Chapter three: Sleep filled nightmares

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Warning/author note: This chapter will contain death/murder in it! I also want to be clear no disrespect is meant in this chapter however the events with the teams parents had to be stated to explain why they are orphans. While there are no gruesome details I still don't want anyone getting the wrong idea or triggered in case they have lost a parent(s).


Lord Momochi stood there looking stunned at Dream. He looked at Sapnap and Bad who simply nodded. "I guess being the student of one of the most legendary ninja of our village won't be so bad. Heck it might even have its perks." Sapnap said chuckling.

Lord Momochi nodded, a easy looking look crossing his face. He then motioned towards the fridge.

"I'll prepare a snack for the three of you as I stated before. However if the three of you would like, please feel free to go up stairs and take a shower and then retire to your rooms. The shower is down the hall and should be open already. Your rooms are at the other end of the hall, all three right next to each other. My room is on the other sides of the hall at the very back. I do ask you not to enter it."

Bad nodded, "Thank you Sensei. If we can call you that?" Lord Momochi chuckled without cracking a smile, "Please do. Lord Momochi is far too formal. We are now Sensei and students. You may call me either just Sensei or Momochi Sensei."

Sapnap chimed in, "What about Mom? Or perhaps Mom Sensei." He laughed at his own joke. The older ninja however simply looked at him confused. "I would prefer you not to." Was his simple and dead pan response.

"Right, going to have to teach him what joking is." Sapnap muttered to himself.

Dream turned to his friends, "You two go ahead and decide which of you will go first, the other can go second. I'll go last in taking a shower. I want to talk with Sensei in private."

The other two gave Dream a worried look but knew better then to argue with him. They guessed Dream was needing some kind of heart to heart in order to feel OK about their situation. Without another word the two headed up stairs.

Once they were out of ear shot Dream turned back to Momochi Sensei. "May I speak honestly with you sir?" Momochi sensei shrugged, "By all means. I'd rather there be no secrets between any of us. If I over step my boundaries and do something or say something out of line, then please say so."

Dream nodded, "I can't say I fully trust you. In fact I don't trust you at all. However... your promising my brothers a better life then the one we have now. So I'll trust you for now."

"I see." Lord Momochi said nodding, "I assure you I want a better life for everyone in the village, including you Dream. Even if you don't trust me, maybe you never will, I'll still look after you and your brothers. You three are now my responsibility, I swear I'll do my best to take care of you three. May I ask you something?"

Dream nodded, not really wanting to answer any of this man's questions but feeling he at least owed him that much.

"Just now before you ate, while I was in here. I noticed you were using your hands too feel around for the bowl. Can you see through that mask? Also why do you wear it?"

Dream felt his jaw clench and tighten. He really wanted to walk out of the room right at that moment. However he felt like he needed to play nice for his brothers sake. "No I can't see though it, but I rely on my other senses. The mask is for protection. It keeps the outside away, and the inside in. I only take if off when it's just Sapnap, Bad, and I. The people I trust, no one else. The mask stays, got it."

Lord Momochi nodded and crossed his arms. "Would you mind if I perhaps got you a new one? One where you could see out of it?" "No, I don't want to be more in your debt then I already am."

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