Future of this story (Please read and don't panic)

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Hello everyone, I want to start this out by first saying I am not going anywhere. I am still in the fandom and plan on continuing this story along with my other DNF stories.

My heart goes out to Catie, I want that to be clear. George messed up badly and acted stupid and needs to fix his mistakes.

After watching both videos on the matter that he posted, I feel that George is genuine with his remorse and wants to do better in the future. Moving forward I can only hope and pray that this will allow Catie to begin to heal rather she accepts his apology or not is her business and none of ours. However I still hope and pray that she may begin to heal.

I understand many of the people in the fandom are leaving, I am not blaming you, your feelings are valid as much as your hurt. I wish you nothing but the best and want to thank you for taking a chance and reading my stories. I really do appreciate it and despite how things have ended for you, I hope one day you may look back with joy at your time in the fandom. 

Going forward originally Hannah and Punz were featured characters. I have not decided if I will continue using Punz is persona or not due to his allegations and how he so poorly addressed them, I do however know that at this moment I am not supporting him. As of right now Hannah is not friends with George. I hope in the future George can regain her trust along with Sylveey's but as for now that is not the case. As such I well be using a different name for the character Hannah would have been and changing her. She will still use the same type of jutsu I had planned but she will not be called Hannah. If in the future Hannah and George can reconcile and she can trust George again I will add her back into the story.

I ask that no one send any hate to anyone involved with what has happened. None of the CC'S deserve hate or to be harrased and I do not condone any of that. Any rude or nasty comments will be deleted and blocked.

I also want to say I am not sure about using Karl moving forward, and might replace him with Ant or Velvet. Please let me know what you guys think.

If your staying in the fandom (or just to see the end of this story) I thank you. And want you to know I hope you can continue to enjoy this story.

Much love- SevenSwordsmen

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