God Only Knows

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The car slowly stops. Georg turns to me with a slight nervous smile. "Why'd we stop?" I questioned, my voice cracking with panic.

"I think the gas is out" He replied nervously.

"Awww babyyy" Ida wined as she rubs Georgs leg.

"Foul" I mumbled under my breath. I look out the window, watching all of the other gang members surround the street, my heart was pounding with panic. All I wanted to do was be in Tom's safe arms, but no, I was "stuck" with Georg and his moron of a girlfriend.

I quickly turned to Ida who pulled out a black spray bottle, I couldn't see what was inside but I assumed it was perfume or water, but as curious as I was I let it overtake me.

I peeked my head from behind her seat. "What's that?" I questioned.

"Oh, nothing" She quietly replied, fiddling with the bottle.

I turned my head to the window again as Ida began to spray the bottle around the car. The smell of it was actually horrendous, it smelt like a piece of meat that's been rotting for weeks.

I started to cough uncontrollably, my head was spinning and I could feel my heart beat get slower and slower. "Am I about to die?" I thought to myself as I could feel my eyes rolling backwards, I was preparing myself to pass out at any minute. I wasn't thinking anything, for some reason I didn't want to fight it, I just accepted the fact that I was going to either pass out for a bit, or completely lose my life.

I suddenly felt rough hands grip my body, a door opening as I quickly hit the concrete. I laid their, basically paralysed as I couldn't feel or move a muscle. I couldn't make out any words around me, just noises of cars and city night sounds. I then heard a car drive off as water splashed all over me.

*Time Jump - 1 Hour Later*

I felt heavy rain hitting my skin, no noises of cars surrounding the city, or the talking of drunk people surrounding the streets, just the silence of the rain. "Where am I?" I mumbled tiredly. I picked myself up slowly, feeling the gravel on the concrete dig into my palms. I had no clue where I was or any memory of what happened and how I ended up here, but all I could think about was Tom.

"Tom? - TOM?!" I screamed, tears quickly welling up in my eyes."Where are you Tom?! Save me, SAVE ME PLEASE!" I cried out again as I cupped my face with my hands. I sat down down on the concrete, my arms crossed over my legs as I cried my eyes out, letting the rain drench my entire body.

I put my hands together in a praying position on my forehead. "Please God, let Tom save me, please" I begged, still bawling my eyes out. I was stranded in the middle of nowhere, the only thing I could remember was Georg and Ida in that car, spraying that black bottle around the car. I was so ashamed of Georg, he was the only person who supported me through Tom & I's relationship, and now he's stranded me in the middle of fuck knows where, for what?.

I stopped praying, realising that I was begging for something that was most likely not going to happen. "Fuck this!" I spat as I stood up from the concrete, wiping the hard gravel on my pants. I jumped as I turned around from a loud car turbo coming from down the street, I recognised that noise from anywhere.

"TOM!" I yelled as I put my arm out in front of me and ran towards his car as he pulled up next to me.

Tom runs out of his car and slams the door shut as he quickly tightens his grip around my body, he was shaking and breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry Poppi, I'm so fucking sorry" He cried as he cups his hands around my head. He leans into my face as he cups his hands around my cheeks. -"Are you hurt?" He quietly asked.

"I don't think so, just a'tad dizzy" I replied, stroking his face with my gravelly hands.

"You're soaking wet Poppi, what happened?" He puts his hands around waist, more gentle and kinder this time.

"Georg and Ida sprayed something in the car and-" I paused, trying to remember what the fuck happened.

"And what Poppi? What did they do?!" He demanded.

"I think I passed out" I say unsurely, tapping my feet nervously.

His face when white, almost pale like he was about to throw up. "Can you remember what you saw in the bottle?" He tightened his grip on my shoulders.

"No, it was black so I couldn't see anything, why?" I replied, extremely concerned. Tom seemed like he knew something I didn't which made me more nervous.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" He yelled, pushing his hands off of my shoulders as he trails himself left to right.

"What Tom, what's wrong?" I yelled. He pulls me close to him, our chests now touching. My heart skipped a couple beats.

"Can you remember what it smelt like?" He looked me dead in the eyes, both of our eyes now locked in with each-others. I have never seen him this stressed before.

"I dunno, somrthit like rotten meat mixed with mould, it was disgust-"

"WHAT?!" Tom yelled. "Are you fucking serious Poppi, tell me the truth, NOW!" He yelled as his breath made my hair fly out of my face.

"Yes Tom it smelt like straight up rotten meat, what the fuck is the problem?!" I yelled back.

"Fuck sake Georg!" He mumbled. He turns to me, gripping his hands onto my shoulders tighter than ever. "We need to get you home as fast a possible Poppi, your life is on the line right now"

My heart skipped more than 5 beats, making me feel paralysed. "What?! What do you mean? Am I going to die?!" I replied stressfully, tightening my grip on his arms.

"You might, that's why we need to go home as soon as possible" He paused, looking me dead in the eyes, nothing but fear were behind them. "I can't lose you" He finished as he quickly pushes me to his car and flings the passenger seat wide open.

I hopped in the car, strapping my seat belt as fast as possible. I suddenly felt a heavy hit at the back of my head. Tom turns to me, the most terrified look on his face.

"Are you okay?!" He shook me aggressively.

"I-I feel, I feel fine, I-I'm fine" I could feel my eyes rolling backwards, nothing but blackness filling my eyes as I could feel myself passing out again.

He grabs my face and points it towards his. "No Poppi, you're okay, you're okay j-just stay with me, please babe" Tom let go of my face as he rummaged through his pockets. I heard nothing but his heavy breathing and keys clinking around.

"I'm dying Tom, I'm fucking dying" I said drowsily as my head falls to my left shoulder.

"Don't fucking say that Poppi, you're not dying!" He yelled as he turns the car on and speeds off. That's when everything turned black, my head was spinning and my mind was turning. I wasn't scared though, it was the exact feeling I had when I was in the car, except this time it was more intense.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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