Chapter five: Training

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Tw: Swearing.

Quick note, if you see jutsu looking like this 'Fire style: Fire ball Jutsu' It is not being said out loud but rather to the caster only so you'll know what jutsu it is. If it is like this, "Fire style: Fire ball jutsu." It is being said out loud and everyone can hear.


The sun was shinning down as the three new ninja stepped outside to the back yard of their new home. Much to the three's surprise there were already training dummies' set up. Three of them to be exact. The three dummies looked to be made of some kind of clay or rock. What ever it was they had the usual dummy appearance. With the Hidden Mist symbol on their chests.

Next to the back door was a tall standing pot which had bamboo swords in it. Sapnap grabbed one of the swords and grinned, "All right this is awesome!"

Bad laughed, "Come on Sap, you know as well as I do it would be more weird for there not to have been practice swords then for there to be. Momochi Sensei's older brother was a member of the Seven Swordsmen after all. He probably grew up with swords being in his life more then anybody else in the village."

Dream chuckled, the fact of the matter was every Mist Ninja was required to learn how to wield a sword. For a Mist ninja to not have even the basic mastery of a sword was considered pathetic by the villages standards. Though Bad did have a point, with Lord Momochi having been related to one of the village's legendary Seven Swordsmen he might have had more training then most.

Dream walked over to one of the targets and started weaving hand signs. When he was done he held out his right hand and felt water surround it. He lashed out with his hand in a swiping motion and watched the water turn into a whip. The whip wrapped around the target's arm and Dream yanked back hard ripping the arm clean off. Dream smiled triumphantly at his work.

He turned and noticed Bad and Sapnap arguing over the swords. Apparently one was bigger then the other and they both wanted it. Dream watched them for a minute then sighed. He quickly weaved more hand signs when he was done he tilted his head up a bit and brought two of his left fingers up to the side of his mouth.

'Water style: Water trumpet jutsu' Dream shot a spray of water out of his mouth at the section of roof above his friends heads. The blast wasn't very strong but the blast caused the water to disperse and fall right onto his friends who shirked in response.

"Dream not cool man." Sapnap shouted grumbling to himself.

Bad pouted, "What was that for?"

Dream laughed, "You guys are socking wet." He wheezed. After a few minutes of laughing which was met at the same time by two angry glares Dream calmed down and pointed at the dummy over his shoulder with a smirk. "Look what I did."

Sapnap and Bad both looked and gave Dream a confused look.

"Um Dream... you didn't do anything." Bad said awkwardly. Sapnap nodded, "Yeah bro, the dummy's still standing intact."

Dream spun around and felt his jaw drop. The dummy he had unarmed was now standing there, mocking him with both arms attached. Dream pointed at the dummy and shouted.

"Bull shit, I totally ripped its arm off. No dame way it fixed itself!"

A feminine laugh was heard and the three boys turned to the right side of house to see a woman standing there. The woman had long auburn hair that went down to her ankles. Her hair in a distinct patter that was kind of spikey in the back with some of it above her head in a tight bun tied by a blue ribbon. She had four bangs, two short ones one of which covered her right eye and the other two long ones crossing below her chin. She had beautiful green eyes and had on a blue dress. She had a nice figure and smooth skin. She smiled at the three boys with slightly plump lips.

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