Do as i say!

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I wake up to a loud bang coming from the kitchen, "What the fuck? he actually took me to their place? are you serious? why cant i remember anything, i don't even remember passing out!" i say to myself. I was fully clothed, thank God, knowing Tom i would've had all my clothes off by now. I sneak to the door to see what was happening, i heard Georg and Gustav talking and yelling, they were definitely on something. As i took a step closer to the door i heard a pair of footsteps approaching. Before i could even get back into bed Tom opens the door aggressively, "You're awake?" he says, like he didn't think i would wake up from all the noise they were making, "Why am i here? You didn't have to take me here!" i say, then mentally slapping myself in the face. "Do you want to join us?" he asks, knowing they were all drunk and probably on something i didn't want to, but i had to do as he said, i knew he wanted me to come join them, "Sure", he grabs my hand softly and walks down the stairs.

We reach the end of the stairs, i see Georg and Gustav playing uno, whilst Bill is passed out onto the couch, i wasn't surprised, Bill is a raging alcoholic. "Where is it?" Tom asks Gustav, still holding my wrists, i pull my arm away from him, i was sick of him holding my arm like i was a kid crossing the street. "In the fridge" Gustav replies, setting his attention back onto the uno game. Tom walks to the fridge and grabs a little bag of brownish liquid.

"Is this it?" Tom says confusingly.

"Yeah? Why?" Gustav replied.

"This is all you got, this tiny ass bag!?" Tom yelled

"That's all i could get! that shits expensive you know" Gustav replied with an aggressive tone.

"For fuck sakes, whatever" Tom says rolling his eyes, he grabs my wrists again and pulls me up the stairs and throws me into his bedroom. He reaches to his bedside draw and pulls out a needle, i hated needles, they made my spine twitch every time i saw one. "W-what's that for" i asked as i shivered in fear, i got no reply, instead i got a look of mischief and a smirk, then he replies "Have you ever done heroin before? he asked, like he was expecting me to say yes or something, "Um, no i haven't?" i said as i questioned his own question. "What kind of question is that?" i mumbled to myself, "What was that?" he turned to me, confused. "Nothing, but if you're going to do that do it where i cant see". He puts the needle into the bag and pulls the syringe back, i could see the liquid in the needle and i felt sick to my stomach. "Please don't Tom, please" i say, begging for him to stop what he was plotting in his head.

*Tom's POV*

"Oh no sweetheart, i'm not doing it, you are" i say to her, i could see her beautiful lips twitching in fear, "No i'm fucking not!" she yells, i loved it when she was scared, but she pretended she wasn't, it turned me on. I couldn't wait to stick my needle right into her and hear her scream and cry for me to stop, i couldn't get enough of it. There was something about Poppi that i adored, i wanted to take care of her, but another part of me wanted to hurt her, torture her, and make her suffer, she made me suffer, so now she gets to suffer.

*Poppi's POV*

I scrunched up into the corner of his bed, as i watched Tom clean the needle, i felt my heart skip a beat "What is he going to do to me?" i asked myself. I started to plan an escape in my head, but still looking terrified of the needle even being in my presence. I ran to the door as fast as i could and tried opening it aggressively, Tom then drops the needle and slaps me across my face, i covered my cheek with my hands and began to cry, i just cried, i couldn't do anything but cry. I look up at Tom holding the needle again, hovering over me, "You're so cute when you cry" he said to me, feeling no remorse, "You're a monster" i replied, as i felt tears rolling down my cheek and into the corner of my lips, he then bends down to my level and wipes the tear off of my cheek before licking it and holding my chin up with his hand. I felt comfort, it was strange to me how he could slap me to the ground to then be comforting me. That's why i loved him. "You do as i say, or else" he says to me whilst holding the needle in his hand.

Tom then pulls me up from the ground and pushes me onto the bed, "Please Tom, stop! Please, please stop please! i repeated that sentence over and over again before he slapped me across the face again "Stay still, you're making this more difficult than it needs to be" he said smirking in anger. I struggled more to get out of his possession, but he was much stronger than me. He then slaps me across the face again before pointing the needle right at my vein, "If you don't want to be hurt you better stay still" he said, the evil tone in his voice scared me, i knew that if i kept struggling i would hurt myself more. I stopped struggling and looked at him in the eyes, he looked down at me "Good girl" he said, his eyes softened and body less stiff. He puts the needle into my vein and pushes the syringe further into me, i scream and cry, the pain was unbearable, i couldn't help but just scream, that's all i could do. He pulls the needle out of my arm and stands up to get a t-shirt. He wraps the t-shirt around my wrist to stop the blood from gushing out of me.

I sit up, being happy he's not crushing me with his bodyweight anymore "See, not so bad is it baby?" he says with his hand on my shoulder, i was still looking down at the floor, not saying a word. "Answer me when i talk!" he demands, "Don't call me baby" i said quietly.

"I'll call you whatever i want, you're mine now, my pet, i own you and you do as i say, got it?" those words that trembled off hid tongue gave me a rush of fear. "Am i ever going to get out of here? i asked myself, my thoughts we're crushing me, the more i thought the more scared i got. But i wasn't going to let Tom Kaulitz control me, not again. I spent too long trying to get out of here, and now that i'm back there is no way I'm letting him get the best of me.

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