Chapter two: Lord Momochi's decision.

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Warning: This chapter mentions murder and insinuated self death! Please be aware.


Dream clenched his fists in side of his hoodie as he and his friends walked behind lord Momochi. They walked for a good bit. No one saying a single thing. The silence was only helping add to the concern of Sapnap and Bad, and the anger of Dream. 

They walked a good distance from the main part of the village which sent alarms through the three. when they began walking through a forest Dream stopped and held out his arms stopping his friends.

Lord Momochi stopped and looked over his shoulder with a puzzled look on his face. "What's going on? I didn't tell you to stop. Are you three tired already?"

Dream glared from behind his mask, "Cut the crap. If your going to kill us just get it over with. However we won't go down without a fight! We may be considered trash in this village but were human beings who deserve to breath just like everyone else!"

Lord Momochi turned around and raised his hands in defeat. "Alright you got me... I'm planning on torturing and killing you for your disrespect earlier. I just can't stand your childish remarks they really hurt." He said in a mock tone, pretending to sound like a whiney child and placing a hand over his heart.

Bad and Sapnap looked confused while Dream bit down on his tongue so hard he tasted the metallic taste of his own blood.

"Don't mock us. If your going to kill us just do it. We've been through enough crap." Sapnap said frowning. However he only got an annoyed look from the older mist ninja.

"Look, I don't know what you three think I'm capable of, but I'm not going to hurt you. I noticed the three of you look like a simple breeze could blow you away. I can't have the three of you on the verge of death now can I?" He turned back around and started walking again.

"Wait, what do you mean? Why would you care about us? We're just three orphans and your the legendary crimson titan of the blood mist. Why would you be interested in us?" Bad asked in a timid voice. Sapnap nodded, "Yeah, shouldn't you be putting you name forward for Mizukage instead of Mei?  It makes no sense what so ever."

Lord Momochi sighed and stopped again, not bothering to turn around again. "If the three of you will stop asking so many questions I'll be more then happy to answer all you have to ask after I feed you." He continued walking then and showed no sign of hesitation or room for argument.

The three mist orphans simply nodded and followed behind him silently. None of the three said another word. They did however share worried expressions.

After a a good bit of time the three orphans were met with a house. The house's appearance leading to the three boys mouths to fall to the ground. Lord Momochi turned and saw their expression and shrugged. "Welcome to my home."

The house was big. It was a two story house with big windows on the top and bottom stories. The front of the house had a nice sized porch with a two rocking chairs out front and a small table between them. The house's panel walls painted a faded blue color similar to Lord Momochi's kimono, and looked worn with a few patches of missing paint. The porch and pillars holding up the roof of the porch looked like they were carved by a master craftsmen. such elegant wood work was something the three boys had never seen.

There were two long windows on either side of the front door. The door itself appeared to be made of solid wood and had what looked like dragons carved into it. There was a window in the door however it appeared a curtain was on the other side and it was closed.

Lord Momochi walked up to the door and simply opened it, not even using a key. He walked in and after a few minutes poked he's head back out. "Are you three coming or am I going to have to set you up a make shift camp and bring your meals out to you?" Bad shook his head, "Can you give us a sec sir?" Lord Momochi shrugged and turned around. "When your done meet me in the kitchen".

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