Chapter four: First morning.

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A gentle breeze blew through Dream's hair. He looked at a river next to him where he sat on the peaceful green grass meadow. He could see his reflection, it showed his bushy sandy blond hair and his green emerald eyes. Instead of a worried look on his face he had a pleasant one.

He heard laughing and looked off into the distance. There was Sapnap and Bad laughing and running around. They had on nice clothes, and looked healthy and well fed. Both of them laughing and taking turns chasing the other around. They didn't have a care in the world.

Runnign around with them were two other boys Dream didn't recognize. Though the sun blocked their features pretty well, he noticed one had a black mohawk and the other had busy light brown hair. They alos were giggling and happy.

"They look happy don't they Dream?" An unfamiliar voice asked. The person speaking had an accent Dream was unfamiliar with, and when he turned to see who it was speaking behind him, he realized the sun was blocking their face.

Usually Dream would panic in such a situation but the voice only seemed to calm him down more. He felt his heart pitter patter in his chest as if it were beating very fast yet not in a worrisome way. He smiled at the stranger, a beautiful white sparkling smile.

Tell me, are you also happy love?"

Dream thought about it for a minute. He felt a sense of joy wash over him. He felt so happy, a happiness he hadn't felt before. He looked up at the mysterious person yet all he could see was brunet hair. "Yeah... I think I am." He said smiling.

"Good, take my hand Dream... please."

Dream didn't know why but he felt like he had to take the mysterious boys hand. If he didn't he felt as if his whole heart would leap out of his chest. So he looked at the slender out reached hand and reached for it.

Just as he felt his bigger hand wrap around a smaller hand...

He woke up.

Dream groaned loudly, the feelings he had felt in his dream had faded away the moment his consciousness brought him back to reality. He shuffled a little and realized he was laying on top of something rather lumpy. He lifted his head up and was met with an irritated Sapnap.

"Dream... get... off."

Dream quickly jumped up and landed onto the floor. A pained groan escaping his lips. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Sapnap who was clearly trying to hold in a laugh.

"Sap, what the hell? Why didn't you just push me over instead of freaking me out like that?" "If I had you'd of crushed poor Bad instead."

Dream stood up and noticed Bad was sound asleep. Dream sighed, "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

Sapnap scoffed, "Yeah right, as if I could have. You were having some kind of dream. You were grinning like an idiot and kept sighing and giggling. My guess you were dreaming about some big chested woman." Sapnap wiggled his eyebrows up and down. Dream merely rolled his eyes. "Not funny Sap."

Dream looked at the window that was covered by a thick curtain, just like in his room, and noticed the sunlight was trying to break through the material. He shook his head, guessing Lord Momochi would be furious with them sleeping in like they were.

He turned back to Sapnap. "Hey can you check the hallway? I need to go get my mask and I don't want Lord Momochi seeing me without it on." "I don't think he's even up dude. I haven't heard a single peep in the house since I've been up, and I'd say I've been up for a few hours."

Dream felt a rush of embarrassment at the thought he had been crushing his best friend for so long. As well as due to the possibility he was the reason his friend was woken up so early. "I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to-" Dream was cut off by a pillow slamming into his face and the sound of Sapnap's muffled laughter.

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