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I woke up with my legs wrapped around my blanket, I rubbed my eyes smudging all the mascara I had left on and get out of bed, not having a single clue what happened the night before. I looked down at my bruised legs to see three red handprints on my thighs, "Good job Tom" I mumbled in annoyance. "I cant keep living like this, this is hell" I mumbled again. I walked downstairs to see a girl sitting on the couch next to Georg, whilst Bill, Tom and Gustav all sitting at the table. The girl looked familiar, "I swear I'd seen her at the race in Georg's car" I thought to myself. She had short blonde hair with black stripes, she was skinny, she looked like she hadn't eaten for a month. She had large fake eyelashes, almost touching her eyebrows and lip filler. "Great, another prostitute stuck in this hell of a house".

"Poppi, this is Ida, Georges new pet" Tom says with an evil smirk.

"Stop calling them that Tom" Bill says with worry in his throat. I ignore him and walk to the couch to greet Ida, as much as imI didn't want to, I wanted her to feel at least safe in some way. I put my hand out in-front of me to shake hers.

"Hi, I'm Poppi" I said with enthusiasm, acting as if O loved it here and I was the happiest person in the house.

"Uh, hi" Ida says, rolling her eyes, she then pushes my hand away from hers.

"Um, do you have a problem?" I asked. I was as boiling, I was just trying to be nice but all I got was an attitude.

She then turns to Georg with a smirk on her face, like she found it amusing being a bitch to me. I put my hand down and walk towards the fridge. As 8 walked past she puts her foot out and trips me over, i then fall face first onto the ground, "What the fuck is your problem bitch!" i yell at Ida, "I'm so sorry! That was an accident i promise!" she says with the most sarcasm i've ever heard, "Yeah okay love" i say back with an attitude. I get up off of my feet and walk towards the fridge.

As i was making my food i could hear Tom and Bill behind me giggling and laughing, as i turned around they both stopped giggling and acted like they weren't doing anything.

"Got a problem aswell?" i snarled at them

"No, do you?" Bill says back as he giggles again.

"If you wanna say something so bad fucking say it!" I yell at them, furious by their immaturity. Tom stands up, basically arking up on me like he was going to fight me, he then sits back down, controlling his well known anger.

*Time jump*

We arrive at the race, less people were there but more bodyguards, i walk over to the crowd searching for Bill to see if he was with Lucia, i then get stopped by Ida, "Hey, Poppi right?" she says softly as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah?, whats up?" i asks concerned, why was she being nice to me? she seemed like she despised me from the first interaction we had.

"Georg was wondering if you wanted to come for a drive, i would love to have you besides me!" she says enthusiastically, like she desperately wanted me there.

"No i'm okay, id rather be with Tom"

"Cmon please, Tom said it was okay, that means you have to" she says as she grips my shoulder, i push her hand off of me.

"I said im fine, why would i wanna be in the same car as you anyway, you're a fucking bitch!" i snarled at Ida, causing her to give me a death stare of hatred

"Please Poppi, just one round and you can go with Tom afterwards, please please" she begs, i didn't want her bothering me anymore so i agreed, "Yay, now cmon!" she then grabs my wrists and walks to Georg who was talking to Tom and Bill. "Coming for a ride huh?" Georg says as he raises his eyebrow leaning against his car, Tom then thens around, startled by what Georg just said, "What do you mean?" Tom says in a stressful tone.

"She's coming with us this round, then you can have her back"

"No way is she going with you Georg, she'll slow you down"

"You're funny Tom, now come on" Georg says as he puts his arms around Ida as he walks to his car. I trail behind them and turn around slightly to see Tom glaring at me from a distance, he looks sad, yet angry that i was getting into Georg's vehicle.

"I'm sorry" i mouthed to Tom

"Fuck you" he mouthed back, then turning to Bill as they walk off to their vehicles. I felt guilty, but Tom was treating me like shit the entire time, and as-well as the argument we had beforehand because of my "attitude" towards Ida, i didn't even wanna get in the same car as him, and for all i know Tom could crash again.

"Buckle up ladies" Georg says as he buckles his seatbelt and turning back to me then to Ida, "Ugh" i scoffed at Georg, then turning my head to the window. I watch as everyone got out of the way of their cars, "If we crash i swear to god" i thought to myself, my heart was racing for some reason, i was used to all these races but the fact that i wasn't besides Tom made me feel strange, i felt like i was im a car with 2 strangers.

I'm zoned out, wondering if ill be safe with or without Tom, without even noticing the countdown was over, we suddenly we take off. The rush of the take off pulled me back onto my seat, forcing me to grip onto the seat below me. I was watching out the window, it was weird seeing the speed of someone else compared to Tom, i get the urge to look behind me, the window was clear like it had never been touched before. I look out and see Toms car, "What the fuck, he's usually ahead of everyone" i thought to myself. As i stare into his windshield i get a sudden shock as we make eye contact, he stares at me deep into my soul, but the sight of him was gone as i look out the window, my heart sinks as i watch the view ahead of me. Georg then quickly turns into a dark alley way, Georg and Ida then start laughing while staring at eachother. Shivers run down my spine as i look next to me. members of many old gangs surrounding the streets. I could feeling tears start to fill up my eyes as i feel like i was going to explode, my insides felt like they were lifting up to my mouth ready for me to blow.

History Repeats Itself - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now