Enter the Hidden Leaf Village (Dream Pov)

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Hello everyone (apologies for the late update) Spring, Summer, and fall are crazy times for me and I've been dealing with depression lately so if updates become a bit strange I want to apologies in advance. Once again I want to state (like the broke record I am) I intend to finish this story and have many more I want to write.

I also want to point out that I will briefly talking about the first exam the next chapter. (don't want to write a whole chapter about them cheating as that might get boring) so next chapter will start out as the first exam and then switch to Punz Pov where he's interacting with Lord Momochi and other sensei's waiting for their students.

Also do you guys want longer chapters or would you rather the length I've been giving you? I can't promise anything when it comes to length but I am curious. Anyway enjoy the chapter :)

TW: Swearing


We walked and walked until the sun was high in the sky, signaling it was noon. Lord Momochi noted we should have made it to the village by now, making a point to eye Sapnap who had been whining about walking all day and holding us up in order to chat with Punz and Karl.

I had noticed Sapnap trying small talk with them, but neither would budge except to give little flirty comments. Bad kept passing worried glances towards me, even as he tried talking to Skeppy. I knew, unlike Sapnap, Bad was trying to get intel on these mysterious Lock ninja. However, they seemed tight lipped. Bad also kept motioning towards the one called George, the guy who had shown nothing but annoyance towards us, trying to get me to talk to him.

I had very politely mouthed, 'fuck off' to him, resulting in him scolding me under his breath when he got close to me. I shrugged it off and kept walking. I had no intention of speaking with the brunette and he clearly had no intention of talking to me.

Lord Momochi had decided the formation we'd walk in. I was to the right of the middle, Bad was to the left with Skeppy. Sapnap was with Karl and Punz near the front just behind lord Momochi, against lord Momochi's wishes, and George was near the back with Masters water clone. He had insisted the clone walk in the back to keep watch and Punz was quick to agree with the plan. Master didn't even bat an eye; he simply nodded in understanding and created the water clone.

I had felt something hit my mask and caught it as stealthily as I could and brought it to my face. The paper was wrinkled due to it having to be made small enough not to garnish attention. I recognized the code on it. A secret code Bad, Sapnap and I had created in order to speak to each other without fear of anyone knowing what we were saying. It was something we developed during our stay with lord Momochi, something he praised us for creating, instead of scolding us like must sensei's would.

I looked at the code and scowled. It was in Bad's handwriting. I turned my scowl at Bad, but he was already trying to chat with Skeppy. I groaned and crumpled the peice of paper back up and turned to the clone on the back. Without even saying anything the clone nodded and another water clone appeared next to me. I nodded and fell back to walk next to George. He pretended to ignore me; however, the idiot tightened his fists by his side, and I knew he was ignoring me. Which was just fine, because I didn't want to be near him, nor did I want to be talking to him either.

"So, what bring the Lock village to the hidden Leaf villages Chūnin Exams?" He ignored me and kept walking; his face stone cold. I rolled my eyes and shot yet another glare at Bad. Said ninja was chatting away with Skeppy, though judging by the way Bad's shoulders were slumped he wasn't getting anywhere either.

I continued walking with George for a bit, neither of us chatting. I noticed he kept his long sleeves down, making dame sure not to reveal his pale skin. I thought it was weird. Bad had made a note about some kind of scars on his arms but lord Momochi had told us to not speak of it. So, we didn't.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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