Chapter six: Journey to the main land.

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The sound of bickering coming from downstairs woke Bad form his peaceful slumber. He groaned and slowly got out of bed. He noticed both Dream and Sapnap who had slept in his room again were missing. Without even listing closely he could tell the arguing was between his two friends. He quickly got dressed in his clothes from yesterday (which had been once again cleaned and set out for him) and hurried down stairs.

He frowned seeing Dream and Sapnap on opposite sides of the kitchen, both having their backs to the other and their arms crossed. Bad sighed and shook his head. He noticed Momochi Sensei was standing over the stove, clearly ignoring the issue happening behind him.

"What is going on between my two favorite muffins? Don't tell me the two of you are fighting over something dumb again?"

Dream spun around his faded white smiley mask looking at Bad. Even without seeing his best friends face Bad could tell Dream was annoyed, even before he spoke.

"This blockhead thinks he has a chance with Lady Mizukage! As if he could ever get with a woman like her. I have way more of a chance of getting with her then he does." Dream spat out, sounding every bit as childish as the argument was.

Sapnap turned and looked at the slightly long haired man, "Bad, Tell that egotistical loser I have way more of a chance with her. A woman like her probably loves to laugh, and if there's one thing I know is how to make a woman laugh."

Dream scoffed, "Yeah, she'll be laughing all right, at you and your delusional ass."

"Why you!" Sapnap turned and started marching over to Dream, who also started walking over to Sapnap fist balled at his side.

The two got right to each other and were about to strike when a heavy feeling hit the both of them. They couldn't move a single muscle. They both realized the feeling they had, a feeling that made sweat drop from their foreheads and made it feel like their blood was stopped in their veins, was the same feeling they had felt back at the academy two days ago.

"Um... what are you two doing?" Bad asked looking at his two friends who were just standing their a little bit of sweat falling down their faces. Bad looked to their Sensei who turned around with what looked like eggs in the frying pan. Well slightly burned eggs that is.

"Sit. Down."

Both boys felt the pressure released and groaned at the feeling of it disappearing. Bad quickly sat on the stool in the middle of the three on the one side, and watched as Dream and Sapnap both slowly sat down on either side of him.

Momochi Sensei sighed and quickly put some of the eggs on the three plats in front of the three Genin until none was left in the pan.

"Aren't you going to eat Sensei?" Sapnap mumbled. Noticing the older ninja didn't save any for himself nor was there a fourth plate.

Instead of replying the man simply grunted and shook his head. A calm silence fell over the group until Lord Momochi finally broke it.

"Just so their are no further arguments coming from the two of you, allow me to make one thing clear. Mei is the last person either of you should be aiming for."

Sapnap pouted, "Aw come on Sensei, she's totally hot. The most sexiest woman I've ever seen, how the hell do you expect us too-" The shorter boy gasped, "Sensei... do you have the hots for Lady Mizukage too?"

Bad wanted to face palm and Dream just stared at the older man waiting for his reply. Said older man had a look of shock and bewilderment.

"I- of course not." He said waving a hand in front of his face dismissing the question.

"You're such a bad liar Lord Momochi, you totally have the hots for your superior." Dream said in a matter of fact tone. The older ninja once again grunted and then let out a sigh.

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