Chapter 7: Mysterious brunette boy

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Author note: sorry for the long wait readers! I started two other DNF stories over on AO3 (Which I got recently) and forgot about this story. I am back at it and have made a work schedule. No update schedule but I do have plans to work on each of my current works once a week, dedicating my free time to one each a day! Sorry for the wait, also once I finish my other story on here I'll probably bring my two DNF stories from AO3 on to here as well in case no one wants to read them there (By that I mean no one from on here lol I have over 100 hits on both stories on there, so I'm excited to bring them here as well!) Anyhow I hope ya'll are still interested in this story. Please enjoy.

Warnings: swearing.


The main land was full of shops and stores. There were so many stores, each one full with wares so beautiful and wonderous that it was making a massive contrast to the pitiful and sparse wares and stores of the Hidden Mist. 

Dream was currently wondering through the town completely lost and freaking out. Sapnap had talked Bad and Ganryū into letting the pair explore on their own. At first the older much more stern Mist ninja wasn't having it. He stated that if Lord Momochi found out, he'd go postal on both him and the three Genin.

After Sapnap's constant pleading and begging Ganryū finally caved and agreed but only if Sapnap and Dream would stay together. They agreed but as soon as the older Mist ninja and Bad were out of sight Sapnap left Dream alone. Poor Dream could barely see with his mask on. Though Dream made it out as if he couldn't see at all the eyes in his mask had tiny slits and allowed him vision, albeit very little. So Dream was fumbling around trying to find a clothing store.

Dream had one hand out feeling around for things he might run into and the other in his pocket clutching the money Lord Momochi had given him.

As Dream felt around he could feel eyes on him, suddenly he felt a strong arm wrap around his arm he had in his pocket.

"Well hello their handsome, mind taking me on a date?"

Dream could tell by the voice the person was a little older then him, however he didn't care about that. what he cared about was the fact his girl was trying to pry his hand out of his pocket. He cursed under his breath at the fact he was clearly being obvious that he had money and where it was.

The girl was pulling hard and rough until someone grabbed her arm and jerked it off.

"Excuse me but mind getting your grubby slutty hands off my boyfriend!"

Dream didn't recognize the voice but he was certain it belonged to a boy around his age with an accent Dream couldn't pin point.

The girl snarled, "Boyfriend? Look why don't you mind your own-"

The girl was cut off by the boy, unbeknown to Dream the boy pulled out a kunai and pulled the girl into his shoulder.

"Look either back the fuck off and go find a new target or this will be your last day alive. Got it?" The boy asked whispering into the girls ear.

The girl nodded and quickly ran off. The boy sighed and walked over to Dream. "Hi, I'm Greg, what's your name?"

Dream turned and was able to make out a bit of what 'Greg' looked like. He was a little shorter then Dream, and had messy yet styled dark brunette hair. He was wearing a simple black shirt with black shorts. 

Dream was slightly taken back by the boys appearance and guessed he was no older then himself. Dream looked up at his forehead and noticed the skin their was slightly paler then the rest of his body, and it wasn't just due to his hair covering a good bit of his forehead, he chose to ignore it though, for now.

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