Chapter 11: Passing of the Demon and the truth reveled

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(Author note! I was unaware until recently about Sapnap's boundary with his name. There for only Dream and Bad will call him by his first in this story. Lord Momochi will still call him Sapnap. Also this chapter is a bit more about Lord Momochi and his relationship with Zabuza in order to help explain when the time of the story is taking place, next chapter will be more about Dream and the Team. For the record if I ever cross a boundary please let me know politely as I am not aware of all of the Dream team or their friends boundaries and do not want to be disrespectful) Please see end note!!!!

(11 years latter)

The sound of birds chirping outside was a peaceful sound Dream had gotten quite used to. He yawned, throwing off the smooth sheets and got out of bed. He stood up and scratched his lower back and sighed. It had been eleven years since he, Bad and Sapnap became Lord Momochi's students and gained a new home.

Dream grabbed two shirts and a pair of pants and headed out of his room and to the bathroom.

He could hear the sound of a pan frying, and soft talking down stairs. Dream smiled as he took a shower. When he was done he brushed his curly bushy hair and put on his lime green hoodie and a pair of black pants. Dream was all smiles even as he went down stairs and entered the kitchen.

"Come onnnn Darryl, let me show you my new jutsu," Sapnap begged, clearly excited with what ever he had either learned or mastered.

"No Nick, I don't want to see your new jutsu. I have training of my own to do before our next mission. Besides it'll just end with you begging me to teach you medical jutsu again, which ends in you getting bored and falling asleep."

The two started bickering just as they did every morning. The only thing that was off how ever was Lord Momochi. Just like every morning he was busy making breakfast for the four of them, but he'd usually be involved with the talking. Either trying to defuse serious arguments or chuckling and adding into the sillier ones, like the one currently going on.

However this morning the older black haired ninja had his back to them, a cup of tea long gone cold on the counter and pure silence from him as he washed last nights supper dishes.

"Lord Momochi, is something wrong," Dream asked. Before the Jonin could reply Sapnap stuck out his tongue and shook his head in a silly motion.

"Nahh, he won't tell us what's wrong," Sapnap stopped when seeing the annoyance on Dream's face, "Darryl and I got up this morning and he was in the living room holding some scroll he wouldn't let us see, and since then he's not been his usual self."

Dream frowned, hearing something was off with his master was unsettling to him. Lord Momochi was the kind of man barely anything bothered, unless it had to do with those he loved. Knowing this, Dream's first thought was on those he cared about.

Clearly he, Sapnap, and Bad were OK, so that couldn't be it. If it had been Chōjūrō or Ao, then Lord Momochi would have gone out to search for them, not in the kitchen moping. Had lady Mizukage been hurt or assassinated the entire village would be in an up roar and broke out in a war or battle.

Just as Dream was becoming stumped it hit him. One name that popped into his head. It was a far stretch, as far as the distance between the heavens and the earth, but he was the only one Dream could think of.


As soon as the words left Dream's mouth the sound of a glass shattering, and Lord Momochi cursing under his breath.

Dream was startled, along with Bad and Sapnap. The latter of the three never being one to skip a beat however quickly jumped.

"Why would Momochi Sensei care about a rouge ninja like Zabuza Momochi? That makes no sense."

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