it?" Mal looks at evie and I "I'm not coming back, you guys, I can't. I really tired to tell you, but I mean..I saw the way your face lit up when we walked through those dorm rooms for the first time." I start tearing up listening to them, I see the looks on their faces making a tear fall "and I couldn't spoil that for you." Evie shakes her head "if your staying, I'm staying too." Mal stops her "no" evie looks away "evie your an Auradon girl, and I am and will always be.." Mal chuckles "the girl from the isle"

Mal bends down and picks up a rock throwing it at the sign. I listen to them sing, we eventually make it into their apartment, I sit comfortably on the sofa, falling asleep.


Meanwhile in Auradon:

The boys were sleeping in the chairs waiting for the printer to make the wand. It made a sound waking Oozie, he sees the wand and smacks Carlos in the chest. "Carlos!" Carlos covers his arm as he asks what he awakens, stands up with Jay and opens the printer. Taking the wand out the boys check it out. "Not bad" Jay agrees "yeah let's go!" As they walk out the door, dude calls out to Ozzie, Carlos, and Jay. "Hey guys what about me?!" Carlos turns around and points to him "no dude you stay, I'm serious. Stay!" Dude whines "I love you Buddy we'll be back before you know it." He tells dude walking out.

When they walk outside they were stopped by Doug "oh hey have you seen evie?"The three of us glanced at each other and back to Doug "she uh..she went camping!" Jay nods his head, but Doug doesn't seem to bye it. "Evie I wanna live in a castle, sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hairdryer?" Carlos tells him "you know how spontaneous she is bro!" Jay chuckles pushing Carlos back with him "totally, totally" as soon as they thought they got rid of dough they come into another obstacle. "I'm coming with you guys." Jay chuckles "what?" While carlos has a frozen look on his face. "We don't need swords at the waffle hut." Carlos and I slowly turns his head giving him a look.

Lonnie says "your going to the isle to rescue Ben, Look, it's either you take me or I'm gonna have to tell fairy godmother." They nod and she squeals excitedly as they walk back to the limo to go back to the isle.

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