Chapter 13: Departure from the Hidden Mist and familiar faces from the Lock

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Author note: Hi everyone sorry for the delay in the chapter. I wanted to make this kind of longer then usual as an apology so here you go :)


Dream looked around the office he was in and began to fidget terrible. He was used to fidgeting in the comfort of the house or in his room after a long and tedious mission, but today was different.

It wasn't everyday he was with his brothers and master before the Mizukage, the Great Lord Elder, and the Water Daimyō. The Leader of the land of water.

Dream, Sapnap, and Bad knew of the Daimyō, though not much. They knew he was a something of a worry wart and was often stated to be too serious for his own good. He also had a very well known distain towards all shinobi kind.

It's not that he hated shinobi, but rather the fact he was displeased with the amount of power the shinobi possessed. He openly felt that the five hidden villages were too powerful and needed to be reigned in before they got out of hand. His idea of a good ninja was an obedient one who would follow orders absolute and held no ability to pose a threat to him nor to his rule.

Dream knew the relationship between the hidden Mist and the Daimyō was extremely strained and not a very good one. The previous Mizukage, lord Fourth, had completely cut off any and all interaction and communication with the Daimyō. Such a thing would typically lead to full on war, however the hidden Mist was the only ninja village in the entire land of water, so nothing was done about it.

Dream wasn't entirely sure what he expected of the man who lead the land of water, but he certainly didn't expect this run down looking man.

The Daimyō had a long dreary face, four creases on his face, on leading from both his eyes diagonally and one on either side of his nose down to his mouth. He was wearing a strange hat that was a paper fan with tear drops on it. He wore a rather fancy yellow kimono and was accompanied by two retainers, both of which looked like they'd rather be anywhere else but where they were at in the moment.

When the team had first entered the room Sapnap had burst out laughing.

"HAH who's the old geezer with the kicked puppy face and the stupid fan on his head HAHA!" This out burst had earned Sapnap a punch to the top of his head from lord Momochi. who bowed to the man.

"Forgive my student my lord. He's not well acquainted with the liked of you I'm afraid. My deepest apologies" Bad and Dream had quickly bowed, mimicking their masters actions, and both uttered apologies.

The older man simply sighed and looked at the four dismissively, "This is all too much. Remind me again why I even bothered to come to this dreary village in the first place."

Ao, who was in the room as well, bowed, "My lord, lord Momochi and his team are going to the hidden Leaf in order to foil an attempt against the safety and existence of the hidden Leaf and to stop a possible war between the shinobi villages."

The Daimyō merely sighed and looked at the four again.

"You expect me to be hopeful about this? Three wet behind the ears genin and an unbalanced psychopath known as the crimson titan, going to the hidden Leaf without the permission of the Hokage or fire Daimyō. This is just asking for trouble. Besides, why would you want to prevent a war between the ninja villages. Is was not profitable for you and your kin?"

Dream, who had been bowing still, shot up and glared at the man. 'Daimyō status be dammed' Dream thought. He wouldn't sit back and let his brothers and master be talked to like this, besides this man had no right speaking of war so easily. What did a pompous ass like him know about war. Someone like him merely sat in a nice safe room and waited for the spoils of war to fall in his lap. Not once caring about the lives of those who died, only caring for his own gain. Men like this truly infuriated Dream to no end.

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