Chapter 8: Monster of the Mist

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TW: Swearing, graphic death. Readers discretion is advised.


Team Dream along with Ganryū were currently chasing the young messy brown haired boy who was running after the three Genin's Sensei. Sapnap looked absolutely concerned and Ganryū looked like he was trying to evaluate the situation.

"Hey guys, L- Koizumi Sensei referred to the guy kidnapped as Greg. Do you think he's the same one who was with me earlier?" Dream asked concern in his voice. He had left his new clothes with the shop owner of the store he bought them at, along with Bad's new ones as well.

"It's possible. However that right now is not the issue, the issue is that someone has been taken captive and we all need to stay on guard."Ganryū instructed.

"Kind of hard when Sapnap's busy running on ahead trying to get himself killed," Dream said masking his worry with annoyance. However his body language was something Bad had picked up on a long time ago. Bad moved over to next to Dream and smiled, "It'll be OK. Even if they do get there before us, Momochi Sensei will get there first. He'll make sure both Sapnap and the other two boys are safe." Dream nodded, though he still didn't slow down his pace.

As the two seemed to go further into the woods they lost Sapnap and the brown haired boy. Ganryū took quick note and motioned for the two to stop after a while. Both boys did and looked at the stoic looking man.

"Just a bit more and we'll be on Lord Momochi's battle." He stopped for a minute and sighed, "I can sense your watching us, show yourselves."

A black haired dark skinned boy around Bad and Dream's age jumped down from the trees. On his shoulder was the brown haired boy from earlier.

Dream quickly pulled out his standard Mist village kunai and pointed the sharp point into the mysterious boy's throat. "Who the hell are you and where is Sap?"

The boy, while still keeping the brown haired boy in his shoulders, raised his hands up in surrender. "I'm not trying to be a smart ass, but maybe lower your kunai from my throat. I'm typically more talkative with guys who aren't threatening to kill me."

Dream was about to press the tip in just a bit to draw a bit of blood, and prove his action was no mere threat, when a certain brown haired hat wearing boy walked into the clearing, "Dame there still just standing there, no ones moving- Oh hey Dream, Bad. When did you guys get here?"

Bad walked over and slapped Sapnap across the face and glared at him. "What the actual heck! You had us worried you idiot! Never do that again you muffin head!" Sapnap grabbed his cheek and rubbed it, "Dame Bad, that hurt."

Dream looked over to where Sapnap had walked from and frowned, "I'm going to go look." Dream took two steps and Ganryū was in front of him.

"Listen, no matter what you see, do not get involved with the battle. Stay out of it. You'll only get in your Sensei's way. Trust me, he can handle the situation." Dream nodded and was allowed to proceed. After walking a bit he quickly hunched down and spotted Lord Momochi standing in a clearing surrounded by bandits who were standing in a circle surrounding him.

"I'll say it again, release the boy and we can all go home." Lord Momochi said, still in his disguised form. Dream looked and noticed one of the bandits was standing back from the others and was holding the brunette from earlier, who was bent over his shoulder. The bandit had a scar going down his left eye and across his nose.

"Hah, how about you give us all you got, tell us a few village secrets, we keep the boy, and maybe we let you leave here alive little man." The one holding the brunette said smirking.

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