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"Fuck sakes, why do you always beat me! Tom yells while giggling a-bit, throwing his cards onto the table.

"Haha, I win!" Bill yells, throwing his hands up into the air in excitement.

"Yeah baby!" he yells as he dances around the table to the music playing from the speakers. Me, Tom, Lucia and Georg were all sitting around the table with drinks in our hands, whilst Gustav and Kylie were upstairs, doing who knows what.

I stand up to grab another drink from the fridge, stumbling on my feet from how drunk i already was.

"Babe, grab me another one while your there would you!" Tom yells, his attitude gave me a shiver down my spine, i rolled my eyes and grabbed us more drinks.

"Me too, would ya!" Bill yells.

"If you want one so bad grab it yourself, i'm not your slaves!" i yell, regretting my words that trembled out of my mouth.

The room went silent, Lucia looking at me, the 'Shut up' kind of look, Georg then breaks the silence from falling off of the couch, we all laugh at how wasted Georg really was.

I gave the drinks to Bill and Tom.

"I'll be back, i need to go to the toilet quickly", i walk up the long narrow stairs and to the bathroom, i stood in front of the mirror, examining myself, the hickeys and bruises on my neck were loud, but we covered by turtle neck sweater. My pupils were dilated and red, like i was on ecstasy. I do my business and leave the bathroom, i could feel tears brewing in my eyes, i suddenly got hit by a wave of sadness, knowing the fun we we're having would soon come to an end, realising i had to go back to reality, being stuck in my living nightmare once again.

I walk down the stairs holding onto the rail.

"Took you awhile, you alright?" Lucia asks concerned, i got hit even harder by the waves of sadness, almost more like anger, i think i was just too drunk to think straight.

"Yeah, i'm fine" i replied in a sad tone.

"You sure? you don't look alright?" Lucia replies.

"I'm fucking fine, stop asking me questions, just drink some more of your drink and leave me the fuck alone!" i screamed, throwing myself to the floor, Bill backs up and so does Lucia.

"Leave me the fuck alone please, please, i hate everything, everyone fuck off!" i scream again, holding my head like a skitzo, i start ripping my hear out of my head, screaming in pain.

"Fuck off, fuck, fuck!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Tom then grabs me by my wrists and pulls me up.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Tom yells at me, i then stop, my mascara dripping down my face and my hair all knotted from my pulling.

"Get the fuck out of here, go upstairs NOW! he yells pointing his finger to the stairs, i start fighting against Tom, punching and kicking him before he slaps me right across the face.

Bill, Georg and Lucia all look at him with straight horror and fear, i felt like i was out of my own body and i couldn't control myself, like i was splitting. I then fell to the ground, scolding my face with my hands from the pain. The room goes silent.

"Now" Tom says quietly, like he was done with my behaviour, like he wanted to kill me right there and then.

Gustav and Kylie run down stairs to see what the commotion was about, i look up the stairs still on the ground, Kylie was standing next to Gustav, half naked.

"Ugh what a whore" i told myself.

"Gustav and Kylie, go back into your room!" Tom yells, causing Gustav to jump and run back into the room. I get up and walk up the stairs, i look behind me to see Bill and Lucia death staring me, like i was a monster, Tom death staring me too,.

"Go on!" he yells. The soft Tom i was getting used to disappearing before my eyes once again, but this time it was my fault, my heart ached.

"I need to get out of here" i thought to myself, as i walked up the stairs, i then turn around slightly to see them all staring at me, like they were staring at a ghost. I could see the anger in Toms eyes, he was huffing and puffing like he just punched something.

History Repeats Itself - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now