Chapter ten: Village Hidden in the Lock

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TW. Swearing. (See end author note)

To a ninja, nothing is more important then the mission. The fact is a universal one. One shared by every shinobi village and even rough ninja. This shinobi principle was the reason a certain brunette was walking around his village in a foul mood.

George was furious that their mission had ended up a failure. It was supposed to be a simple easy mission. They had caught word that a powerful Mist ninja was going to the small town bordering the land of water and all they had too do was find out why.

George had quickly found the ninja and what appeared to be his students and decided to trail one of the students to gain intel. However it ended poorly due to the Sensei returning and quickly seeing through George's lie.

George was on his way to report to his own Sensei about the failure when bandits grabbed him in the street. Luckily his teammate and best friend Karl had seen it and went to get help, however instead of alerting their master, he alerted the Mist ninja. Skeppy had also noticed but instead of interfering he merely followed.

At some point the bandits knocked George out and when he came to he was met by a disappointed Beast Sensei.

George still remembered when he was first put into team Beast. Karl and Skeppy were both like him, quite and too them selves, a trait that was common for the Hidden Lock village. Now however they were somewhat close. Though not like the Mist ninja they had encountered.

On top of all that, George couldn't get the image of that stupid hand made smiley mask. That boy's voice still echoed in George's head, driving him crazy and even more mad.

George was so busy being angry that he didn't notice Skeppy and Karl walk up on either side of him.

"George, you still pissed at failing the mission?" Skeppy asked sounding indifferent. 

George glared at him, "Why the heck would you care Skep? We all know you abandoned the mission, so technically you failed to complete it as well. No need to act all high and might."

The dark haired boy scoffed, "Last I checked I had to abandoned the mission in order to save you ass. So how about you get off of it dumb ass."

George was about to say something until Karl laughed, "Oh my God, you two are so stupid, who cares. Beast Sensei was able to collect intel and knows the Mist ninja was meeting with a former Leaf ninja in secret."

"Oh, so are we going to alert the Hidden Leaf then? Might get a good sum of money out of them if our village does," Skeppy said sounding somewhat amused.

Karl shook his head, "Not likely, our village might sell that info to other villages to let them prepare for possible war between the two, but beyond that I doubt anything well be done this early."

The three continued their walk through their village.

The Hidden Lock was a small shady village. Known for espionage and stealing secrets. The Lock was the least trusted of the ninja villages. They were also the most loyal to their village head. No one dared disobey their leaders orders.

The people of the village each one looked at the three with suspicious eyes, as if the three were poised to strike at any given moment.

George scoffed at the looks and continued walking until they came across their village leader.

He was a old man with a long beard, he war a big straw hat and a white cloak. The three bowed before him, but quickly noticed a young man with glasses. He had white hair in a small pony tail and was wearing purple clothes.

His head band was strange to the three, it bore the symbol of a sound note, something they had never seen before.

The white haired boy smiled, "Greetings, I'm Kabuto. Am I right to presume you three are the ones who went on a spying mission on the hidden Mist village?"

George stiffened, he didn't like where this was going. This boy was clearly not from their village and was in the know about their mission.

The village leader hummed, "Relax boys, Kabuto here is an ally, in fact I have a special mission for you and your Sensei. It's not for a few years due to preparations being made, but when the time comes, Team Beast will be the ones to enact this mission.

Karl raised an eye brow, "What's the mission sir?"

Kabuto smiled a sinister smile, "Oh nothing, just a little trip to the hidden Leaf. However there's no need to worry about that now. I hear you three ran into a ninja with unique abilities. Mind telling me about him?"

Skeppy frowned, "What's there to tell, he was a strong ninja who saved my friend. End of story. Why are you interested in the hidden Mist if your target is the hidden Leaf?"

Kabuto smiled, "Just a bit of concern, there's a rather big annoyance in the hidden Mist village that my master is a bit concerned might throw a kunai into his plans. Though you shouldn't worry about that. Once we have more info on the matter it'll be an easy situation to deal with."

George looked at the boy, he had a bad feeling about him, but didn't dare speak his mind.

"If you don't have anything useful to give me, your free to go. Have a good one gentlemen, I'll be in touch."

The three left, a nagging voice however in all three of their heads. One wondering what was to come.


Author note: Sorry for the short chapter, I originally had a much longer chapter but I realized it didn't go with the end of last chapter so I had to make this one. Next chapter is longer in content.

(Next part is  from my other story "Your the Boss chapter 22 on AO3 end note please read)

Hello everyone, so real quick, while I am NOT going to touch the Nikki situation as I am not a victim and feel I have no real grounds to speak for actually victims, I do want to ask that we all leave Dream out of it. I missed the Twitter space but from what everyone is saying Dream said he's still best friends with Nikki and that he doesn't have any idea about the streamer awards, has no part in them, and doesn't want to be dragged into the drama. No matter how any of us feel about her, that does not give us the right to analyze her and Dreams friendship. If Dream says their still friends then we should just trust him. Furthermore we should all respect him asking to be left out of drama, he's been through a lot of shit already the past few years and deserves a break from it all.

Also guys I know it sucks waiting for new content, but lets give Dream a break and just be patient, we all know when he uploads the new content its going to be amazing because he puts time and effort into it instead of rushing and releasing half baked trash.

Lastly all I'm going to say is if any of you were hurt by what was said at the awards please know your experience is your own, and no one has the right to tell you how you should feel about the joke or the situation. You a stronger then most of us, and please never feel like you should ever be silenced or made to let others speak for you. Stay strong :)

I'll see all of you in the next chapter, be safe, choose love and mercy over hater and anger. Also please take care of yourselves and those you love :)

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