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"Who the fuck was that Tom!" I yelled at him as he drives aggressively, then pushing his foot onto the breaks.

He turns to me, "Shut your fucking mouth!" he yells.

"Tell me now!" i demanded.

"Why do you care so much Poppi?! It's none of your business, you're lucky i even payed for your hospital bill!" he yells at me, i could feel tears brewing in my eyes.

"What do you mean payed?" i questioned, he looks around him looking for an excuse to give me.

"Why was in there in the first place!" i yelled

"What the fuck happened, tell me Tom please!" i yell again, tears in my eyes.

"The night we had that race, and i shot that bitch in the face, remember that?" he asks raising his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah?" i said confused

"Well, i went to fast, causing me to crash into the sidewalk off of Älgen St, and you blacked out, I did too but i woke up quickly and Bill drove us to the hospital" my heart drops to the bottom of my stomach.

"You crashed?" i asked him, i didn't know he could ever crash, he was the best driver in Germany.

"I know, don't speak about it!" he yells, but with a sad tone in his voice.

"Now tell me, who the fuck was that chick? Why the fuck did she have your initials tatted onto her!" i yelled, i noticed myself getting more and more angry, i could feel heat beating up inside of my chest, why was i getting so angry? i don't know, maybe because i still love him, but he can't know that. He'll want to own me again, not like he already did, but still, he can't know my true feelings for him, he will go mad.

I look at Tom with disgust in my eyes.

"Tell me now!" i demanded

"She's... my ex, Karolina, shes now dating one of the most hated men in Germany, he wants me dead, he thought that if she killed you id kill myself, but that would never happen, i don't fuss over pets!" he yells as he then looks down at his lap.

"Now no more questions, i'm taking you home, i have business to do and you can't come".

"Why can't i come?" i say in confusion.

"Stop fucking asking questions, do as i fucking say Poppi, i'm sick of you!" he spat, pushing his hands against the steering wheel.

The silence was so unbearable, i felt like my world was crumbling into pieces.

"Bills waiting for me at home, stop wasting my time and keep your mouth shut" Tom yells again.

"Whatever Tom" i rolled my eyes and buckled my seatbelt again.

History Repeats Itself - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now